Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1413: Invincible Xiaoqiang

Ye Tian's figure disappeared in a flash, and he displayed his magical powers, and instantly shattered the void by tens of meters. Ghosts and demons generally appeared beside the big elder of the plum blossom gate, and smashed with his fist.


The big elder of the plum blossom gate instantly started a cold sweat.

The secret technique of Shattered Void is really terrifying. Even if it is overwhelmingly powerful, it is difficult to win.

Everyone knew why Ye Tian was arrogant, because it turned out to be dependent on it.

Even if it can't be beaten, and the Broken Void leaves, who can catch up?

"No wonder it is faster than me, it turns out that it can break the void, and there is a magic weapon of the void." Zhao Qingyi suddenly realized that it was then that Ye Tian came to Kunxu earlier than her.

She guessed right, Ye Tian did have a magic weapon of the void, the Xuanguangtai, but the flashing magical power he was using at this moment had nothing to do with the Xuanguangtai.

The Great Elder of the Plum Blossom Gate was just coveting Ye Tian’s "magic weapon" in the broken void. He was the first to seize and left the flying boat. He is now flying in the air, alone, no one can save him. .

Between the electric light and flint, he couldn't hide, couldn't avoid it, he could only shake it hard, using his palm as a knife, and slammed Ye Tian over.


The palm strength was surging, and with a palm split, it really turned into a big knife, which could be as big as a door panel, with the might of the collapsed mountain and the mountain, and boldly slashed towards Ye Tian.

When the palm force broke through the sky, the mountains on the ground were trembling, and many rocks cracked, as if an earthquake had occurred.

This was a lore. The Great Elder of the Plum Blossom Gate tried his best, confident that even if he couldn't kill Ye Tian, ​​he could at least repel it.

"Child, stay with the magic weapon, you can go to death."

"There are so many magic weapons in my body, you can get it if you have the ability."

In the loud shout, Ye Tian blasted a golden fist, blooming infinite golden light like divine gold, with a momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, as if a fist could overwhelm the Nine Heavens and shake the Nine Hells.


This blow was earth-shattering, fists and palms fought, and they collided sturdily. A huge beam of light tore through the sky and the earth, spreading in all directions, stabbing people's eyes with pain.


A scream came, and the great elder of the plum blossom gate flew out and fell out of the dazzling light ball. The whole right arm was gone, turned into blood mud and broken bones.

The seven or eight body protection magic weapons on his body had just lit up, and they were all broken in an instant, and they couldn't bear the breaking power of Ye Tian's punch.

Bang, bang, bang!

He retreated step by step in the void, trying to stabilize his figure, stepping on the void with every step back, causing the underground mountains to tremble.

Click! Click!

The sound of bone fragmentation continued to be heard in his body, and the wound spread to the chest cavity and from the chest cavity to the whole body.

In a short while, I saw that his tempered male body and his bronze skin were full of dense cracks.

"No, don't!"

In the end, when he backed a hundred steps, he screamed unwillingly and spewed a big mouthful of blood. The whole body suddenly fell apart like porcelain.

Suddenly, the audience was silent, and everyone was shocked!

The battle that belonged to Ye Tian had just begun. In just a few seconds, a head teacher and a big elder died. The combat power was so amazing, it was truly a spike.

Everyone discovered that his reliance was not only a void magic weapon, but also a powerful physical body.

His body can become golden, blooming with golden brilliance, as if cast by **** gold, which is very peculiar, like a golden body.

At this moment, Ye Tian disappeared again.

"Sect Master Xiao, Lord Purple Valley, save me!" an elder of the Burning Fire Sect shouted.

Just now coveted Ye Tian's magic weapon of the void, he also rushed out of the flying boat, and shot dozens of fireballs one after another, don't shoot too hard.

This is a majestic man with a height of almost two meters. He has muscles like iron and big tendons like a dragon. His gestures and feet seem to shake the sun and the moon, giving people a powerful and unmatched feeling, but at the moment he pales in fright. He was turning around and rushing towards the flying boat and warship, as anxious as a bereavement dog.

However, no matter how fast his speed is, it cannot be faster than Ye Tian's flashing magical powers.

In an instant, Ye Tian straddled a distance of several tens of meters, and appeared in front of the elder of the Fire Sect, also with a golden fist blasting out, simple and rude.

"Child, you are looking for death!" The elder of the Fire Sect was furious.


A terrifying breath erupted from his body, first his blood burned, and then his whole body burst into flames.

The fire sect is mainly fire repair, and the disciples of the fire are the roots of the fire system.

The elder of the Fire Sect was sublimated extremely, his blood exploded, and his divine power instantly climbed to the extreme, like a fire dragon, roaring for nine days.

Puff, puff!

In his eyes, two straight pillars of fire suddenly sprayed out, burning Ye Tian away.

"Ye Xiaoyou, this is the golden pupil from the fire, you can burn the sky and hide!" Elder Li Chundao exclaimed, with a look of horror on his face.

"Burning all over the sky? Then what is my golden eye and golden pupil?"

Ye Tian snorted, and two golden pillars of fire suddenly spurted out of his eyes.

"What, you too...?" The elder of the Fire Sect was suddenly startled.


In the stunned eyes of everyone, two red beams of light and two golden beams of light collided together. U U Reading

There was no stalemate, and the winner was decided in an instant. Two golden pillars of fire swept all the way, advancing all the way, and the two red pillars of fire were continuously torn apart.

"Damn it!" The elder of the Fire Sect changed wildly. Seeing that the Fire Eye Technique was not working well, he shook his five fingers and slammed another punch.


Thunder roars, the air bursts!

A huge fireball dragged a string of dazzling fire lights, like a comet across the sky, and roaring like a fire dragon, carrying the terrifying power of destroying mountains and rivers, and blasted past Ye Tian.

"Elder Wu, I'll help you!"

The owner of the Ziwei Valley made a long roar, and flew out from the flying boat. His palms shook continuously, and his palms were full of scorching lightning and thunder.

Sect Master Xiao Tianshu was holding the Profound Sky Divine Sword, infused with surging mana, and might slash the sky-shaking sword at any time. The reason why he didn't take the shot now was because he was afraid of accidentally hurting the elder of the Fire Sect.

Ye Tian clenched a fist in one hand and shook with the elder of the Blazing Fire Sect. At the same time, with the other hand facing the Ziwei Valley Master, he flicked his fingers and flew out a golden finger light.

This golden finger is like the purple electric light covered with palms of the Ziwei Valley Lord, which is far inferior in scale and momentum, just like the firefly to Haoyue.

But seeing this golden finger light, the Ziwei Valley Master's expression changed drastically, and he snapped a palm to smash the finger light.


Amid the thunderous blast, the purple thunder and lightning in the palm of Ziwei Valley Master's palm collapsed with one touch, and broke apart in a flash. A thin golden finger light, like a broken bamboo, first tore open his palm, then penetrated the entire arm, and finally entered the body.

In the body of the Ziwei Valley Lord, this condensed golden finger light suddenly exploded and turned into a golden thunder.

"Do not……"

With a scream, the owner of Ziwei Valley was blown into ashes from head to toe.

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