Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1649: Summon ancient gods

Where there is oppression, there is resistance!

When Ye Tian stepped the entire West under his feet, the West never stopped trying to retaliate, and gave Ye Tian and the entire East a thunderous blow.

"The support of the East is only the young demon king. As long as this person is killed, the world will return to my control of the West." said a Western wise man, an old man nearly 100 years old, wearing The old robes, long beards and hair are all white, and the eyes are piercing, which seems to give people a sense of intelligence, the kind that can be known for five hundred years, and for five hundred years.

"However, the young demon king is incomparably brave, his body is almost immortal, and even nuclear weapons can't be destroyed. How can we kill them?"

"With the technological means of the earth, it is really difficult to do nothing about the young devil. However, in addition to technological means, we have other support in the West."

"What to rely on?"

"Sleeping ancient gods. Offer piety and blood to wake them up and participate in battle."


The dramatic changes in the world before the ages, the invasion of foreign enemies, not only the ancient immortals of the East, but also the ancient gods of the West also participated, but the scale was not as large as the ancient gods of the East.

The earth at that time was called the Great Star of Middle Earth, and the Eastern civilization of immortality occupied the absolute dominance.

Therefore, in the ancient books of the West, there are also records of the Great War before the ages, mainly describing their ancient gods and their great achievements.

After the world has changed drastically, this world is no longer suitable for ancient immortals and ancient gods to survive.

Some of the ancient immortals in my east left the earth to go to other cultivating planets, and some opened up secret realms, such as Kunxu secret realm, Taishan secret realm, Penglai secret realm,..., relying on the remaining roots of heaven and earth, to continue to survive and practice, Multiply.

The same is true for the ancient gods in the West, they will not wait to die, some have left, and some have opened up secret realms.

"Where is the ancient **** now?" someone asked urgently.

"In the legend." The wise man was unpredictable.


"The Olympus of southern Europe, the gods of northern Europe, the vampire family, the fallen angels, the feathered serpent **** of Maya, the **** of death in Egypt, the golden **** of South America, .... Go, how many places you can find, can wake up How many are there. There is only so much I can reveal."


A word of the wise man aroused the enthusiasm of the entire West, looking for the ancient gods of the West, and awakening them to participate in the battle against the East.

These gods will at least possess the combat power of the earth immortals, no weaker than the thirteen blood ancestors of the blood race.

Of course, everything is done in secret.

Today, the West is terrified of our great eastern country, and it is especially afraid of Ye Tian.

In the dense virgin forests of Central America, a magnificent pyramid stands on the ground with a square top and a height of one hundred meters. It looks like a mountain, majestic and majestic.

On one side of the pyramid, there is a huge relief, a giant dragon with a pair of feathered wings, vivid and vivid, giving people a strong visual impact.

In fact, this is not a dragon, but a snake. It just grows very thick and looks like a dragon. A pair of feathered wings allows it to fly, and is called a feather snake.

In the myths and legends of the ancient jungle, it became a god, the feathered snake god.

It was the night when piles of bonfires lit up at the foot of the pyramid, and the raging flames rose more than two meters high, shining brightly like daylight. Hundreds of ancient jungle tribes wearing grass skirts and painted strange makeup sang and danced. The ancient sacrificial rituals, devoutly worship the feather snake god, bless them with good weather and a good corn harvest.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, the sound of a machine gun rang, and a group of camouflage soldiers appeared, massacring the ancients.

In just a moment, hundreds of ancient tribes fell into a pool of blood, the earth was stained with blood, the bones were everywhere, and the strong smell of blood was pungent.

Immediately afterwards, the camouflage soldiers retreated, and a black figure appeared. He was a tall man wrapped in a black robe with a hood on his head. His face was huge and half hidden in the shadows, showing only his pale chin. And dark red lips, giving people a sense of horror.

He held a crystal skull in his hand, the size of a real human skull, finely crafted and flawless.

This is a wizard, good at blood sacrifices.

Standing at the foot of the pyramid, he chanted ancient spells in a cold and hoarse voice, sometimes high and sometimes low, while waving the crystal skull in his hand.

With the sound of his singing, blood gurgled across the floor, facing the pyramid, it went retrograde strangely, layer by layer, dyeing the entire pyramid red.

"Not enough blood!"

The blood of hundreds of ancient tribes only dyed a third of the height of the pyramid red, and the blood was exhausted.

Bang bang bang!

In the jungle, gunshots were heard everywhere, and the dead bodies were dragged by camouflage soldiers like dead dogs and used as blood sacrifices.

In the end, thousands of ancient tribes were slaughtered. Three days and nights passed, the pyramid was finally stained red with blood.

The wizard was still singing the ancient spell, but his body trembled uncontrollably.

And the pyramid in front of him was also shaking.

"Head, look, there is a reaction. The pyramid is shaking, and the feather snake **** must be awakened."

There was warm applause from Liberty City, the capital of the great empire, and the center of the Defense Forces.

The image of the blood sacrifice in the primitive jungles of Central America was presented in real time in front of a group of military leaders carrying the stars. Führer Hopkins was also present.


As it shook, the Mayan pyramid was blazing with blood, and the invisible coercion rushed in all directions like a frenzy, rolling up hurricanes.

But the blood sacrificial wizard remained unmoved, instead sang more loudly.

The pyramid divine light in his hand is blazing, forming a large light group, guarding him in it.


Shaking too violently, the Mayan Pyramid finally broke down, first cracked a series of gaps, and finally collapsed like a landslide.

Amid the earth-shattering roar, one was full of black bone spurs, UU reading had a ferocious snake head the size of a car, slowly rising from the sky of **** smoke.


Seeing the huge black snake head, everyone on the scene, as well as the generals watching the live broadcast from the Center of the National Defense Forces, all gasped.


There was another sound of shaking mountains, the collapsed pyramids splashed and the body of the black snake twisted out.

However, before the snake body came out, a pair of huge wings spread out, like two black ink clouds, covering the sky and the sun. With a slight shock, the hurricane whistled, blowing sand and rocks, and even a big tree. Tree broken.

Its pitch-black scales are larger than the basin, and the surface is uneven. In the gaps between the scales, burning red light is surging. It seems that the blood flowing in its veins is not blood, but hot magma, giving people a sense of violent power.

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