Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1260: 1 final blow

"Break me!"

Ye Tian squeezed his sword tactics and thundered between his palms.

Clank clank!

In the mid-air, a huge sword that hung down also shook violently, and a sharp sound of swordsong broke out, accompanied by the endless sword gas sprayed from the tip of the sword, suddenly stab down.


The sky dome trembles, the earth trembles, and there is a white space in the void, and a river of sword qi is seen, with an unmatched power of destruction, washed down.


A shocking explosion came out, and the tip of the Sun and Moon Excalibur pierced the earth, about half a foot deep.

This was a sword enough to cut a Baizhang Mountain in half, but it was only a half-foot deep little sword mark on the ground, which was too incredible.

And when Ye Tian pulled out the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, the sword marks would soon disappear, as if nothing had happened.

This is a bizarre space for the world of the witch god, or the cage in the palm.

Shortly before the meeting, when Ye Tianyi boxed to break the witch god's breastplate, the witch god's palm also covered his head. The whole person was sucked into the vortex in the palm of the witch god, as if entering a black hole, and then came here.

This is a small world of dimensions interwoven by the law of the void, attached to the mech, not the magical world of the palm that the witch **** will really cultivate.

Compared to the seabed pyramid warship, the cage that can hold Jin Dan, the suppression here is more intense, and the space is more solid.

After all, the cage of the Pyramid Battleship has existed for endless years, and the power of the runes has been constantly eroded in the years, which is far less than the original.

The mech of the Witch God is different. It combines the most sophisticated technology and avenues of the Western civilization. Everything is the latest, and it is not comparable to the pyramid warships of endless years.

If Ye Tian does not have a strong physique, the flesh can be comparable to the body of Jin Dan. The general divine realm comes here and becomes gray in minutes, and even the earth immortal can't hold on for long.


In the void, there are constant chains of law and gods interwoven, which seem to be a series of electro-optical snakes, very sharp, constantly flying towards Ye Tian, ​​or entangled like a rope, lashed like a whip, or pierced like a spear ,...

These rules of God chain is not as simple as killing Ye Tian, ​​but to absorb the divine power in his body and eventually **** him into a dry corpse.

With the witch god's vision of the level of Jindan, it is not difficult to see that the golden body of Ye Tian is all treasure.

Therefore, he didn't slapp it into a puree.

In addition, the Wujin will indeed think of conquering Ye Tian and becoming a horse under his own, which will have many benefits for him to rule the earth.

It's a pity that this is a bad horse and it's not easy to subdue.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Ye Tian mentioned the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, sweeping away countless sword flowers like the clouds and flowing water, and the sword screamed and screamed, slashing the chains of his laws towards his own law.

Then, he once again sacrificed the Xuanhuang Daotai, threw it to the sky, and then fell down.

It is the Taoist mark imprinted with the God of God. The Xuanhuang Daotai will still be suppressed by the law of the void here, and it can be turned into a Baizhang Mountain in the outside world, but it can’t even break through here.

After all, this is just a Taoist platform, not a magic weapon to transform the gods.

Moreover, it is said to be Daotai, the legendary **** of incarnation, the **** of the world, who sits on it and has absolutely little time to enlighten the Tao, and may not even enlighten the Tao on it at all, just stay in the process of sacrifice. There were a few marks.

The Xuanhuang Daotai can also roar in the face of the Dixian-level powerhouse, but the power of the Xuanhuang Daotai can be overwhelmed by the Jindan-level powerhouses such as the Wujin God.


The ground shook violently, and the ground was smashed with a small pit three feet deep, and a few cracks appeared.

The space is still there and has not been damaged.

Between the runes flickering, the law and the road marks are intertwined, and the three-foot-deep pit disappears quickly.

Xiantiandixian only barely came into contact with the laws of heaven and earth, while the powerful Jindan could control the laws of heaven and earth.

This is the awfulness of the Jindan strong, who can control the heavens and the earth, which is almost the height of the sky, so it is called the heavenly immortal by the monks of the ancient earth.

Then, Ye Tian broke out several times again, with the firepower fully on, or slashing with the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, or smashing in the arms of the Xuanhuang Daotai, or detonating with an iron fist, or evoking the five elements of Chaos God thunder and bombing, or The Golden Eye of Fire Eyes spouted golden flames...

For a time, this silent and empty world of dimensions exploded with a tremendous loud noise, and the whole world trembling in the loud noise, it seemed that it might break and burst at any time.

