Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1632: No more 9 Li

No one urged, no matter how strong the magic weapon is, it is just a dead thing after all.

However, in the **** mist in the sky, a divine light suddenly rushed out and escaped into the Tiger Soul Warriors at an incredible speed.

Suddenly, the brilliance of the Tiger Soul Sabre was prosperous, and it made a clear sound of clank, suddenly turned into a red rainbow, and rushed towards the enchantment of Jiuli Divine Sect.

"It's just a ray of divine brilliance, do you want to be worship?"

Ye Tian let out a cold snort, displayed his magical powers, and rushed out in a few big strides. He grabbed the Tiger Soul Sabre in his hand at a distance of thousands of feet.

The soul and body of the old man Jiuli were blown by Ye Tian's fist together, but the ray of divine brilliance bred from the statue of Chi You was still there, and he escaped into the Tiger Soul Sabre.

There is a ray of chaos-like will in the divine glory, dominating this sword and helping it escape.


The sword was like a living thing, struggling frantically in Ye Tian's hands, the sword body kept twisting, and the blade humming and shaking.

For a time, the dense and crisp sound of gold and iron cried out, and Ye Tian's hands continued to splash dazzling sparks, which was caused by being cut by the knife.

However, no matter how crazily the blade was twisted and the knife's energy cut crazily, Ye Tian was still unmoved, and the golden palms were not a big problem, only a layer of skin was broken.

"Honestly, or else I'll abolish you!" Ye Tian clasped the blade tightly with five fingers, yelled and threatened.

The struggling action of the Tiger Soul Sabre stopped for a while, and suddenly became worse, making the struggle even crazier.

Although the Shenbing was strong and immortal, there were cracks on the knife body and the damage was serious. If Ye Tian wanted to destroy it, of course he could do it.

However, a magic weapon is not easy to come by, and it would be a pity if it were destroyed in this way.

Moreover, Ye Tian also felt the fiery eyes of the violent bear not far away, and wanted to own this war knife.

Ever since, Ye Tian first adjusted and taught this war knife, infused it with chaotic energy, and sacrificed the five elements of chaos **** thunder to bombard, slightly waste of effort, and finally erased the divine brilliance of Chi You.

Without the chaotic will of Divine Glory, Ye Tian would be able to control this divine weapon well.

He held knives in both hands, infused with surging mana, and the ghostly breath of **** surging out from the swords, leaving the world with cold, endless **** winds, like a dragon dancing in the sky, vast between the world.

Vaguely, Ye Tian seemed to see the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, the battlefield of the ages ago, one person with one sword, sweeping all the formidable enemies.


With Ye Tian's loud shout, the sword slammed down, and a scarlet training knife gang like a god-shattering rainbow slashed down from the void, accompanied by the roar of the giant tiger, and even a tiger shadow appeared. The sword fell together.

Click, click!

As if a hot knife was cutting on top of butter, the nine-layer guardian formation above Jiuli Divine Sect seemed to be completely broken open by a single knife without any hindrance. Even the central square of Jiuli below was divided by the excess sword energy, and a huge crack appeared, stretching thousands of feet, like an abyss.

Then, Ye Tian threw the Tiger Soul Sabre to the Grim Bear with his backhand, and said: "Take it, it's good for health and warmth. It fits well with your indestructible sword."

Then, he stepped out and rushed into the barrier.

The tyrannical bear burst into gratitude, raised a big paw, grabbed the tiger soul soldier in his hand, and then hugged it tightly in his arms, as if the bear saw a honeypot, and loved it.

It is the dream of countless cultivators to have a great avenue soldier.

Many human monks could not accomplish this dream in their lifetime, but it was completed by a spirit beast, which made people jealous.

"Any good things have been spread by this bear." The old man Jiu Jue said angrily.

"Sometimes a hit is necessary, and there is no time for a hit. I want to start." Mengyao comforted, and then followed Ye Tian into the barrier.

"In Jiuli's treasury, there will be no shortage of treasures. I won't get anything when I'm late." Zhao Qingyi laughed and rushed out.

When the old man Jiujue heard it, his eyes lit up, and he disappeared from the spot in an instant. He rushed to the Jiuli God Sect faster than everyone else, revealing the nature of the bandit.

As the largest sect of the Outer Hidden Gate of Kunxu, it has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

Whoosh whoosh!

A group of figures flew out, following Ye Tian's pace, rushing into the Jiuli Divine Sect.

"Old Xuan, what should we do?" Some monks from other sects asked Xuan Zichen.

They retreated just now, and there were even wicked intentions in their lives, vainly trying to take action when Ye Tian fell into the wind, and now they are all very calm.

"Heaven is going to perish Jiuli!" Xuan Zichen sighed softly, and walked towards Jiuli step by step, saying: "Nothing, go in and take a look."

"It doesn't matter if Jiuli is dead, as long as Kunxu is intact." There were also people gloating.

Inside the Jiuli Divine Religion, the wind roared, it was the season of spring, but the world was in depression, and no vitality was felt.

Da da da!

On the central square, tens of thousands of Jiuli disciples were silent. They didn't even dare to breathe a breath, only the trembling of their teeth and the sound of clicking.

A slender figure descended from the sky, slowly fell into the arena, carrying both hands, hunting and hunting in long clothes, like a nine-day **** descending into the world.

"I swear to die!" A voice sounded abruptly, like a thunder on the ground.


Immediately afterwards, a cold light suddenly appeared, cold and murderous.

A figure rushed out like lightning, holding an iron sword, and piercing Ye Tian's chest straight.

It was an old man with a pale face and bleeding from the corners of his mouth.


There was no sadness or joy in Ye Tian's eyes, no surprises, lifted an iron fist, and smashed it out.


The iron sword rolled its blade and flew out horizontally.

The old man's chest cavity was pierced, and then his body was torn apart, broken into countless pieces, splashing large patches of blood.

"Kill! I will never surrender!"


Another flash of cold light illuminates the earth, the peerless sword's edge is green like water, fierce and fierce, and the speed is astonishing.


Ye Tian only gently pointed it out, Biao shot a sharp killer light, and even the sword with the man was turned into blood mist, and he could not even get close to him.


"Kill kill kill!"

"I will never surrender!"

"Fight, UU reading will never surrender!"


Although most of the Jiuli disciples have been suppressed by Ye Tian's domineering power, there will always be some enthusiastic people who are unwilling to gossip, knowing that they are dead, and do not hesitate.

For these people who didn't know good or bad, Ye Tian naturally acted without mercy and suppressed them with thunder.

If there is anyone who wants to leave the Jiuli Divine Sect, Ye Tian will let him go.

If there is anyone who wants to be attached, Ye Tian will also accept it.

He didn't want to slaughter these weak and ignorant creatures, but on this day Jiuli Divine Sect was still bleeding into a river, and bones could be piled up everywhere.

After this day, there were no more Jiuli in the world, and a new sect took its place, named Beiming Xianzong.

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