Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1450: Boundary passage

This is a magnificent city, covering a very wide area, with countless temples and platforms built to hold hundreds of thousands of people.

Standing in the distance and looking into the distance, the huge ancient city gives people a strong sense of oppression, and they will suddenly feel their insignificance, and the majestic and vastness of the ancient city.

This is the so-called, the mountain will stand up while the scenery will stop!

The thick city wall is like the Great Wall, stretching far away, covered with traces of the passage of time, cracks one after another, and some places even collapsed.

The tall gate tower is one hundred meters high, with a large number of exquisite reliefs carved on it, and every corner is carefully carved. On a jade plaque, the four big characters of dragon flying and phoenix dancing show that after thousands of years, they are still vigorous and powerful, always showing sonorous sword intent:

"Sun Moon Sword Palace!"

Two years ago, Ye Tian occasionally obtained the remains of the Ten Thousand Swords True Monarch in the Sword Fairy Valley of Burma. He couldn't imagine that he would come to his hometown one day, and he couldn't help feeling very much.

The existence of this site is a good interpretation of the truth. There is no eternal family, no immortal heritage, and everything will flourish and decline until the end of destruction.

Standing for a moment in front of the gate of the gate, Ye Tian entered the inner city under the lead of the violent bear.

The violent earth bear was tamed by Ye Tian and turned into a foot high, and walking with the three of them did not appear abrupt.

The Grim Bear is the beast king of a group of spirit beasts. They all bowed their ears to Ye Tian. Naturally, other spirit beasts didn't dare to take Ye Tian and watched Ye Tian enter their territory.

Ye Tian tamed the terrestrial violent bear, and the old man Jiujue was convinced by him.

I saw that the old man Jiujue put his hands in his sleeve pockets, crouched on his waist, and followed behind Ye Tian, ​​following every step, a vivid slave figure.

Lan Meng also had to treat Ye Tian differently. Like the old man Jiujue, he also corrected his attitude, serving Ye Tian like a maid.

Ye Tian walked in the ancient city, feeling the changes of the years and the ruthlessness of time.

Every brick and tile here has a protective pattern, but it has also been wiped out in the years. Many slabs have been shattered, and in the cracks, grasses are growing vigorously, and when you look at it, a green area is visible.

Thousands of years ago, when the Inner Gate destroyed the Sun and Moon Sword Palace, it should have been a bloodless attack or a dimensionality reduction attack. Most of the buildings in the Sword Palace were well preserved, and there was no sign of war.

Everything here has remained the same as it was thousands of years ago. There are many halls, the ancient streets are wide, there are restaurants, alchemy halls, and foundry pavilions, ... everything is there.

It was as if all the people here disappeared overnight, leaving only this empty city.

The Sun Moon Sword Palace was the most powerful sect of the Outer Hidden Sect, and it was destroyed by such an understatement. It can be seen that the inner hidden gate is so powerful that it deserves to be called the fairy gate.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Inner Gate randomly sends a golden core to sweep the Outer Gate invincible.

This is the cruelty of the world of cultivating immortals, the gap in the first realm is the power gap between the sky and the earth, and no amount of people can make up for it.

Therefore, there will be a legend of immortal cultivation power, one domain and one star.

"Master, there is a saying from the old slave, I don't know whether to ask?" Jiu Jue asked suddenly.

"Just ask what you want." Ye Tian said very openly.

"What is the relationship between the master and True Lord Wan Jian? Is it a descendant of True Lord Wan Jian? That's why the Sun Moon Divine Sword is in your hands?"

Lan Meng was also very interested in this question of Old Man Jiu Jue, her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Ye Tian.

"It doesn't matter if we meet in plain water, I just happened to get his remains and picked up this sword." Ye Tian told the truth and wrote lightly.

"That's it." The old man Jiujue nodded.

In his heart, he wanted to ask where Ye Tian found the remains of True Lord Wan Jian, but it was difficult to ask, and it would appear abrupt.

At this time, Lan Meng suddenly asked: "Why haven't you heard of you before? You are so powerful, and it stands to reason that your reputation should have spread throughout Kunxu."

Ye Tian glanced over, and Lan Meng felt guilty for a while, thinking that Ye Tian was going crazy.

But Ye Tian smiled faintly and said: "Of course you can never have heard of me, because I come from the secular world."

"What? Secular world?"

The old man Jiujue and Lan Meng were shocked, as if they had heard an international joke, they couldn't believe it.

Although they have never been to the secular world, Kunxu is full of secular world legends, a wasteland, a land where spiritual energy is dried up, and it is difficult to even emerge a **** state.

A peerless genius was born in the wasteland, and their jaws were shocked.

Everyone walked all the way to chat, and rushed to the core of the sword palace ruins, where the big pit where the Nine Gods Falls fell, and also the boundary passage.

Ye Tian was most concerned about the way to the sky outside the territory, but the old man Jiujue asked three questions.

He hasn't even left the outer hidden gate, and his biggest ambition in this life is to be able to enter the inner hidden gate, practice, and one day prove the golden core. UU reading As for leaving this planet and going outside the domain, he never thought about it. It's too far away and unrealistic.

Soon, the central area of ​​the Jian Palace ruins arrived, and a tsunami-like sound came from the front, rumbling.

There is like a volcano there, the color is erupting, the sky is glowing, and the aura is stronger than any other place.

There are spirit beasts around the outer edge of the big pit, breathing in the spirit here.

One day of cultivating here is enough to beat other places for seven days, half a month, or even longer.

Therefore, each of the spirit beasts grows fat and healthy, and has a high level of cultivation.

However, all spirit beasts did not dare to get too close to the big pit, at least they had to keep a distance of ten feet, because the big pit was extremely dangerous.

Da Keng is where the boundary channel is located. Since it was destroyed, it has become unstable, and it will spew out a turbulent flow from time to time, which is far more terrifying than a volcano.

The turbulent flow of the void contains the power of the law of space, and there are countless space fragments. Once they are carried in, the earth fairy can be torn apart.

Every year, many spirit beasts try their best to get too close to the boundary channel, and they are buried in the turbulence of space.

And this is only one of the dangers.

In addition, there lived a divine beast of the void in the condensing stage, a thousand-legged centipede.

It is the Void Divine Beast, the thousand-legged centipede can naturally survive in the void turbulence, and the cultivation base of the Condensation Stage sweeps all the spirit beasts.

Every once in a while, the millipede would leave from the boundary passage to hunt spirit beasts outside. Every time, there will be as few as a few, as many as dozens of spirit beasts, buried in their mouths.

When the Grim Bear said this, the old man Jiujue was speechless. He wanted to practice in this precious place, not as easy as he thought.

Lan Meng's face turned pale in shock, and he dared not move forward a hundred feet away from the boundary passage.

But Ye Tian walked forward step by step, even going to pro-critical region channel.

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