In the real world, the witch **** twitched slightly with his right hand, his large mech, and the runes kept flashing.

However, Ren Ye Angel did all he could, and all eighteen martial arts skills came out, and eventually failed to explode the world of the wizard.

He is like a grand monkey in the palm of a Buddha’s palm, which is a magical power, and he can’t turn the sky anyway, because the gap between the realms of each other is too big.

To be honest, the world in the palm of the witch **** will not be exploded. Ye Tian sits on the ground, and the Xuanhuang Dao platform hangs above the head, and the chaotic gas will guard the body. And sacrifice the Chaos God Realm, forming a second protection.

This is not a long-term plan, because the protection is constantly being eroded by the law of the void, and Ye Tian's divine power is also constantly being overdrawn, which will always consume nothing.

It was while Ye Tian was sitting on the ground that Wu Wu would cast the technique of Void Projection, and scenes in the real world suddenly appeared in front of him, covering the sky.

The messengers from all over the country, all their ugly faces, were all seen in his eyes.

"There is nothing worth noting. Lao Tzu is not fighting for them. Lao Tzu is fighting for himself."

Hearing the words of Wu Wujiang, Ye Tian replied.

The sonorous words and the loud voice came from the world in the palm of your hand and rang all over the world.

"What? The young devil is not dead?"

The world was shocked again.

"Master God, this son is very cunning and can't stay for long."

"God will kill him quickly, so as not to have too many dreams at night."

"I suggest that God will destroy the Middle-East Kingdom and completely wipe it out. This country is a virtue with the young devil, cunning and versatile, and it has great resilience, wildfires can not be burned, and the spring breeze blows again. Governance is extremely unfavorable."


Ambassadors kept opening their mouths and spraying large amounts of dung, inspiring the witch **** to start working on Ye Tian and the Eastern Powers.


Suddenly, the witch **** will bow its head, countless fine jumps in the double pupils, and a tsunami-like spiritual force overwhelms.

After a while, all the ambassadors are not good, the soul seems to be torn, and the brain is hurt for a while.

All the ambassadors freaked out, crying and crying, thinking they would kill them.

The result is not. After a while, Wu Wu will withdraw his thoughts and obtain the information he wants.

Immediately afterwards, he focused his eyes on the embassy district of Tokyo and locked it on a three-story building with an earthy architecture.

The lights were on in the building, and there were people shaking in front of the windows.

On the roof of the building, a bright red flag fluttered in the wind.

"Are you really just fighting for yourself?" The witch **** will not be angry and indifferent.


Suddenly, the large palm of his large mech with his left hand darted out, and at a distance of several thousand feet, he grabbed the three-story building in the embassy area.

At the time of a tsunami-like blast, a giant palm with a length of tens of feet was condensed on a three-story building in an instant, like an eagle grabbing a chicken, and grabbing down.

"Old dog, you are forcing me to use the trick!"

In the small world of dimension, Ye Tian suddenly got up and roared.

"God will swear at you, young demon king, and kill him quickly." The messenger of the Three Kingdoms wrapped in red scarves shouted,

"Master God, don't listen to him talking nonsense. He is already poor, there is no possibility to have a backhand." The emissary of the sunset empire said firmly.

"Less you demon king, you just roar, it is useless to roar through your throat." The messenger of the Aurora Small Kingdom shouted.


In a group of gossips, the witch **** will suddenly change his look, and the giant palm that fell down suddenly stagnate.

In his eyes, he saw a drop of blood suddenly appear in Ye Tian's palm.

This is a drop of projectile-sized blood beads. The silver paste is generally thick, flowing with a brilliant luster, intertwined with tracts of road marks, and the avenue fragments sinking and floating, exuding a terrible atmosphere like a **** sea.

Among the blood beads, the figure of an eighteen-winged angel was vaguely visible. The wings were bright and fluttering, as if they could roar the mountain and shatter the universe.

With just a glance at this drop of blood, his mind throbbed, as if he saw the most terrible thing in the world.

As if it were not a drop of blood, but a sea of ​​blood, revealing a terrible rhythm of avenue, as if to be able to make peace with the heavens.

It was the drop of God's blood, or the blood of God, obtained by Ye Tian in the Bronze Hall of Brahma City!

"The surnamed Witch, you really shouldn't force me! I have a great use of this drop of divine blood, used on your body, the waste of riding a horse!" Ye Tian said with regret.

