Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1390: The old general breaks through

With the help of a pool of spiritual liquid, ten drops of divine liquid, and a Saint 4th Grade Demon Core Blood Soul Great Pill, Ye Tian successfully pushed Qinghan to the level of the gods.

I have to say that this is a miracle.

Although Qinghan's combat power could not keep up, he was not in a hurry. Once his realm was reached and his foundation was firmly laid, he would get twice the result with half the effort when practicing various techniques and martial arts, much faster than ordinary people.

And this is only the basis of Ye Tian's plan to create a god, and then the most important link is to integrate the blood of the **** into Qinghan's body.

This kind of fusion cannot be a simple and crude fusion, but more like transplantation, or like a grafting of plants. The fusion of blood is only the surface, the essence is the fusion of blood, and after the fusion is good, it must be able to evoke a kind of secret in the world. Power, which has led to the mind power of hundreds of millions of believers in God, and truly replaced God, so that they can practice with the power of infinite faith.

This kind of power is not difficult to understand, but it is the mark left by God on the great star of Middle Earth.

This kind of mark is everywhere, as long as he is a believer, no matter where he is, as long as his mentality is pious, his mind will be attracted and gifted.

To some extent, God's Dao Mark is part of the will of this heaven and earth.

This is the horror of transforming gods, almost gods, and even more than gods in human imagination.

Since time immemorial, there have been many people practicing with the power of sentient beings’ beliefs and thoughts, such as Buddhist monks and other priests, but there has never been one who can have billions of believers.

It is the transfiguration power that claims to be God, I am afraid that he never thought that his believers in Middle Saturn would one day be so huge.

With the help of billions of believers' sentimental beliefs, the heights Qinghan can reach in the future are unimaginable.

The broken world on this side couldn't restrict her, because the mark of the **** of transformation had already broken through the height of this world, opening a window for her to see the higher world road.

Both of them were very tired during the ten-day retreat. Ye Tian did not rush to the next step, but had to rest for a few days to let Qinghan consolidate his realm.

From an ordinary person step into the gods, it is no different from stepping into the sky. When facing an almost strange self, it is difficult to keep up with the mood.

Ye Tian left the Tiannv Cave to Qinghan, so he can come here anytime to practice.

The valley outside the cave has become full of holes in the Demon Core Blood Soul Great Pill Thunder Tribulation, and the hardly planted vegetation is exhausted.

Ye Tian had to refurbish, after all, this will be his girlfriend's cave in the future.

He extracted a lot of spiritual energy from underground spiritual veins. Leifa was again cast, and a spring rain fell.

In the drizzle, the seeds of countless flowers and plants sprout, sprout, grow, bloom,...

In just one day of work, the ruin-like valley has become green, with strange flowers everywhere, and a fresh and natural one.

Penglai Fairy Island is full of vigor and peace.

On a mountain not far from the Tiannv Cave, there was a thick blood rushing into the night, a cloud cover was pulled by the Qi machine, and gathered, the essence is like a tide, rolling up and down, the whole world is rumbling.

This is Xiao Qingtian's retreat, and he is breaking through with that drop of divine liquid. The surging heaven and earth vitality turned into a funnel, falling down on him like a waterfall, and being swallowed by his body madly.

At this moment, his physical body is like a bottomless pit, requiring massive amounts of energy to hit a level.

Enveloped by the vitality of heaven and earth, a dragon-shaped phantom appeared behind him. This is his law and way.

Boom boom boom!

Three successive divine lights of different colors appeared on him, representing his physical body, true essence, and divine soul, that is, spirit and spirit.

To break through the earth immortal, the spirit, energy and spirit must merge into one, and work together to open a heavenly gate to advance to the innate realm.

When condensing the essence pill, it also requires the unity of essence, qi and spirit, to merge with each other and condense into one essence pill. Breaking through the earth immortal is not so demanding. Only the essence, qi and spirit are temporarily unified, condensed into a rope, and breakthrough. Tianmen is just fine.

"let's start!"

Xiao Qingtian was full of confidence, and then held his breath to let the three spirits of spirit merge.

