Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1429: Sword Palace Old Ground

The apes on both sides of the strait can't cry, Qingzhou has passed the ten thousand mountains!

The boat went down the river, unknowingly, the central Kunlun arrived, and the old place of the Sun Moon Sword Palace was here.

The green hills on both sides of the strait are towering, the apes scream and tigers roar, the cliffs are thousands of people, and I only see a line of sky.

This is the most turbulent section of the Chishui River. Like an angry dragon, it rushes and roars, and waves crashing on the cliffs, making bursts of rumbling noises, constantly reflecting between the cliffs on both sides, deafening. The river water was stained with blood and even more red.

On one side of the river, the sky is clear and clear as washing, while the other side is covered with dense fog. It is like this all the year round, full of mystery, as if the two banks of the river are two completely different worlds.

In the thick fog, the large mountains are only faintly visible, all hanging in the sky, never falling.

Each mountain is majestic, and the green peaks are connected to the clouds, as if they are directly connected to the nine heavens, as if they existed before the opening of the sky, revealing a vast and vast aura.

The green hills are verdant, the ancient trees are like dragons, and the branches of old pine like horned dragons are stretched out in the clouds and mist.

The old vines are so big that you don't know how long they are, and they connect from one mountain to another, turning them into empty bridges.

A series of silver waterfalls descended from the sky, down three thousand feet, like a nine-day Milky Way hanging upside down, very magnificent, and it makes people feel excited.

If you are lucky, you can even see animals and all kinds of birds and beasts on the floating mountain.

Even if Ye Tian turned his eyesight, he could only see the tip of the iceberg, and couldn't see the deepest scene at all.

The Sun Moon Sword Palace occupies the most central piece of sacred land in Kunxu. In its heyday, it occupies thousands of miles. There are hundreds of thousands of sect disciples, and there are uncountable cities under its command. It is no different from a dynasty.

Since being annihilated by the inner hidden immortal gate, the core area of ​​the Sun Moon Sword Palace has been sealed off, isolated from the world, and covered by the fog array.

The inner hidden gate, that is, the existence of the immortal gate, is no longer a big secret in the outer hidden gate, and many people know it.

According to legend, the boundary passage between the inner and outer hidden gates is in the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

This may be one of the reasons why the Inner Gate sealed the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

After all, not everyone can get involved in the boundary channel.

The inner hidden gate destroyed the Sun Moon Sword Palace, and it was rumored to be related to the boundary passage.

At that time, the inner gate regarded me as the outer gate as the lower realm. The True Lord Wan Jian in the Sun Moon Sword Palace shot, trying to destroy the boundary passage, and it was separated from the Inner Gate. As a result, a great battle broke out and the Sun Moon Sword Palace was destroyed. However, the boundary channel was only half destroyed, and when the time and space tide was weak in 500 years, it could be passed through with the help of the void artifact.

After a handful of calculations, the five-hundred-year cycle is coming again, and I don't know what storms will be stirred up.

Li Chundao told Ye Tian all these things, it shouldn't be groundless.

Ye Tian suddenly had an urge to fly to the sky to take a look, and even wanted to enter the core old place of Sun Moon Sword Palace.

Although the old core site was sealed by the magic circle, he could not try to open it.

The relationship between him and Sun Moon Sword Palace was formed very early, and it is normal to have this kind of thought.

A group of passengers widened their eyes and looked around. Although they could only see the vague scene, each of them was excited, as if they were mourning a piece of history and reminiscing about a past.

"It's a pity that the once the largest sect in the world is gone." A young man in brocade said, shaking his folding fan, and couldn't help sighing.

"There is no immortal dynasty, nor immortal sects in this world. Looking at the ages, everything is just passing by." Another man said. Sipping a sip of tea, he looked like a gentleman.

"If it weren't for the hidden gate, the Sun Moon Sword Palace would have been passed down to this day. And Jiuli Divine Religion would not have the status it is today." Another guest said.

"I also heard that Jiuli God Sect was supported by the Inner Gate, the minions of the Inner Gate, and the purpose is to control the Outer Gate."

"Hush, you can't say that, if someone hears it, be careful of your life."


A group of monks sighed and discussed with each other.

The Jiuli Divine Sect they mentioned, Ye Tian heard when he was at the Qingshan Gate, it was the largest gate of the Wai Yin Sect, and there were dozens of earth immortals under the gate, and it was even said that there might be an ancestor of the heaven immortal who survived.

The central sacred place of the hidden gate is a thousand li in radius. The original site of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, except for the sealed space of a hundred li, is all occupied by the Jiuli Sect, and it deserves to be the largest sect of the hidden gate.

That is, because of the guarding of the Jiuli Divine Sect, no one dared to get involved in the old core of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

"It's just a few broken mountains. If there is anything interesting, they are all scattered."

At this moment, suddenly a voice sounded abruptly, not high in pitch, but very strong.

When everyone followed the sound, they saw a very young man coming, with thick hair like satin, slender and tall, and handsome, but his eyes were sharp as knives, full of wildness, and he scanned everyone indifferently.

He was holding a halberd in one hand, and there was blood and light looming at the sharp edge of the blade. It was the murderous intent of the seal, and it was uncertain.

His whole person is also exuding the power of persecution, like a fierce beast, who wants to choose people to eat.

A young and beautiful woman walked side by side with him, wearing a blue dress, with bright eyes and white teeth, slim and curvy, coming here like an empty valley or orchid, dreamy and ethereal.

"Who are you? Why should we leave?" someone dissatisfied. U U Reading

"You don't have the right to know who my son is. If you let you leave, you will leave quickly. This place has already been reserved by my son." A young fellow who followed him shouted.

"What are you kidding me, this is a public space, which is why you say that you just book a place?"

"This is too arrogant. Don't think it's a great deal to have a few bad money. Who can board this ship, who is mediocre?"

"Yeah, why should we leave? I want to talk about love. There is a place on the ship."


For a time, the sentiment was infuriated.


The young man raised his eyebrows coldly, and the halberd of the euphorbia in his hand fell to the ground. There was a sudden shock. For a while, the whole ship shook, and a series of protective formations were excited.

Like this kind of ship, there will be a forbidden circle to enhance the hull's ability to resist hits. Although fighting is forbidden on the ship, it is inevitable that a hot-tempered monk does not play cards according to common sense. If the ship is dismantled in two or three times and the ship slips away, it will not be worth the loss.

"Just rely on this in my hand!" The young man said with a cold face: "A group of idiots from the Southern Territories are also qualified to sit with me? They will all disappear immediately. My name is Xiao Wenlong, if you are not satisfied, I will send you one by one. Go to hell."

This ship set sail from the Southern Region, and most of its passengers are from the Southern Region.

At this moment, he was angry and violent, and the angry voice of the audience was actually suppressed, and everyone was moved.

"I know who he is. Xiao Wenlong, Xiao Yifei's younger brother, is no wonder so arrogant." Someone gritted his teeth and said, but kept his voice low.

"Xiao Yifei, is the contemporary **** son of Jiuli Sect?"


Knowing the identity of the young man, many people immediately lost their temper.

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