"One drop of divine blood can kill Yuanying. To deal with you like Jindan, half a drop is enough. However, half a drop is still wasted!"

"I hope that the remaining half drops of divine blood can still be used by me to achieve what I want. Otherwise, this transaction is really losing money."


Ye Tian looked upset as if he wanted to beat the dog with meat buns.

In the eyes of the witch **** will be frightened, Ye Tian intercepted a half drop of the blood of the **** and poured it on the Xuanhuang Daotai.


Suddenly, a huge amount of light erupted from the Xuanhuang Daotai, illuminating the Tianyu, and instantly flooding the entire dimension of the small world.

A violent breath rushed out of the Taotai, under the destructive force of the mountain tsunami, the Dimensional Small World failed to persevere for a moment, and suddenly collapsed.

"No, don't do it!" The witch **** will utter a scream.


As soon as the words fell, the large armor of his left hand burst suddenly.

Subsequently, his wrists, forearms, and upper arms exploded in succession, exploding into powder, and the scarlet blood covered the sky as if a blood rain had started.

At the same time, thousands of feet away, the True Giant Palm hanging above the three-story building suddenly burst into a storm and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"what happened?"

The whole world was stunned again, completely unaware of what was going on.

The envoys of the nations around the foot of the witch **** in the field were surprised, and then they ran away.

However, it was simply too late. The golden blood poured down the rain, pouring all the people through, and in the scream of screaming, it turned into a mass of blood mud, even the bones melted.

"Go to die!"

At this time, in the sky of **** rain, a golden figure burst out suddenly, holding a large brick Xuanhuang Dao platform, and slammed down on the mech.

"Young Demon King!"

The golden figure was so dazzling, so striking, so arrogant, the first time it appeared, it was seen by countless people in the world and recognized its identity.

The young devil did not die, and returned strong.

At this moment, the whole world is not calm!

"court death!"

In the electric light and flint stone, the witch **** will come back, wave his right arm, move the big thunder warhammer of the door panel, and face the Xuanhuang Daotai.

At this time, Ye Tian has faded away the giant spirit dharma body and returned to its original size. The Xuanhuang Daotai is a real brick in reality. Compared with the Thunder God's hammer with a big door, the witch **** is like a small bean.

However, the breath erupted in the Xuanhuang Daotai, like a mountain calling a tsunami, thicker than the 100,000-foot mountain, and even the sky dome was bombed.

Outside the Xuanhuang Daotai, the phantom of an eighteen-winged angel suddenly appeared, covering the sky and the sun, so unimaginable.

This is God's way, God's way!

This is not a normal drop of Huashen blood, but a drop of Huashen blood essence, which contains massive fragments of Huashen Avenue, so it is possible to breed avatars, which is far from comparable to the traces of Huashen Dao in Xuanhuang Daotai.

At this moment, the boy seemed to be waving a brick-and-white platform, but waving a mountain of 100,000 feet high, and even the sky was ripped, as if a piece of cloth was torn, and one by one appeared. Dark hole.


In the sound of an interstellar collision, the sky and earth violently shook, half of the ground in Tokyo was cracked and sinking, and a strong light that was thousands and thousands of times stronger than the sun, and smoke that shielded the sky from the sky.


The Wujin God made the Thunder God's Warhammer, which was made from the star core sacrifice and weighed 10 million tons, into a countless pieces at once.

"No, don't kill me, you can't kill me!"

"I can be your servant."

"Made, you die for me too!"

"Jin Dan, burst!"

"Ah, no, why can't it explode?"


Ren Wu Shen will scream screamingly, the Xuanhuang Daotai still smashes the head down, the ten-foot mech giant body, starting from the head, to the neck, chest, abdomen, thigh, ..., burst like a landslide, even flesh, with Soul, with Jindan, UU reading is all turned into fly ash.

Suppressed by Shen Dao marks, he failed to do so even when he wanted to explode Jin Dan.

After a moment, the strong light dissipated and the dust settled. There was only a young man in the sky with his hands on his back, standing proudly, surrounded by golden light, like a **** Ling Ling.

The witch **** will be gone.

"This is impossible, this is not true!"

On the other side of the ocean, Liberty City, the National Defense Center, Hopkins head sat on the ground, as if all the spirits were taken away in an instant, his face was bloodless, and his eyes were dull.

The highest government residence in Tokyo suddenly heard the sound of a broken cup.



At that moment, the entire world, hundreds of millions of spectators, lost their voices, and suddenly took a breath.

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