Ye Tian's coercion overwhelmed the entire hall. The prestige of his predecessor in the past is beginning to emerge.

The son of Lin Jialin Yu, who was supposed to shine, was completely compared by Ye Tian. Not only him, but even his cousin Lin Zimo was overshadowed.

? Can the light of firefight compete with the sun and the moon?

Lin Zimo, Harvard's talented student, is very clever and clever, and is very good at observing words and expressions. From the eyes of Father Qin, she saw the appreciation of Ye Tian by Father, much more than his cousin Lin Yu.

"This person must be 100% alert!"

A swift flash of light passed through Lin Zimo's eyes, and his precautions against Ye Tian were raised to 10%. When faced with such threats, she will use the means to lift it without delay!

Does Lin Yu's heart also develop a strong sense of crisis? He also has the intention to destroy this colleague or abolish it.

However, he said that the manager of Cao Jinshui, a former Fairview Villa, answered a phone call and said he was okay, and then left. He did leave because of something, not an excuse for making up. Someone from Panlongguan approached him about the disappearance of Li Qingshan.

A few days ago, Li Qingshan, a young real man, came to Fairview Village to participate in an auction. After that auction, the young real man disappeared. The people in Panlongguan didn't pay much attention, and at that time, the real person who watched the boundless realm just came out, was invited by the Qin family to catch a ghost, and was hurt. Now, a few days have passed and Xiaozhenren still has no news. Panlongguan is finally in a hurry.

Boundless Reality asked his disciple Luo Jiuyang to come to Jinxiu Villa to investigate the disappearance of Li Qingshan.

Last night, Real Life Without Borders went to Science City again to catch a ghost and was injured again. He is still in convalescence, otherwise he would come here tonight and investigate in person.

At this moment, at the birthday party of Shuiyuege Qinghan, in the guard room of Fairview Villa, Manager Cao Jinshui was accompanying a middle-aged man wearing a robe to view the video of the day when the real man disappeared.

This man is no one else. It is Luo Jiuyang, the great disciple of Real Life. I saw that this man was about forty years old, wearing a plain white robe, not tall, with a thin figure, a dark face, long hair, a tie, and a pinch of chin Goatee. If you were n’t wearing a robe, would you mistake him for being a rough man? You ca n’t see much immortality in his body, unlike his master Li Qingshan and his younger brother Li Qingshan. Monk.

Ashamed to say, although he is an apprentice, no matter his fame or talent, Luo Jiuyang is not as good as his younger brother Li Qingshan. Although he started ten years earlier than his master, he has been leveled by his master, and both are currently at the pinnacle of the state.

However, it was only last year that Xiaozhenren attained the peak of the state of affairs, and Luo Jiuyang was at the peak of the state for eight years.

Practicing the Fa is more important than talents in martial arts. If the talents are not good, any realm may be stuck in your life forever.

So much so that Real Life Realm pays more attention to Li Qingshan, and even trains as a future successor.

However, the monks at the pinnacle of the state of affairs can not be underestimated, that is, they have the power to fight against the masters of martial arts. Therefore, don't underestimate Luo Jiuyang.

Now, at this moment, Cao Jinshui, the manager of the villa, accompanied Panlong and Luo Jiuyang to watch the surveillance video, looking for clues about the missing of the real human.

The time and place of the auction are determined. It is easy to find the little real person in the surveillance camera, and then fast forward and turn back to see when the little real person disappeared and what happened before the disappearance.

"Stop! Who is this person? He even took away the spiritual stone that my Master looked after. I thought it was taken by the Master."

A person in the picture caught Luo Jiuyang's attention, and he paused the security guard operating the computer.


The security guard clicked the mouse and the picture freezed.

This is a video in the auction hall, with high definition, and the **** can be displayed. The main character in the paused picture at this moment is a green boy. It looks like he is not yet twenty years old, and 30 million took a golden stone. If rumors go out, I'm afraid nobody will believe it.

30 million to buy a stone, should you be a diamond?

My head is either flirting or kicked by a donkey!

"Spirit stone? Isn't it a golden magnet?" Manager Cao wondered.

Luo Jiuyang didn't seem to hear Manager Cao's words, didn't explain, stared at the people in the picture. This spiritual stone is something that Master sees. It can be used to temper spiritual thinking. It is very useful for Master to break through the mysterious realm, but now it is shot by others. He wants to grab it. Therefore, the little boy in the picture is very interested.

Manager Cao smiled awkwardly and looked at the picture, suddenly hesitated, surprised: "Why is he?"

"Oh? Could Mr. Cao recognize this person?"

"I do, I do. I just saw him."

The boy who took the "Golden Magnetic Therapy Stone" in the picture is naturally Ye Tian. Manager Cao just met him, and just met him, in Shuiyue Pavilion.

Manager Cao made a long story short. Luo Jiuyang knew what was going on. He groaned and made an idea in his heart.

Since Ye Tian is also in Jinxiu Villa, it's easy to do. Wait for him to have a good chat and ask about the "spiritual stone".

The video screen continued to scroll forward until Ye Tian left the auction venue, followed by Xiaozhenren. Then switch channels to find the footage outside the auction venue.

Outside the venue, Xiaozhenren wanted to exchange his "Jade Stone" with Ye Tian for "spirit stone", but was rejected by Ye Tian.

In the picture, a big guy and a little real person walked very close, but they were beaten by Ye Tian. One slap pumped his mouth full of blood, and several teeth were lost. The beaten boss, Mr. Cao, recognized that one of the few members of the extreme black gold card in the villa was Tianhai City, the richest man in Sanjiang County, and Zhou Jun, a large real estate developer.

Now Zhou Jun's injury is already very good. It is still in the villa at this moment. Manager Cao still met him in Liyuxuan before a few meetings. He had a large golden tooth. Gangster temperament.

Zhou Jun was beaten, Luo Jiuyang did not take it seriously. Xiaozhen Ren may have a personal relationship with Zhou Jun, but he is not familiar with Zhou Jiu ~ ~ Then, Xiao Zhenren cast a spell that he thought could deter Ye Tian, ​​but it was completely damaged by Ye Tian. This is the last law, not worth mentioning.

Ye Tian actually insulted Pan Longguan's technique, Luo Jiuyang finally couldn't calm down, and his teeth were itchy, and he shouted, "The arrogant arrogant!"

Every hatred, every hatred, he will have to calculate with Ye Tian.

Then, in the picture, Ye Tian suddenly pinched the little real person's neck, and the dead dog was lifted up from the ground. Luo Jiuyang's pupils shrank suddenly, shocking.

Little real people are not Ye Tian's opponent!

"I can't see it, this kid is still a master of martial arts." Manager Cao was also shocked.

Fortunately, when he had a problem with Ye Tian just now, Ye Tian didn't do anything to him, otherwise he would not have had a good fruit.

Imagine that Ye Tian even dare to talk to the little real people of Panlongguan. The manager of a club in his district could crush him to death.

"Well, Ye Tian has acted on Xiaozhenren. What's next?" Manager Cao urged the security guard to quickly release the video, and he had an unknown feeling. Luo Jiuyang also had an unknown hunch.

The video was playing fast, Ye Tian only threatened the little real person a few words, and then the man left without looking back. The little real man was resentful for a moment, and chased after him, going to get revenge. The lens could not be found afterwards, because they were out of Jinxiu Villa.

The conclusion is already obvious, the disappearance of Xiaozhenren must be related to Ye Tian.

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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