Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1395: Qing Han Du Jie


In the void, the thunderclouds are thick, the thunder is shocking the world, and the lightning is like a wave.

In an instant, the ten directions of thunder and lightning arrived, shining with dazzling divine lights, illuminating the sky and the earth, all smashed into Qinghan's body, like roaring thunder dragons, terrifying to the sky.

Qinghan's body was crystal clear, shining brightly, resisted abruptly, without any resistance, and without any cover.

Zi Zi Zi!

Black smoke rose from Qinghan's flawless body, as if it had been scorched, her body trembling, her head full of long hair standing upright, almost falling from the air.

After the terrifying thunder light struck her, it did not disappear in a flash, but left countless tiny thunder lights, like clusters of small flames, beating in every corner of her body, from inside to outside, tempering Her physical body.

Thunder Tribulation is full of danger, but it is also an opportunity. It is conceived by the laws of heaven and earth, and it is as strong as yang, pure and upright, and is far more effective than ordinary panacea used to temper the body.

Those who do not undergo thunderstorms often find it difficult to become a big climate.

"Oh my God! Is this the Thunder Tribulation? I'm afraid I won't be able to cross one of them, and I'll be chopped to death." Zhao Tianlong swallowed deeply, a little dumbfounded, his scalp numb, and his spine swished cold. gas.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of thunder tribulation, the first sky thunder is always the weakest, and the following thunder will get stronger and stronger, but the first sky thunder that struck Qinghan's body is simply terrifying, absolutely Can smash an ordinary earth fairy alive.

Even Ye Tian frowned, feeling that Lei's strength this day was a bit unreasonable, making him a little uneasy.

"Is the thunder of the Age of Domination so insignificant? Or is the will of Heaven and Earth deliberately punishing Qinghan? Or is it related to Qinghan's bright glazed body?" Ye Tian thought in his heart, his expression very solemn.

The Thunder in the Age of Domination is generally very powerful. This is an indisputable fact and one of the reasons why it is difficult to prove the Dao in the Age of Domination.

Qinghan is taking the place of God, intercepting God's belief and power, and God's traces are flooding the world, and may even be part of the will of the world. Such a terrible thunderstorm punishment Qinghan is well understood.

In addition, the stronger the physique, the stronger Thunder Tribulation will be. Qinghan's body of bright glazed glaze is a kind of supreme physique, and the thunder catastrophe will be strong.

Ye Tian made some guesses in the flashlight.

But he didn't choose to help out, just put his spirit to guard aside, and would take action when the cold was in danger of life and death. Because a person's thunder robbery can only be carried out by himself, if someone takes action, thunder robbery will become stronger, as a punishment.


The lightning was surging, the silver snakes danced wildly, and the sky was shining. The thick thundercloud storm seemed to give birth to a sea of ​​thunder, becoming more violent and more flaming, as if to tear the sky apart.


Soon, the second thunder tribulation fell down. It was more terrifying than the first. It was not a single lightning, but a thunder pool, which flooded Qinghan in one swoop, and countless thick or thin thunders fell on her. Indiscriminate bombing, the momentum is earth-shaking.


There was a stream of blood spilling, turning into a surging blood, and dyeing the thunder red.

Da da!

Everyone was horrified again and grumbled.

"Ye Tian, ​​what are you looking at, don't you go and save people soon?" Qin Yongchang shouted, extremely anxious.

"Since ancient times, only the most powerful Tianjiao can provoke Thunder Tribulation when it rushes to Guandi Immortal. This is Qinghan's good fortune, and I believe she will be able to survive it." Ye Tian looked up at Gao Tian and said lightly.

"Yeah, we don't even have the right to be struck by lightning. As long as we survive the thunder tribulation, there will be many benefits. As a land immortal, your granddaughter is destined to be a latecomer, not weaker than me and Dao brother Miyamoto." Qingtian said.

Taro Miyamoto also slightly chin his head, expressing agreement.

The second thunder pond-like punishment lasted for a full minute before it gradually subsided. When Qinghan revealed his figure, his skin was already covered in flesh, and his whole body was charred, bright red and crystal clear blood flowing on his body, suffering unimaginable damage.

However, even though he was hit hard, the vitality that permeated Qinghan's body was stronger, the whole person's expression was bright, his eyes were firmer, there was no trace of frustration, and he felt like a strong female man.

"Huh?" Suddenly everyone's eyes widened, and they saw a strange scene.

The inexhaustible power of beliefs gushes out of Qinghan's body, wrapping her like a silkworm cocoon, and healing her injuries quickly.

Just now when Yu Lei Chi was punished, Qing Han used the power of belief and thought to dissolve most of the lightning, and infused the lightning into his body, tempering the flesh inside and out.

Her dantian Qihai opened up bigger and bigger, and the vast real essence flashed and lustrous like colored glaze, crystal clear.

Her nine layers of consciousness were all opened, and the soul was refined to become more and more immortal.

"Her physique is very special, as bright as colored glaze, accompanied by the holy light. I suddenly thought that the ancient emperors of the Holy See also have such a physique. UU reading" Miyamoto Taro suddenly said.

Boom, boom!

The thunderclouds in the sky were still there, and the thunder robbery was not over. Soon the third thunder robbery fell down. It was a thunder pillar that reached the sky and the earth. There were a few people embraced so thick, the sky and the earth trembled, like a shock. The great dragon came to the world to destroy this world.

Seeing this thunder pillar, everyone was shocked.

This blow is no less inferior to Dacheng Dixian's peak blow.

"You may not be able to resist this thunder tribulation. Hurry up and hang the Linglong Pagoda above your head." Ye Tian reminded loudly.

Qinghan didn't dare to neglect, and quickly hovered the Linglong pagoda above his head. The power of belief of sentient beings fell like a waterfall, guarding her.


I couldn't imagine how powerful this blow was. It was because Qinghan used the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, or was cut to pieces, and her bones were about to shatter, but she finally got through it with difficulty.

The girl dragged her wounded body down from the sky and landed in front of the Tiannv Cave. Her expression was extremely excited, because her body became stronger, her divine power was surging, and she could blast the mountains with a single punch, her soul became more immortal, and her powerful divine mind could not only move objects. , Can even be transformed into a sword soldier.

A group of people rushed up to congratulate Qinghan.

Ye Tian also thought Qinghan's Thunder Tribulation was over.

In his previous life, Ye Tian had only survived five thunder tribulations when he rushed to Guan Xiantian, which was very rare in the world of immortality.

However, what is shocking is that the thundercloud in the sky has not disappeared, but has become more and more terrifying.


The void shook, and Lei Mang shocked the world. Suddenly a big hand protruded from the thundercloud and slapped Qing Han down.

This big hand is purely condensed by thunder light, bright like glass, with traces of dao, as big as a mountain, almost shattering the sky.


Everyone screamed, all stunned.

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