Last time, Ye Tian broke Huo Tingxuan's true identity, and the children of the Maxian family emerged from the northeast.

Northeast out of the horse fairy, the five great fairy, Hu Huangbai Liu Hui, Huo family belongs to the fox fairy, and is the main hall mouth.

Huo Tingxuan is born with a psychic physique. This physique is especially loved by the Xian family and is the most rare physique of the Ma Xian.

Huo Tingxuan's grandfather, Huo Shi'an, the current homeowner of the Huo family, and the main host of Huxiantang, because of a serious illness, he was about to die, and he wanted to hand over the seat of the main host to his grandson Huo Tingxuan.

The grand fairy enshrined by the Huo family also has this meaning.

Because Huo Tingxuan is born with a psychic constitution, he can communicate better with the fairy family and learn more profound secrets of the fairy family. The growth rate is much faster than ordinary people.

However, some people do not want Huo Tingxuan to take over as the host, his cousin Huo Tingxiao, and the other four immortals.

His cousin was inflated with ambition, and he wanted to replace him as the main host of Fox Fairy Church.

The other four are worried about Huo Tingxuan's special physique, and the speed of practicing secret methods is much faster than that of ordinary people. In the end, one person is respected alone, breaking the balance of the current five, and letting Hu Xiantang override other four. Therefore, they vowed to kill the risk in the cradle.

So, a few months ago, a big dogfight happened on Yanda campus.

Huo Tingxiao tried to kill his cousin, but was killed by the children of four other immortals.

The children of the other four immortal families died in Ye Tian's hands.

Huo Tingxuan was arrested and returned home with such a large number of deaths and injuries.

Not only was the death of the cousin suspected to be related to him, but the other four immortals would definitely come to trouble.

Unless, he put all responsibilities on Ye Tian.

As for whether he was confessed, Ye Tian is unknown.

He hoped that he would be confessed, so Huo Tingxuan could get away.

And he, naturally, has no fear of the so-called out of the horse fairy in the northeast, and even the so-called five deities of the fairy family behind the scenes, dare to find fault, how much to kill.

When killing the children of the Four Great Immortals, Ye Tian had an unexpected discovery that the Great Immortals attached to the Four Great Immortals were only avatars, not the Great Immortals, and were not independent individuals.

Even, even avatars are not counted, just the thoughts of the soul differentiation.

Because it is just a thought, it cannot exist independently at all, and can only be parasitic on people, just like a ghost possession.

Ye Tian saw some eyebrows at that time, and there was a guess in his heart. There was one big fairy deity behind each of the five great fairy families, and at least one big fairy deity.

These great immortal deities are extremely powerful. It is very likely that they have reached the level of earth immortals, and their souls can differentiate into thoughts, reaching tens of thousands more.

Thousands of thoughts are attached to different people, and they gain virtue through virtue.

Eventually, these merits will converge on the deity of the Xian family to cultivate and grow stronger.

The merits and beliefs are similar, but they are both mysterious and mysterious, but they are essentially different.

Belief power comes from sentient beings, the greater the influence, the more believers, the more faith power gained.

The merits come from the will of heaven and earth in heaven and earth, and are the favor of heaven.

Generally speaking, the greater the credit for this world, the more merits you can get in heaven.

You can see things in the sky, no matter how small or small, such as catching thieves, helping grandma to cross the road, planting trees, protecting the environment, and so on, as long as it is positive, you can get merit.

Of course, most people do not know how to use merit to cultivate, or even know that this thing exists.

But it doesn't matter, even if one doesn't use merit, the more merits accumulated in one's body, one can passively gain some benefits.

For example, when interacting with people, having merits, being kind, and being kind-hearted, it is easier to be seen by others, gain trust, and succeed.

Moreover, those with merit and good luck will also get better luck, more likely to get some kind of adventure, easier to get help from the nobles in adversity, when they are in danger, they can be turned into danger, and so on.

This is why some people say that good-hearted people are not bad luck, because there is a heavenly virtue in their body, and they inherit the luck of the world.

The thing that Ma Xian does is naturally not a trivial matter such as helping the grandmother to cross the road, but to help people exorcise evil, eliminate disasters for others, relieve sufferings, reduce sufferings, and so on. For doing good in general.

A person who does a good job in doing good deeds may not have enough merit, but thousands of people who do good deeds together can not be underestimated.

Most of these merits were intercepted by the idea of ​​the possessed Daxian, and eventually transferred to the Daxian deity. The Maxian itself can only get very few merits.

Out of the horses, the deeds do good deeds, break the sky, and not know the prophet. While gaining merits, they will also be punished by heaven. Natural punishment and merit can be balanced without much harm. But because the merits are intercepted by Daxian's idea, the penalty is more than merits, so the final appearance of Ma Xian is often not very good.

Thousands of thoughts have driven tens of thousands of celestial beings to do good deeds and gain a lot of merits for the cultivation of the deity.

The exhaustion of heaven and earth aura and cultivation by virtue of virtue is another way beyond belief.

The above is just Ye Tian's judgment. The essence of the five great families in the Northeast should not be worse.

Now, his roommate, Huo Tingxuan, was taken home, and he never went back.

Huo Tingxuan was his roommate at first. The second incident had a lot to do with him. He was the child of the four immortal families he beheaded.

After agreeing with the two roommates, chatting for a while, Ye Tian left.

He still has a lot of things to do today. Only when things are handled today can he go to the second child's house tomorrow.

After leaving school, Ye Tian went to Ye's ancestral home.

This is where he lived from an early age to a big one. When he came here, he felt more right and wrong, more emotion.

Since the last time the Baijia dove occupied the magpie's nest, occupied the Yejia mansion, and was cleaned by Ye Tian, ​​the Yejia mansion was sealed by the relevant departments, and a large fork seal on the main entrance was very striking.

This is a top-notch affluent area, located in the city center, UU reading inch and inch gold, because dozens of people died because of successive massacres, resulting in housing prices have fallen a lot, even rich My family moved away from this place, and I felt terrified when I lived here.

The door of the Ye family's mansion, because no one has taken care of it for a long time, the grass grows taller.

"The empty room in the shabby room, when the bed was full of wat, the grass was withered and poplar. It used to be a singing and dancing field.

An old man who lives in this wealthy area passes by the door of Yejia's mansion and looks at the tall grass growing on the wall and the green moss on the stone steps. He can't help singing, restrained and frustrated, full of emotions, and Beijing Opera is very good.

"The family is unfortunate! I want to say that I blame the illegitimate son of the young master, the natural broom star, who came to collect debts, and lucked the good luck of the Ye family to corruption." An old man from the same industry expressed his opinion and shook his head again and again.

"You fart, you are the broom star! Put your mouth clean."

Suddenly, a red Ferrari on the side of the road pushed the door open, and walked out of a beautiful woman with a beautiful face, and pointed at the nose of the second old man.

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