Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1420: Coming to the Sky Profound Sword Sect

The Sky Profound Sword Sect is worthy of being the largest sect in the southern part of the Yinmen, covering a very wide area with a radius of more than 100 kilometers. The mountain gate is a beautiful place with 28 peaks connected, each of which is towering and towering. The top of the mountain is surrounded by clouds and fog all the year round, and there are waterfalls flowing back down. From a distance, it is like a belt of jade, magnificent and beautiful. .

At the foot of the mountain, there are lush vegetation, towering ancient trees, flowers of various colors, and elixir everywhere. There are streams winding by, green mountains and green waters, and smoke curling, like the dwelling of gods.

A jade mountain road winds up, traveling thousands of meters, and you can see a tall archway gate tower, which is in the shape of a big sword that can reach the sky. Big characters, iron painted silver hooks, vigorous and powerful.

I saw that every nick of the big characters exudes brilliance, and if there is no time, there will be more clanging sounds, like a divine sword trembling, if you look at it for a long time, your eyes will sting.

This is not an illusion. The four characters should come from the hands of the sword repairing power. When they were engraved, they left an immortal sword intent, so there would be such a vision.

At this moment, Xiao Tianshu burned the original essence and blood wildly, consumed most of his old life, nearly survived, and finally came to the gate of the Sky Profound Sword Sect.

However, a gatekeeper disciple blocked his way and did not recognize him at all.

Because he has changed so much, he is in ragged clothes, like a beggar, even his own son is hard to recognize in person.

"I am your Sect Master, quickly ring the thunder bell, summon all the masters under the door, and there will be a powerful enemy attack." Xiao Tianshu shouted loudly without fighting.

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards the gate of the mountain like no one else.

Behind him, on the Jade Mountain Road winding up, suddenly a young figure appeared, also walking in the direction of the mountain gate.

The young man's speed looked very slow, like a grandpa taking a walk, but he was disillusioned step by step, and it was astonishing.

It was Ye Tian who retreated from the Vermillion Bird Law Body, transformed into a human form again, and chased after the Sky Profound Sword Sect.

The gatekeeper was riding on a high-headed dragon-scale horse with a big sword in front of him. When he heard Xiao Tianshu's words, he was suddenly startled, thinking that his ears were stuffed with donkey hair and he had heard it wrong.

Ever since the establishment of the Sky Profound Sword Sect, has anyone dared to say such big words at the gate of the mountain?

This is a big rebellion, and it will afflict the nine races!

"I went to Nima, where's Huazi, dare to talk nonsense here. If you are the master of the sky, I am the Heavenly King Laozi, the Jade Emperor. Hurry up and get out of here, or I will kill you with a sword and throw the corpse into the wilderness." A disciple of the goalkeeper screamed, slammed the rein, and rushed to Xiao Tianshu.


A long sword was unsheathed, and he put it on Xiao Tianshu's neck, not to kill, but to blast him away.

"court death!"

Xiao Tianshu was furious, and pointed it as a knife, snapped the long sword with a click, and then slapped it with a palm, shaking the goalkeeper disciple into a **** mist, and the tall dragon-scale horse under the seat also flew out. When he hit a bluestone, he died suddenly.

He is the master of the Profound Sky, the strongest in the Southern Territory. Although his blood is weak and his combat power is not a single one, he is not a goalkeeper disciple who can be humiliated!

"Kill, come on!"

Inside the mountain gate, a disciple saw this scene and immediately yelled.

The Sky Profound Sword Sect is not the small sect of the Qingshan Gate. As the largest sect in the Southern Territory, it has over ten thousand disciples, which is comparable to a higher education institution in the secular world.

Xiao Tianshu murdered at the gate of the Profound Sky Sword Sect. It was quite lively now. A group of disciples closest to the mountain gate rushed first, each armed with swordsmen in their hands.

"I am your Sect Master, stop all of them!"

"If you dare to pretend to be my Pope, you will add one more crime. You will never pay for it today."

Puff puff!

Xiao Tianshu had to fight back and beat a group of disciples to vomit blood.

At this moment, he turned his head, the whole person suddenly despaired, Ye Tian had already arrived, the corner of his mouth looked like a smile, he was looking at him with a strange look.

With the current difference in combat power between the two, Ye Tian could crush him to death like an ant as long as he shot.

"I'm so courageous, I ran to my Profound Sky Sword Sect to run wild. I don't know what the sky is thick and the earth is thick. Let's go together and take him down for me!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from the gate of the Sky Profound Sword Sect, murderous and full of anger.

Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw a handsome young man in Tsing Yi with long hair fluttering. He was flying with a flying sword on his feet.

Behind him, there was a group of people who were all about the same age, all stepping on their swords.

"Gu Hanyu!"

Ye Tian recognized the leading young man, the fairy seedling of the Sky Profound Sword Sect.

When he came to the Hidden Gate last time, he fought this young man at the gate of Wind Thunder Valley, and he cut off his arm.

But now, Gu Hanyu's arms are healthy, and the broken arm is growing back.

Ye Tiansi was not surprised. When he was still a monk, he helped others regenerate an arm. It was the Dr. Xue Da, Xue Zihao who I knew when he was betting on rock.

Given the size of the hidden gate and the long inheritance of cultivation and civilization, there must be no shortage of experts in this area.


The thunder bell rang, really like nine days of thunder, deafening, resounding through the world, and the sound can travel tens of kilometers.

This is the warning bell, which will ring only when the Sky Profound Sword Sect changes.

As soon as the bell rang, all the disciples and elders rushed over, even in retreat.

In the depths of the mountain gate, in the tall hall, I saw a sword qi rushing into the sky, and every sword qi was accompanied by a figure, all rushing towards the mountain gate.

But Ye Tian was not afraid, still standing proudly in front of the gate of the Sky Profound Sword Sect, looking at Xiao Tianshu with a smile.

"Let go of the Profound Sky Sword Sect, I can be your servant." Xiao Tianshu said suddenly with a dark hatred.

Having seen Ye Tian's methods, he had no choice, otherwise the Sky Profound Sword Sect would be overwhelmed, and he would have no escape.

"Is it clear?" Ye Tian smiled indifferently, jokingly.

"Is there any choice?" Xiao Tianshu sighed, his face looked ugly and ugly.

At this moment, a young man in Tsing Yi descended from the sky, the flying sword flickered under his feet, and he slashed at Xiao Tianshu.

"Brother Gu, read, be careful, this beggar is not easy."

"Brother Gu, this old thing dares to pretend to be my Pope, and he must not be let go."


A group of disciples who fell in a pool of blood shouted.

"Han Yu, don't even you recognize as a teacher?" Xiao Tianshu said suddenly.

Gu Hanyu was shocked suddenly.

He is the eighth disciple of Xiao Tianshu, and he is more familiar with Xiao Tianshu than anyone.

Although the tone of Xiao Tianshu's voice changed and became older, the tone did not change.

"Master, you..., how come?"

After a shock, Gu Hanyu still recognized Xiao Tianshu all of a sudden.

"What, is he really the sovereign?"

A group of disciples were shocked, their jaw dropped.

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