Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1572: Last hit

Jianguang swept across the room, and Daoist Cleaner's left arm was broken shoulder-to-shoulder, and fell towards the ground.

   The divine sword is too sharp, the wound is extremely smooth, and the red blood is gushing out, it is hot and hot, and it is so beautiful that it looks shocking.

   His right palm was just exploded with a punch, and his left arm was gone, his hands were completely useless, and his whole person was suddenly disabled.

   "Ah!" Daoist Washing the dust roared, raging and mad with hatred.

   A burst of qi rushed out of the body, transformed into a big hand, and grabbed the fallen left arm.

   As long as he grabs his arm immediately, and presses on the wound with his hand, with the powerful vitality of the earth fairy, he will grow well soon and restore his combat power in a very short time.

   However, Daoist Washing Dust grabbed empty hands.

When the big hand of Gang Qi could touch the broken left arm, an extremely powerful sword qi burst out of the broken arm, twisting the entire broken arm, together with the big hand in the shape of a broken arm. It's broken.

   "No!" Daoist Washing Chen almost went crazy, his roar was shocking.

   Ye Tian didn't have the slightest heart of compassion. He regained his sword and slashed out with a sword. A sword beam surrounded the sun, moon and stars, like a starry river, covering the sky and covering the earth, instantly obscuring every inch of vision of Taoist Washing.

   Xichendao said nothing, Ye Tian had already given him a chance, everything was deserved.

At this moment, the entire ancient battlefield was filled with terrifying sword aura. Soldiers once again turned into bones, lying on the ground in all directions, and palaces and halls collapsed and turned into broken walls. The beasts were wiped out in the roar,...

  Everything is like a dream, the ancient battlefield has become the same as before, blood-stained the earth, there is no grass, and it is desolate.

   Ye Tian bathed in divine glory, like an ancient **** of war, standing proudly on this blood-stained land, as if everything here was caused by him.

   "Child, **** you, use your blood to atone for your sins!" The Taoist Cleaner yelled coldly.

   He opened his mouth and spit out a **** arrow, containing his original blood essence, with unparalleled attack power, and suddenly shattered the star river sword light that Ye Tian had split.

   He was full of qi turbulent, and a qi big hand was recondensed from the smashed right hand, and a qi arm was recondensed from the broken left arm.

Although    is a gasification form, it looks like a real arm.

   It's just that, in a real battle, it is far less solid, tyrannical, and flexible than a real arm.

   But it is better to have something than nothing.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  噗!

  The Taoist Washing Dust opened his mouth and vomited, and another source of blood essence spurted out.

  At the same time, he pressed his right hand into the void, and the original blood essence was collected, a large crystal hand turned out, covering the sky, almost covering the sky, and slapped Ye Tian fiercely.

   "At the end of the crossbow, the bugs are small skills!" Ye Tian looked coldly indifferent, even too lazy to use the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, but also slapped it out, transforming into a big golden hand, like a big seal, and slapped it out.


   Two huge palms collided, and the sky was about to be overturned. The entire palace was ringed like a big bell, and the sound waves were earth-shattering. It shook the ears and drums of many disciples outside the Temple of Heavenly Secrets, even bleeding from the seven orifices. Others couldn't bear it and passed out.

   "If you only have these abilities, then go on the road." Ye Tian said, not moving, still standing proudly.

   But the Taoist Washing Dust stepped back more than ten steps, and his arms and hands were shattered.

   "Damn boy, how come you are so strong? This is unreasonable." Daoist Xichen was mad.

   He has lived for a long time, not only has he never seen it, he has never even heard of this kind of monster. The cultivation base is obviously only the gods, but the physical and spiritual power have reached the level of the golden core.

   "You forced me. Since you can't kill you, then we will all die together." Taoist Washing Chen whispered, his expression free from sadness or joy, his expression was surprisingly calm.

   Boom boom boom!

   A terrifying breath erupted from his body. The body was glowing and blooming, the original wrinkled and dry skin became crystal clear, and the silver hair was turning black. The whole person was rejuvenating.

   He was burning the original blood essence, blooming all his life for the rest of his life at this moment, his vigorous aura was like a mountain, oppressed and suffocating.

  Tianji Baoque, all the elders and disciples of the Tianji Hall knelt down on the ground and worshipped.

   The big hands and arms he severed grew out again, not in the form of qi, but real flesh and blood.

   The last bloom of life, eternal in an instant, the flesh becomes incomplete, it is a kind of praise to life.

   He stroked his hands, the runes gleamed, and his Qi machine was connected to Baoque, and his flesh became blurred, as if he wanted to blend into this world.


   On the sky, a series of lightning flashed across, dazzling, condensed into chains, like a comet, dragging a dazzling tail light, rushing to the earth.

   At this moment, the world changed drastically again, the voice of the Taoist roared, the Taoist wave spread, and a vast aura swept across the entire world, majestic and vast.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Baoque vibrates, buzzes, and more runes spread out.

   "God's chain binds this sinner and sends him to hell!" The Taoist Cleaner roared, his pupils congested, and he was very strange.

   The chains formed by the lightning bolts suddenly seemed to have life, entwining Ye Tian.

   This is Baoque’s resurrection of the stigmata, which turned into a chain of order, which not only binds the human body, but also locks the soul, unparalleled tyranny.

   "Is this your last hole card?" Ye Tian shook his head lightly.

   "It's enough to kill you." Taoist Washing Chen sneered, thinking that he was determined to eat Ye Tian.

   You know, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com This is the chain of order, the embodiment of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and there is no solution unless it can be suppressed from the Avenue.

   "Then you are optimistic."

   Ye Tian’s eyebrows flashed with brilliance, and a golden villain came out holding a sword, and the immortal glory bloomed, shining the world.


   Dao sword slashed and slashed towards the chain of order, accompanied by a harsh sound, the chain of order broke every inch.

   "Damn it!" The Taoist scrubber panted heavily, as if he had eaten a dead mouse, his expression was so ugly and ugly.


   In the electric light and flint room, the Taoist Washing Dust suddenly violent, grabbed the bronze wargo, rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​and pierced out with the strength of the whole body, and stabbed Ye Tian's Tianling Gai.

   This is a shocking blow. It combines the spirit and energy of the dust-washing Taoist. Its attack power is unmatched in the world. The blood of the blade of the war is blazing, and the entire sky is dyed blood red, and it is all surrounded by the blood of the dust-washing Taoist.


  The golden villain with a length of an inch, swayed out of earth-shaking brilliance, spewed out a brilliant fairy light, and slashed away at the brows of the Taoist washing the dust.

   The Taoist Washing Dust clings to the determination to die with Ye Tian, ​​and ignores it at all, letting the Yuanshen Soldier pierce his eyebrows. And he also stabbed Ye Tian's Tianling Gai in a battle.


   Yuan Shendao sword turned into a golden long rainbow, passing through the eyebrows of Taoist Cleaner.

   Bronze Zhan Ge also pierced Ye Tian's body, the Taoist Cleaner laughed first, and suddenly his pupils shrank again. Because what he stabbed was only an afterimage.

   In despair and anger, the Taoist Washing Dust fell to the ground, his form and spirit disappeared.

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