Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1327: Hurt each other

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The air of the earth veins turned like a tens of thousands of great waves to the sky above, turbulent as a tide, heavy as a mountain, sealing the void and imprisoning Ye Tian to death.

The spirit of the old Jiaowang has long been connected with the entire Longchi Secret Realm. Here, he is the supreme master. He can trigger the Qi of the earth with his gestures and use the power of the law to suppress his opponent.


The old King Jiao shot, the qi penetrated the Changhong, unstoppable, turned into a light and rushed into the qi of the earth veins, not only not suppressed, but like a fish in the water, and even a bit of the blessing of the earth veins.

Boom boom boom!

His whole body was glowing, his spirits and spirits almost turned into substance, and the terrifying aura was like a flood that made the world tremble.

He didn't leave any backhands, his physical body was ascended to the fullest, and he wanted to hit his peak combat power and hit the levels in his body in battle.

His thin and dry figure was under the aspiration skyrocketing, full of flesh and blood, and blood spurting. He turned into a steel giant more than two meters high. His skin was dark and shimmering with black light. The muscles were like steel and the veins were like dragon tendons. The spear exudes a primitive and wild aura, as if a demon **** came from the eternal heavens across the long river of time, which is daunting.

Even more faintly, a black dragon phantom appeared above his body, making a muffled dragon chant.

This is his body, a black dragon.

At this moment, he plunged into the water like a dragon and came to the main field where he could best exert his fighting talent.

Ye Tian was imprisoned and suppressed. He was already inferior to the old Jiao Wang, but he was a bit weaker when he traded.

The old Jiao was full of heart, and was about to end the battle with this blow.

Heaven and earth immortals, that is the gap between heaven and earth, which can't be made up in any case, even if you cultivate supernatural powers, even if you have peerless magic weapons in your hand.

The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the difference in combat power between levels, which is an exponentially increasing relationship, which is almost insurmountable.

If the acquired state is a pot of water, then the congenital state is a pot of water. It takes dozens of pots of water to fill a tank of water.

Yuan Ying is a pool of water, and hundreds of tanks of water may not be full.

It turns gods into a lake that can hold thousands of pools of water.

Lianxu is a river that can hold tens of thousands of lakes.



The huge gap in combat power between realm and realm is evident.

Therefore, it is not easy to cross-boundary wars.

Those who can cross a small realm to fight can be called the pride of heaven.

And those who can cross a great realm to fight can be called eternal geniuses, or look at the boundless universe, the starry sky and the tens of thousands of races, all can be called peerless talents.

"Young man, you have no respect for the heavenly immortals. You are not an heavenly immortal, and you never know the horror of the heavenly immortals!" Old Jiao Wang said, his voice echoed between heaven and earth, revealing the majesty of the highest.

"If you are really a celestial being, I will leave without saying a word. Unfortunately, you are not a real celestial being!" Ye Tian's voice was heard from the depths of the earth veins. The voice was very flat, but it sounded harsh to the Jiao Clan. , There is a bit of sarcasm.

"I am a half-step immortal, and you can't disobey. My dragon pond secret realm, let alone you can go wild. My Jiao clan is the descendant of the immortal clan before eternity. It's a capital crime."

"Descent of the fairy race?" Ye Tian laughed, "If you wait for the descendant of the fairy race, then I will be the king of the fairy race. When you see me, you must kneel down and pray."

Ye Tian is the lord of Penglai, and Penglai is a big super orthodoxy before the ages. He is above many sects. There is nothing wrong with him calling himself the king of immortals.

"What an arrogant junior human race, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

While talking, the old king bends down like a full bow, clenching the spear with one hand, and stabs out the spear like a javelin, nailing Ye Tian to death in the void.

The palm of the old Jiaowang glowed, and the surging mana poured into the war spear.

At this moment, the spirits of the ten directions were all mobilized, and the battle spears gathered like a tide.

This war spear is very special, it seems that there is a god, which can absorb the essence of the sky, the sun and the moon.


The war spear trembled lightly, buzzed, and burst out with immense light, killing the air.

"It's over!"


The old Jiao Wang tiger's body was straight, his war spear turned into a magic light, and it flew out like a javelin, breaking the speed of sound instantly.

Double the speed of sound, twice the speed of sound, five times the speed of sound,...

At this moment, the world was shocked.

The black war spear, like a god, burst out with a terrible howling sound, shining all over the world, and went straight to Ye Tian's heart.

"After this battle, I'm going to the outside world for a while. I can't always stay behind closed doors." The old Jiao Wang said to himself, his eyes gleaming and he was confident of his own blow. Although he found that Ye Tian was not completely imprisoned by the Qi of the Earth Vein, his body skills were still like electricity, dodge at extreme speed.

On the top of Ye Tian's head, the mysterious ecliptic platform, a stream of chaotic energy fell, helping him to isolate the blockade of earth veins.

Moreover, his chaotic golden body's earth movement changes and his closeness to earth movement elements also made it difficult for the aura of the earth veins to restrain him.

Therefore, the Qi of the Earth Vessel didn't completely imprison him, but it was in vain, unable to imprison him at all.

At this moment, he was using the steps of shifting shape and shadow, and his body was as fast as a bolt of lightning, avoiding the old king's war spear.

However, he dodged several times in a row without being able to get rid of it. The battle spear was able to be locked by the air and it was already locked on his body.


Ye Tian folds in the air, avoiding the chase of the war spear with a flexible movement, and slashes out a sword smoothly, but it is useless because the speed of the war spear is too fast.

His body is like a ghost, suddenly left and right, suddenly up and down, revealing a misty mood, extremely strange, not like a human being at all, but like a ghost.

"Why is he so fast?"

On the ground, several Jiao Clan elders were shocked.

Ye Tian didn't use flashing magical powers, but a light skill. The war spear, which was nearly ten times the speed of sound, could not catch up with him at once, which was incredible.

But Ye Tian had such a ghostly physical form that he couldn't escape the chase of the war spear, and he was almost stabbed several times.

"Old King Jiao, you also come to taste the taste of being pursued." Ye Tian yelled, and threw the Sun Moon Divine Sword with a loud voice, and split a divine mind into it.

The Sun Moon Divine Sword was originally a flying sword, which was several times more flexible than the war spear of the old King Jiao.

Under the control of a divine mind, there was no need for Ye Tian to worry, and attacked and killed the old king.


The sun and moon divine sword turned into a divine rainbow, UU reading also broke through several times the speed of sound in an instant, slashing a sky scar in the sky, and slashing towards the old king.

The old Jiao Wang's eyes were dark, he took a **** handprint, and blasted the Sun Moon Divine Sword.


There was a sound of piercing the gold and cracking the stone, and the black big handprint was cut open by the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, which could not be resisted.

At this time, Ye Tian also shook the old king's war spear with a hard blow, making a knife with his palm, and slashing the war spear.


A string of sparks splashed, and a sound like Hong Zhong and Dalu spread throughout the world, and the spear was unobstructed, but a drop of blood came out of Ye Tian's palm fingers.

"So hard?" Ye Tian was shocked.

The elders of the Jiao Clan were shocked. They thought that Ye Tian used his palms to shake the spear hard and his palms would shatter into blood, but only a drop of blood shed.

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