Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1359: Return to Fairy Island

Penglai Fairy Island is like a shining pearl in the sea, but it is sealed by ancient immortal cultivators with great magic power, and it is difficult for the world to see the truth.

The island is full of aura, the temperature is suitable, the four seasons are like spring, looking around, a green area, towering ancient trees and ten thousand year old vines can be seen everywhere, lush, and the roar of wild beasts one after another, the sky is full of flocks, full of infinite vitality , Like the Pure Land of Xianjia.

"Is this the legendary Penglai Fairy Island? It's not much stronger than the Longchi Secret Realm! No wonder the ancient Penglai Taoism hides in the Kunxu Secret Realm and has never returned. Under this condition, you can only drink northwest wind when you come back!"

Arriving at Penglai Fairy Island, Changbai Sanzu frowned, and he was disgusted.

"If you are dissatisfied, you can roll back to your Changbai Mountain at any time." Ye Tian said silently.

"Come all the way, how can you just leave? Let's live for a while and then talk about it." Changbai Sanzu looked like he was cheap and behaved.

Said that he was about to escape into the mud, and disappeared.

The heart of defense is indispensable. Changbai Ginseng has not completely put down his guard against Ye Tian, ​​worrying that Ye Tian will use it to refine medicine, or desperately squeeze its divine liquid, and so on.

Although Penglai Fairy Island was sealed, it looked like a big prison, but it boasted that as long as it hides and goes underground, no one can find it, and Ye Tian can't.

It has heard that there is a rare spiritual vein in the underground of Penglai Fairy Island, which has created Penglai Fairy Island. It is ready to take a look. As for the arrival of a magical medicine, there is nothing more fascinating to it than the spiritual veins, which can be breathed in and inhaled.

Although Changbai Sanzu showed a disgusting appearance, he still had to admit that Penglai Fairy Island was much stronger than Longchi Secret Realm. The entire Longchi Secret Realm is a savage land. The civilization is uncivilized and everything is primitive. Penglai Xiandao is the real treasure of Xianjia. The environment is beautiful, the air is fresh, and the concentration of spiritual energy is high. One breath is refreshing.

Being constantly squeezed in the secret of Longchi, and just gave Ye Tian fifteen drops of divine liquid, Changbai Ginseng is like a dried sponge now, the body is very empty, and it is in urgent need of nourishment of spiritual energy. The more the better, the more you can swallow Next, even if it is a whole spiritual vein, even a spiritual stone as big as a mountain.

It is definitely not a false statement, the magical medicine can activate the spiritual veins, so that a dry spiritual vein withered wood will be in spring, and it can also deplete a spiritual vein and swallow all the spiritual energy.

The growth of a magical medicine, the spiritual energy that has been swallowed, I don't know how many spiritual veins can be compared.

Therefore, the magical medicine is a big consumer of spiritual energy, which can turn a thousand miles of fertile land into a red land, which the ordinary life planet cannot carry.

"Wait a minute. Penglai Xiandao's underground spiritual veins are about to dry up, and there are not many spiritual stones left. You can smoke, but you have to give me a little relaxation, not too much." Ye Tian reminded Changbai Sanzu.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Changbai Ginseng was impatient.

"Wait, there's one more thing..."

"Where is there so much trouble, let's talk about it later."

Changbai Ginseng ancestor didn't give face this time, as lightning went into the ground like lightning, rushing towards the deepest part of the veins.

As soon as it escaped into the ground, it immediately felt different. The concentration of aura was higher than that on the ground, and it was as comfortable as a fish swimming in the water. It knows that there is a spiritual vein waiting for its patronage.


A **** of earth-suppressing thunder exploded behind its ass, only a little bit to catch up with it.

It knew that Ye Tian would use this method to deal with it, so it deliberately followed the S-shaped route to avoid Ye Tian's tracking and trouble.

As a god-like existence of the earth, the speed of Changbai Ginseng's underground movement is unmatched, and it can be called a fast-moving speed.

Ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters,...

It knows that the deeper it is, the safer it is, so it keeps going straight down.

Bang, bang, bang,...

The earth-suppressing **** thunder continued to explode behind or beside Changbai Sanzu, releasing thousands of pressure and squeezing his body into a deformed shape, but he could not control it, let alone blow it up into the sky.

Ye Tian didn't want to make too much noise, the power of the land-suppressing **** thunder was very weak, otherwise, the land 100 meters deep could be overturned.

Of course, under such a powerful God Thunder, Changbai Ginseng Zu will also be hit hard.

This is also a place Ye Tian scruples.

With twists and turns, he escaped into the underground more than 100 meters in one breath. Changbai Ginseng finally discovered the spiritual veins, and his eyes suddenly glowed. Although the spiritual veins are exhausted a lot, it is not a problem to feed him for a few years. If the water flows for a long time, it can be used for decades.

"Boy, you are still a little tender! No one has ever been able to control me, even in your turf. However, you can rest assured, I will not do things that are exhausted, I will flow slowly, bit by bit. The island’s aura is sucked up. By then, I may be able to transform into a magical medicine, awakening with supernatural powers, how can I be trapped in a large formation.” Changbai Ginseng thought very well.

At this moment, a big brown hand suddenly appeared and grabbed it.

"Ghost!" Changbai Canzu shouted, and Sa Yazi ran away.

However, the big earth-yellow hand followed like a shadow, faster than it, and grabbed it in his hand at once.

After the next second, it was caught on the ground by a big hand, in front of Ye Tian.

The big khaki hand is exactly a kind of supernatural power change of Ye Tian's Chaos Golden Body and Earth Skill.

"You, what do you want to do? I just want to take a sip of the aura of Penglai Xiandao, is it so difficult?" Changbai Sanzu was shocked and frightened, but pretended to be aggrieved, a natural performer.

Only then did it know that even if it escaped underground, it was still pinched by Ye Tian. This is exactly the fact that Ye Tian wants to tell him, let it not be unscrupulous.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you, but I will give you some benefits." Ye Tian smiled faintly, but didn't get angry.

"What's the benefit?"

"Seeing you are poor, you don't even have a body protection technique. UU reading will give you a divine technique to make you a peerless master."

As he spoke, Ye Tian's heart glowed, and a string of blue-gold runes rushed out, revealing a magical technique in the void.

Just like when Ye Tian gave the old Jiao Wang the law, this magical law evoked the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, the sky roared, the Ruixia Wanyan, the sky fell in disorder,...

call out!

Ye Tian pointed his fingertips, and the azure-gold magical technique in the void turned into a azure-gold streamer and flew into the spiritual consciousness of Changbai Ginseng Ancestor.

"Your congenital Yimu Dao body is too weak, it is a low-grade spirit body. This "Eternal Evergreen Art" can help you cultivate the eternal evergreen body, a supreme Yimu divine body. In addition, this magical technique also has more than a dozen magical powers. , To cultivate to different stages, can awaken different supernatural powers, such as Otsuki God Thunder, Aoki God Hitomi, Escape from the Wind, Clone Change, Reincarnation,..."

"It sounds amazing. You don't have any selfishness when you pass such a powerful technique to me? Do you want to train me to become a peerless master, and help you protect the island in the future? Say okay, I'll fight I'm not interested in killing." Changbai Sanzu did not appreciate Ye Tian's kindness.

"I will treat the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. I will give you the magical law. It is your own business to practice or not. Also, the gate of Penglai Fairy Island is open to you. You can leave at any time."

"I'll go and despise me, right? You don't have the same knowledge as you. Can I withdraw now?"

Ye Tian waved his hand in disgust, and Changbai Ginseng disappeared in an instant.

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