Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1487: Try Dan

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"Hey, it's a bit worse, only the spiritual product is available. But after all, the pill was refined." Ye Tian shook his head and said to himself.

Due to the terrible alchemy technique of Master Xu, Ye Tian didn't have time to remedy it later. The final Heaven-Mending Pill failed to reach the level of spiritual quality, and the improvement of spiritual roots was limited.

However, this is not important anymore. The important thing is that the pill has been verified, which is undoubtedly a supplement to the sky.

"Old Zhou, the pill is complete, please have a look."

Speaking, Ye Tian handed the pill into Zhou Laodixian's hands.

"The color is like jade, the crystal is clear and the scent of medicine is strong, it is a good spirit." Zhou Laodi stroked his sheep beard, his tight nerves relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

In an hour, in a very short period of time, it is already commendable to refine the Heavenly Patching Pill of the lower spiritual product.

After all, it is only verifying the authenticity of the alchemy, not the real alchemy.

If you are serious about refining, in a day or longer, there is a high probability that the pill will become a spiritual product.

Of course, the most important thing depends on the alchemist's alchemy skills.

Many Dao monks in the field, especially alchemy masters, all gathered around, wanting to get a closer look at the true face of Tian Dan. Everyone, if you smell it, I sniff, all of them are filled with shock.

Even if it is not a pill master, from the strong fragrance of medicine, it can be seen that it is undoubtedly a pill.

Those with clever eyesight can tell from the flashing aura on the pill that it is a panacea.

And more powerful people can see the level of the pill.

"This kid, really the alchemist failed? Did we blame him?" Some onlookers were suspicious, looking at Ye Tian with complicated eyes.

"It's an alchemist, not an ordinary alchemist. Even with his alchemy technique, the alchemy master may not be able to do it."

"Then you mean, he is Pill Saint?"

"I am, Pill Saint! Is it possible for such a young Pill Saint?"


There was an argument from the crowd, and Ye Tian once again became the focus of the audience.

There are fewer ridicules and more awe and suspense.

Little Kunxu, how backward the inheritance of alchemy is. Ye Tian's hand turned his palm into a pill furnace, which is just commonplace in the real world of cultivating immortals.

You must know that the way of pill is the way of heaven. In the hands of top alchemy masters, all things in the world can be furnaces, changing from the heart and exhausting mysteries.

"My master is really an alchemy master!"

Lan Meng followed Ye Tian, ​​and the corner of his mouth under the light gauze was also smiling, as if eating honey in his heart, and You Rongyan.

Before she knew it, she really regarded herself as Ye Tian's maid. She was overwhelmed by Ye Tian's personality, and she felt a sense of dependence.

"Thank you, Alchemy Master Xu, please cash me the bet." Ye Tian said to Alchemy Xu with a smile.

Alchemist Xu's eyes were round, staring at the Heavenly Patching Pill in Zhou Laodixian's hand, and suddenly said: "It's impossible, there must be fraud in it. This is not a Heavenly Patching Pill."

Then, he stared at Ye Tian again, gloomy, and angrily said: "Boy, I don't know what means you used, you can hide from others, but you can't hide from me. This must be the medicine you prepared in advance. I don’t know where you hide my pot of pill."

As soon as Danshi Xu said this, everyone on the scene felt a sense of awakening, and they all felt a little awkward.

Just now, they were all squeezed by Ye Tianshen Qishen's alchemy techniques, and they did not doubt the authenticity of Tiantian Pills at all. Now, listening to what Pill Master Xu said, it suddenly makes sense.

Turning your palms into a pill furnace, everyone has never heard of, and has never seen it. It is likely to be pretending to be a trick to replace the pill with the pill prepared in advance.

Anyway, no one had seen the Heaven-Mending Pill, and no one knew what the real Heaven-Mending Pill looked like.

"Boy, I'm so courageous, even my Medicine Shenzong dare to deceive." A man wearing a red pill robe shouted, his eyes fierce.

"It's shameful, this kind of person is not worthy to live in the world."


The onlookers jumped out one by one, attacking Ye Tian one after another, and the scene suddenly became noisy.

Ye Tian was besieged from all sides, and a group of avenue monks geared up, verbally criticized and pointed, and might even gang fight him at any time.

"I thought it was only you who were blind. I didn't expect so many people to be blind." Ye Tian sighed softly, shaking his head.

"Boy, what did you say? Dare to say it again,"

"I said you, and you, all of you are blind. People say it. I think that I just focus on physical training and forget my head."

"I'm looking for death! A hairy boy, dare to ridicule me and wait. Let's do it together and show him some color."

A group of onlookers were really angry and wanted to beat Ye Tian.

"Wait, let me see who dares to do it!" Zhou Lao Dixian suddenly yelled, and a strong aura was released outside, ripples in the void, calming everyone.

"Old Zhou, you...?" Alchemist Xu's face was stagnant.

"Master Xu, you said that Little Brother Ye cheated, but I didn't see it. I have witnessed the whole process. On the contrary, this pill is somewhat similar to the Heavenly Patching Pill in my clan's legend, regardless of its color. It still smells of medicine." Zhou Lao Dixian said seriously.

When he said this, everyone in the audience was moved and their eyes widened.

He is an earth fairy, who dares to doubt the eyesight of an earth fairy?

"It's impossible. My pot of pill solution is obviously spent, and it can't be condensed into a pill at all." Xu Pill Master exasperated and shouted loudly.

"Yes, you did refine the pill, but how do you know that I can't turn the decay into a miracle? Pill Master Xu, if you can't afford to lose, just say it. As long as you beg me, I might not be able to open the net and give up the bet ."

"You fart! It's not that I can't afford to lose, but you are too cunning."

"Okay, stop arguing." Zhou Lao Dixian suddenly raised his hand, stopped the two of them, and said: "I have a proposal. I wonder if the two will accept it?"

"Old Zhou, but it's okay to say," Ye Tian said.

"Find someone to try the pill! As it is a pill for replenishing the sky, when it has the effect of improving the spiritual root, you will know it after a try." Zhou Lao Dixian said.

"Okay, I agree, find someone to try the pill." After a little thought, Xu Danshi agreed.

"How about you?" Zhou Lao Dixian asked Ye Tian again.

"Try and try. However, the real Pill for Replenishing Heaven will have a good effect only if it becomes an upper spirit grade. The Replenishing Pill of lower spirit grade is equivalent to a waste pill, and its power is not good. So the person who tries it must be careful Choose so that the obvious medicine power can see changes in it."

"En." Zhou Lao Dixian nodded in agreement.

There is no reason for Xu Danshi to disagree.

In the end, after some screening, the person who tried the pill was there, it was the man who was still in the Qi refining stage in his middle age.

The qi refining period is divided into three stages, the initial stage, the middle stage, and the later stage. In the middle stage of the qi refining period, one card is 30 years.

In the gaze of countless people's expectations, the middle-aged man took the Heavenly Patching Pill.


Immediately after taking the Patching Pill, a surge of medicinal power erupted in his body.

Then, visible to the naked eye, the breath on his body was rising.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a secret gate on his body opened, and his realm broke through to the late stage of Qi refining.

After another quarter of an hour, his later stage of Qi refining was completed and he stepped into the foundation building stage.

The wood element aura between the heaven and the earth rushed out, turning into wisps of green mist, permeating into his body from the wide open pores.

This is his wood spirit roots at work, stimulating the wood vitality between heaven and earth.

"Oh my God, Heaven Patching Pill, it really is Heaven Patching Pill!"

All of a sudden there was a tumult.


But Master Xu's face was as gray as death, his teeth tightened, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

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