Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1448: Blast Hammer

The ten-foot-tall violent bear is so huge that it is incredible, like a mountain, standing on the ground, the aura that emanates from it is surging like a tide, the power is overwhelming the world, and the fighting spirit is straight into the sky.

Its two fists are like two heaven-shaking hammers, which hit the chest with a thunderous sound, which shook the earth apart, then collapsed and sank, and the clouds and mist in the sky were also shaken away. .

This is a true king of savage beasts. He may have cultivated for no less than a thousand years. Although he has not transformed into a human being, he has the strength of innate and immortal.

The savage beasts that do not choose to transform, follow the line of the beast king, abandon human nature, and are often more brutal and terrifying, murderous and aggressive.

Such a horrible existence blocked Ye Tian's path, giving people a sense of being one-man and one-man.

The young man came with his hand holding his hand, his pace was steady, obviously he didn't see it in his eyes.


The violent bear suddenly spoke, and even uttered human language.

Every five hundred years, the monks of the inner hidden gate will come to this old sword palace through the boundary passage. The savage beasts here are not really isolated from the world, so it is not strange to be able to speak simple human language.

"I will meet this human kid."

The silver-patterned lynx whispered to the violent bear’s spirit, shaking its smooth and oily fur, stepped on its four thick and powerful thighs, and stepped out from behind the violent bear. Its two brass bells, big eyes full of wildness, but obvious The earth flashed the light of wisdom.

It is a spirit beast, and it is also a spirit beast of the Beastmaster level. It is naturally intelligent and can think like a human.


Before the violent bear could reply, the silver-patterned lynx suddenly rushed out, turning into a silver lightning, which was almost unbelievable and ferocious.

Puff puff!

As it ran, it opened its mouth to spit out countless crescent-shaped air soldiers, like countless swords cut out by swinging a battle knife, cutting the void into many holes, and killing Ye Tian in all directions without dead ends.

Although I saw Ye Tian's methods just now, the silver-patterned bobcat was not afraid at all and was very confident in his own strength.


Ye Tian only spit out a simple word, and then blasted the same simple punch.

A series of golden divine lights surging out from his body, gathered on his fist, like a golden warhammer.


He blasted out with a punch, and the big golden fist marks pierced the sky, and suddenly burst into flames, and there were golden thunder bursts, as if a punch to destroy the power of the nine heavens, it was really terrifying to the extreme.

The roaring weather soldiers, like soap bubbles, burst into pieces like a cannon, and annihilated in the void.

After the Qi soldiers, the silver-patterned Lynx hurriedly ran away, but was locked by the punching Qi machine and could not escape. Eventually, he was beaten by a punch and his body was torn apart.

With just one punch, a beast king at the peak **** level was killed.

A group of savage beasts commotion, some have already begun to retreat.

But the ten-zhang violent bear is motionless, majestically, towering like a mountain.


Suddenly, the ground shook, like an earthquake.

I saw that a piece of ground in front of Ye Tian kept arching up, as if a creature was sprinting underground, it was huge, and it spread to Ye Tian's feet at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Tian didn't even look at it. He just stomped his feet abruptly, and the earthy yellow thunder burst out like a volcano.

Amidst the earth and billowing thunder, a three-foot-long pangolin wailed, and the black steel-like body was blown to a pulp, and bursts of meat smelled.

The third shot was a fire ape, one foot tall, his eyes were like torches, and his fur was beating flames.

Without any nonsense, the fire ape opened his mouth when he came up, spouting a pillar of fire that reached the sky and the earth.


Like an erupting mountain torrent, the fire was overwhelming the sky, accompanied by the earth-shaking sound, washing away Ye Tian. Wherever it passed, all vegetation turned into ashes, and rocks melted into magma.

At this time, I saw that Ye Tian simply slapped a palm, and the torrent of fire turned back.

The fire ape lost control of the flame, and was rushed out, screaming again and again in the air.

"So strong!" Lan Meng was shocked.

Although it hasn't been long since I knew Ye Tian, ​​the magical abilities that Ye Tian displayed had already exceeded Lan Meng's imagination.

At a similar age, but one by one, she has no place to show herself.

The old man Jiujue also looked shocked. The young man in front of him was incredibly powerful, making him feel ashamed of this old bone.

He was originally very dissatisfied with Ye Tian, ​​thinking that if Ye Tian hadn't secretly planted a curse in his body, he could reduce his cultivation base, it must be Ye Tian, ​​not him, who became a prisoner at this moment.

However, now, his view has changed a little, that is, he is using the realm of the earth immortal and Ye Tian to fight a battle, and he is not 100% sure to win.

"If you can surrender this violent bear by your own strength, I will really convince you." The old man Jiu Jue whispered with cold eyes.


At this time, the ten-zhang violent bear was furious, and accompanied by a earth-shattering roar, he uprooted a big tree with a diameter of two meters, weighing hundreds of tons, and slammed his head against Ye Tian.


Ye Tian shouted in a low voice, facing a towering tree that smashed at him like a small mountain, only stretched out one hand, palm fingers as a knife, and lightly slashed in the air.


A dazzling golden light swept across the air, and bursts of sound of piercing gold and cracking stones came out, like a golden war knife, cutting through the void.

The towering tree weighing hundreds of tons was cut in two in front of Ye Tian and flew out from both sides of his body.

At this moment, Ye Tian's figure suddenly disappeared from the same place. UU Reading slammed his feet on the ground, stepped out of a big pit, and his body swayed up to a hundred meters high in the sky, and then a turning point, like a flowing light phantom , Rushed in the direction of the bear.

When he swooped down, his whole body was turbulent with chaotic energy, blazing thunder light bloomed, and thick chaotic divine thunders wrapped his body, from head to toe, like a **** who controls thunder and lightning.


After nine days of thunder, Ye Tian slid out a palm and snapped it down.

Thousands of golden lights gleamed, and the palm of the god-like gold suddenly became bigger.

There seemed to be a sea of ​​thunder in the palm of his palm, and countless thunder bursts.


The thunder shocked the world, and the lightning was like a tide, surging like a nine-day galaxy pouring down, covering the world and destroying everything.

This is a new supernatural power, the perfect combination of the Five Elements Chaos God Thunder and the Chaos Golden Light Palm.

When it fell to the height of ten feet above the head of the violent bear, the golden palm of the chaotic golden light became ten feet in size, which was comparable to the huge body of the violent bear.

The golden light did not reach the palm of the gods, but the invisible coercion had already fallen, suppressing the bear in the air.

There are also thick and thick chaotic divine thunder, slashing down from the palm of the palm, and bombarding the bear.

The ground around the violent bear suddenly sank several feet, and his thick hair was anxious.

It can still contend with the coercion of the giant palm, but the chaotic thunder pillars pouring down like a galaxy in the nine days make it exhausted.

The violent bear roared loudly, struggling hard, trying to break free of the invisible coercion.

The violent bear is so powerful that it can shake mountains. After some struggle, it actually broke through the force field cage formed by the palm of the sky.

However, it just broke free from the palm of the air.

At the moment it got away, the golden palm of the thunder and lightning had already fallen from the sky and blasted fiercely on its huge body like a hill.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, Shizhang violent bear was slapped into the mud with a slap.

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