Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1377: Break one by one

The Chaos Qi fell down from the Great Seal, which not only confined the spirit of the Twelve Blood Ancestor, but also swallowed it.

The flesh of the twelve blood ancestors was almost crushed by Ye Tian, ​​and the flesh was almost muddy, so he abandoned his flesh. The monstrous blood rushed out, dyed the world red, and was also being swallowed by the great seal, a whale swallowed cattle.

There is still a little blood, and the Great Seal of the Heavens can truly succeed in the sacrifice.

The four blood ancestors are like four big blood banks, which are enough.

Moreover, their blood contains divine power, far beyond the blood of ordinary creatures.

"Ah ah, three brothers, save me!" Twelve Blood Ancestor screamed.

The great seal of the sky has brought him even more pressure than Ye Tian's giant golden feet. Every trace of chaotic energy is full of the breath of just yang, and he is naturally restrained from this blood-sucking monster.

"You are looking for death!" The tenth blood ancestor roared, the sound spread for dozens of miles, the sound wave almost shattered the sky, and the clouds in the sky collapsed.

He was furious to the extreme, and his eyes stood up, like a world-famous demon, full of blood and energy, and the demon cloud covered the sun.


Two thick chains flew out, the bright red shooting people, almost bleeding, like two giant dragons, traversing the sky, shaking the sky, and lashing away at the Great Seal, trying to save the Twelve Blood Ancestor.

Countless spectators were shocked and worried for Ye Tian.

Just now the tenth blood ancestor used this chain to pull several hills together, which is as powerful as a fantasy.


The blood-colored chains whipped on the sky-shaking seal like a whip, and there was a loud noise, a series of sparks, as if they were hitting iron.

This kind of faculty is really terrible, the chain is horizontal, and the mountain can be cut off. If the sky-shaking seal is not strong enough, the ordinary magic weapon will be exploded in one blow.

And the runes on the scarlet chain are densely covered, imprinted with various forbidden arts and curses, which can not only weaken people's way, but also weaken the power of magical instruments.

Bang bang bang!

The Heaven-shaking Seal continued to suffer. Although it did not break, it also pulled out a series of shallow marks, and kept shaking. If it were not for Ye Tian's control with great mana, it might have been flying out.

However, the forbidden curse on the scarlet chain failed to corrode the Heaven-shading Seal, instead it was affected by the Sunshine and Yang breath of the Heaven-shading Seal, and countless civilizations were indefinite.


The supernatural power erupted with the seal of turning over the sky, and the body continued to grow bigger, the divine light was like a tide, the chaos was like a waterfall, like a big mountain rising in the sky.


The twelve blood ancestors below screamed screaming, and the spirits were constantly being washed away by the chaotic energy, as if they were suffering from the torture of hell, and couldn't bear it.


The tenth blood ancestor changed his strategy. The Scarlet Chain was no longer beaten with the whip, but the dragon was usually wrapped around the Heaven-shaking Seal, and it was tightened constantly, as if it would burst the Great Seal.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The sound of Wan Jianzheng was heard from the scarlet chain, resounding across the sky, sharp and sharp, and slashed towards the Great Seal.


The tenth blood ancestor slammed hard, the sky was shaking, rumbling, and endless blood bursts, shooting out, making people palpitate.

Click, click!

The big seal was strangled with marks, like a ditch, but it remained standing still, like an immortal sacred mountain, shaking out the divine power that ruined the heavens and the earth, and almost shattered the blood chain of the tenth blood ancestor.

Boom boom boom!

The Great Seal is still getting bigger, the powerful oppression seems to have fallen down from the sky, and the soul of the Twelve Blood Ancestor finally can't bear it, is shattered and sucked into the Great Seal. His shattered flesh also shriveled all at once, and his immeasurable blood was completely sucked out.

Click! Click!

The two scarlet chains were finally unable to bear it, and were abruptly broken by the Great Seal.


The sky trembled, the earth trembled and the mountains trembled.

The Great Seal can turn the sky, as towering as a sacred mountain.

The face of the tenth blood ancestor changed wildly, because the great seal of the sky overturned him and wanted to put him to death.

"Who gave you the courage to trespass my middle-earth?" Ye Tian's eyes were contemptuous, and his voice was cold.

At this moment, the whole world was shocked, and the power of the young demon was beyond their imagination.

"Town!" Ye Tian shouted, slapped out a palm, and snapped down.

The big seal is like an arm's command, smashing down, shocking and breathtaking.

"Break it for me!"

The palm of the tenth blood ancestor shook continuously, and five blood awns filled up in succession, turning into five **** **** chains, like five true dragons, facing the great seal falling down like a mountain.

The Scarlet God Chain is a kind of Secret Art of the Great Dao. It is indescribable. It can move the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth and absorb the supreme power from the heaven and the earth.

"Go to death for me!"

As another voice sounded, the Eleven Blood Ancestor made a move, and a river of blood descended from the sky, like a flood of the Yellow River, with a single shot that could not be controlled, and it swallowed Ye Tian all at once.

As if the door of **** was opened, the whole world was turned into blood, scarlet dripping, the wind screamed, the waves of blood hit the sky, endless bones appeared, and countless ghosts and ghosts were crying, and the world was bleak.

This is an extremely terrifying scene, as if **** appears in the world, instead of visiting the scene in person, just watching the remote live broadcast has made countless people feel uncomfortable.

In the river of blood, countless evil spirits rushed towards Ye Tian to eat his flesh and blood and devour his soul.

Moreover, the endless breath of death and the power of various curses in the river of blood constantly invaded Ye Tian's body and wanted him to be deified. Normally, the immortal being trapped in it will frown and die forever.

"This is my blood river domain of death, which can kill all the immortals. Anyone who steps into this domain will be suppressed and eventually controlled by me. Unless you have the ability of the ancient true gods, you will undoubtedly die today~www. Eleven-blooded ancestor Kankan said, thinking that Ye Tian had been eaten up.

As a result, as soon as his voice fell, he heard a voice from the domain:



First, a terrifying breath erupted, and then the golden light burst out from the blood river domain.

"That is……?"

Countless people were horrified, and they saw a golden ball swelling continuously, opening up the blood river domain of the Eleven Blood Ancestor.

Unlike the breath of death in the Blood River domain, the golden orb contained a breath of vitality, as if it was creating a world, and it was about to evolve into a small world.

In the golden sphere, the figure of a young man stood proudly, a body of golden blood and blood, his eyes were shining like stars, and the roots of his hair were crystal clear.

Around the boy's body, the world is being opened up, and the chaotic energy is evolving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You have a domain, don't I have it?" Young Sen sneered.

The magical powers of the domain type are different from other magical powers. In a contest, one hit will separate the superior and the weak, the strong will survive, and the weak will break.

Obviously, the Chaos God Realm of Ye Tian is better than the Blood River Realm of the Eleven Blood Ancestor.

If Ye Tian unfolds the Chaos God Realm ahead of time, the Blood River Realm of the Eleven Blood Ancestor will even be suppressed.

Just when the Eleven Blood Ancestor looked shocked, Ye Tian's Chaos God Domain had already covered him in.

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