"The old general is about to make a breakthrough, it is likely to be today." Liang Fei said, happily, sincerely happy for the old general.

"My great eastern country is finally going to have an earth fairy." Sima Xuankong murmured, his expression solemn.

"Hehe, there is this Penglai fairy island, and the suppression of the heavens is loosened. From now on, the earth fairy of the great eastern country can be mass-produced, just like the gods." Liang Fei laughed.

"Yeah, you and I are all working hard, maybe you and I will also be a member of the earth immortal in the future." Sima Xuankong clenched his fists, unprecedented confidence, and excited.

Long Xiaoyun frowned, with a dignified expression. He muttered to himself: "The old general is still some distance away from the peak of the gods. It stands to reason that he shouldn't break through so quickly? Did he get any chance? "

The old general is about to break through, and many people are here, standing at the foot of the mountain and watching, Taro Miyamoto, Ning Haifeng, Gu Xiaoman, Zhao Tianlong...


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the top of the mountain, which shook the mountain in shock. The thick blood-colored air column collapsed, and the condensed cloud cover disappeared in smoke.

"Brother Xiao Dao, the earth immortal is the unity of the three elements of spirit, qi and god. It must be smelted enough to become one body to break through the gate of heaven. Don't act too hastily." Taro Miyamoto shouted, flying towards the top of the mountain.


The old general suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, his whole body was trembling, and his true qi collapsed and ran away inside his body, causing his body to split.

When Miyamoto Taro rushed to the top of the mountain, a figure was already standing next to Xiao Qingtian, helping him to guide the blood that ran away in his body, so as not to break down the meridians and bring disastrous consequences.

"It's because I don't have enough accumulation, I'm too impatient." Xiao Qingtian sighed.

"Your physical body and true essence are enough, but the soul is still a bit short. Try again, and I will help you."

After helping Xiao Qingtian guide the violent blood in his body, Ye Tian said.

Xiao Qingtian naturally believed in Ye Tian, ​​and after trimming for a while, he broke through again.

A big cloud of essence and energy on the sky converged again, attracted by Xiao Qingtian's body, frantically piped in. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Boom boom boom!

The three-color divine light representing the physical body, the true essence and the divine soul rushed out of the body, and the physical body and the true essence are attracted to each other and can be peaceful, but the divine light representing the divine soul is out of place.


Ye Tian opened his big hand and condensed a chaotic thunderball in his palm.

Facing Xiao Qingtian's Tianling Gai, Ye Tian lightly patted it, and the Chaos Thunderball poured in.


The chaotic thunderball entered the body, and under the control of Ye Tian, ​​it did not explode or run away, but was tamed into a series of thunder and gang vitality, filling Xiao Qingtian's limbs and skeletal bodies, the sea of ​​soul consciousness and the sea of ​​dantian Qi.


Ye Tian exerted his force in his palm to control the chaotic thunder gang vitality, and sipped it loudly. The out-of-compatibility spirit began to merge with the body and the true essence, temporarily condensing into one.

When Ye Tian helped the old Jiao Wang Ning Dan, he did a similar operation, and he was familiar with it. And breaking through the earth immortal, far can not be compared with the condensation period.


Essence, energy and spirit are united, and Xiao Qingtian's body bursts with vitality. Now if he shoots, he will not only have the power of the physical body, but also the power of the soul and the true essence.

"Broken!" Ye Tian shouted loudly.


The condensed spirit and spirit jumped up, and a heavenly gate that was invisible to the naked eye suddenly opened.

Xiao Qingtian's physical body and true essence were still in place, but the soul broke out, bathing in the surging ocean of vitality, as if it were integrated with the world. His huge spiritual thoughts instantly enveloped the entire Penglai Fairy Island. (Education 123 Literature Network https://) "Rebirth: Peerless and Abandoned Young Master" only represents the author Bi Laoye's point of view. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please contact us for deletion, https:// The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. [Actively cooperate with the "Special Action to Combat Internet Obscene and Pornographic Information" and invite book friends to report actively!] Thank you!

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