Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1503: deity food

"The seventh auction item, Xuan Tie Shen Zhen, has a magical attribute of variable size. It can be used to cultivate the evil spirits of the gold and can also be used for refining. The starting price is 300,000 high-grade spirit stones!" Said, the sound was like rolling thunder, and it spread all over the hall, and every corner of all the private rooms.

Boom, boom!

Then a very funny scene appeared. Two sturdy men walked up, each with a height of nearly two meters, as strong as a cow, and together they carried a metal tray. They walked very hard and trampled on the ground. Boom.

On the metal tray, there is only a white crystal the size of a porcelain bowl, which is just a little bigger than a fist. It is translucent and exudes a compelling edge. It gives people a sense of indestructibility and heavy weight. Dare to look for a long time, otherwise the corners of your eyes will sting.

"Is it so heavy?"

Many people are speechless.

"What do you know, this is Shen Zhen Xuan Tie, a kind of magic material, it is a large fingernail, which weighs a hundred catties."

"What? A fingernail is as big as a hundred catties, so such a big piece can't be a few tons, or even dozens of tons?"


There was a lot of discussion, and two sturdy big men carried Xuan Tie Shen Zhen to the auction stage, and the old auctioneer pointed out a thin palm. Obviously it took some effort to get Xuan Tie Shen Zhen in his hands.

He is an immortal, and it takes some effort to catch it, which shows how precious this piece of profound iron is.

The old auctioneer performed a live demonstration of Xuan Tie Shen Zhen's changing attributes, infusing his true energy. When it reached a certain level, Xuan Tie Shen Zhen suddenly expanded and his weight increased.

When he regained his true energy, Xuan Tie Shen Zhen would return to her original size.

"Before the eternal ages, there was a great stick magic weapon, which was refined purely by the mysterious iron **** treasure, capable of reaching up to nine heavens, reaching down to nine quiets, and destroying everything in the world with one stick. It shows the value of its craftsman." The old man continued.

Divine material that can be changed in size is rare in the world!

The pan was fried in the hall all at once, and the eyes of many people flashed with firm will, and they were sure to win this piece of profound iron god.

Ye Tian's eyes were also a bit hot, and he wanted to get this piece of mysterious iron **** treasure.

He didn't want to refine weapons, nor did he want to absorb the evil spirits of Jin Xing to cultivate the white tiger body, but when this mysterious iron Shenzhen appeared on the stage, he felt a slight agitation in the Shushan Broken Soldier.

Shushan Broken Soldier has been initially refined by Ye Tian, ​​and his mind is connected. Putting it in the Universe Ring, he can also perceive the outside world through him.

Similarly, Ye Tian could also perceive the state of Shushan's broken soldiers in the Universe Ring at any time.

Feeling the restlessness of Shushan's cut-off soldiers, Ye Tian couldn't help being moved, guessing that this mysterious iron **** should be very beneficial to Shushan's cut-off soldiers, that is, it can be used to repair the injuries of Shushan's broken soldiers.

Shushan Broken Soldier is already dilapidated, with scars and scars, the scars can be repaired, and the power of God can also be increased, and it should be easier to control.

From this, he wanted to get this piece of mysterious iron **** treasure.

"Five hundred thousand spirit stones."

"Eight hundred thousand spirit stones."

"one million."


A small piece of magical material, it looks crystal clear and warm, but it has incomparable terrifying power, which affects the mind of everyone on the scene.

In the past auctions, there are not many magical materials, like Xuan Tie Shen Zhen, it has not been released for decades. Even if it has, it's just the size of a fingernail, and it can sell at a high price.

Divine material, as the name implies, is the material that can be refined to produce divine weapons.

If you have a magic weapon, it is a nine-liu sect, and it can also become the top sect of Kunxu.

This is the power of the magic weapon, can kill the enemy across the border, invincible, and rarely meet the opponent.

Ye Tian guessed that Shushan's Broken Soldier might also be cast by Xuan Tie Shen Zhen, so it can produce Qi induction.

Divine material is inherently divine, condenses Taoist rhyme, and can be compared with extraordinary materials.

"Three million high-grade spirit stones." Ye Tian shouted, and suddenly increased the price by one million, which attracted the attention of the audience.

Lan Meng was so surprised that his mouth opened into an O shape.

She didn't know where Ye Tian was emboldened and shouted the price so high.

"Does this kid really have so much money? Or is it Jiuli's request?"

There are fewer shouting voices, but more discussions.

Three million Lingshi is a first-rate sect, and you have to weigh it, whether it is worth the shot.

"Three hundred and one hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones."

In the 9th room, a voice of Zhang Yang came out.

"My son, don't..."

"Okay, I see. Can he cheat me once, but can he cheat me twice?"

Su Tianxing stopped the persuasion of the old servant.

"3.5 million high-grade spirit stones." Ye Tian then shouted the price, cherishing the **** Xuan Tie.

"Okay, Shen Zhen Xuan Tie is yours. However, I doubt you can't get so many spirit stones."

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Su Tianxing gave up bidding so quickly.

Moreover, in the public, he wanted to reveal Ye Tian's shortcomings.

Three and a half million high-grade spirit stones are a huge amount of wealth, and many sects and families can't get it.

Hearing what Su Tianxing said, many people also cast suspicion on Ye Tian.

If you really can't get so many spirit stones, you will lose your old face. And also suffer the punishment of Jiuli God.

The old man auctioneer also suspended the auction of the next item, wanting to wait for Ye Tianxian to cash out the spirit stone.

His old man personally took the Xuan Tie Shen Zhen, step by step up the sky, and went directly to Ye Tian's No. 1 Supreme Private Room.

"Friends of Taoism, congratulations on winning the Profound Iron Shenzhen, and please also deliver 3.5 million high-grade spirit stones." The old auctioneer smiled on his face, looking very kind, but it was meant to force the palace.

"Elder Lu, don't talk nonsense with him, he can't take out so many spirit stones. UU reading is bidding maliciously, and his heart is shameful. Get him quickly." In the 9th room, Su Tianxing shouted.

At this moment, the No. 1 Supreme Private Room became the focus of the audience.

"I really can't get so many spirit stones." Ye Tian said.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the audience, with many curses.

Even if he is an alchemist, he can't do it, malicious bidding, his character is too bad.

"Hahaha, I just said, the fox's tail is exposed. Elder Lu, quickly grab him and throw him into Jiuli's dark prison, so that he will have a long memory." Su Tianxing exclaimed and said loudly.

"You..." The old auctioneer's eyebrows also stood up immediately.

Lan Meng's face turned pale with fright, and he was worried that he was also affected.

Ye Tian looked calm and calm, took a sip of tea and said:

"Although I can't produce so many spirit stones, I can exchange them with magical materials of the same value, or even more valuable."


When he said this, the audience was surprised again.

"Impossible, what can you take out that is more valuable than a piece of Profound Iron Shen Zhen?" Su Tianxing was the first to express his disbelief.

"Shut up! Where is the crumbs, is there a place for you to speak?" Ye Tian shouted angrily.

Then, he flipped his big hand over, and there was a crimson crystal in his palm, like a scale, with a large washbasin, bright and bright, scarlet like a blood diamond.

"I have a piece of void magic material here, which can be used to refine space magical tools, and can also be used to cultivate space magic. I don't know if it can be worth the value of Xuan Tie Shen Zhen?" Ye Tian said, with a light smile.

"What? Void God's material?"


The whole audience immediately fryed the pan, and the exclamation almost overturned the roof.

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