Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1242: Someone under the sea

When the Head of Hopkins laid down all his stubbornness and pride, bowed deeply to Ye Tian, ​​and asked for surrender, all the important members of the world's great empire and the generals of the military were silent and silent.

Everyone was not surprised about this result, because they had surrendered once before and raised a white flag at the gate of the National Defense Center, which the world saw.

Later, when Ye Tian went to pursue Balov and disappeared in Bermuda, they lowered the white flag again.

It can be seen from this that even if there is a chance of a turnaround, this country will not be soft.

Even if the service is softened, if the opportunity is caught in the future, it will definitely fight back and revenge.

However, for the time being, the current empire should have no capital to fight backwaters.

Not only did Ye Tian think so, the current great empire also thought so.

They are really poor.

Even billions of tons of nuclear weapons can't be killed. They really don't know what else in this world can be killed.

Of course, Ye Tian escaped from Xuanguangtai instead of physically resisting nuclear weapons. This little inside story is not known to the world.

In the eyes of anyone, Ye Tian is a real person who presses a star and stands on the top of the world. With his own fists and feet, his own ability.

For Ye Tian, ​​it is a great pity that he did not defeat the current great empire, especially their military strength.

If there is no military strength, then there are no minions, and the current great empire would be arrogant and arrogant, and it is impossible to dare to trouble him again in the future.

There are still several aircraft carrier battle groups in the navy of the current great empire. There are dozens of nuclear submarines, thousands of various fighters, and nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads. The military strength is still proud.

But now that others have surrendered, their posture is very low, and Ye Tian is not good to take another shot, so as not to make the rabbit anxious to bite people.

Surrender cannot be just an empty talk. In accordance with established practice, it is necessary to sign a treaty, hold a press conference, and so on, and follow a very solemn process that will be recorded in history in the future.

Just as everyone was preparing to discuss these matters, a discovery by the technical staff made everyone look tight.

Previous pictures of the Bermuda seabed captured by satellites have resolved an object, not a pyramid, but a ship.

But there is a nuclear explosion center. Tens of millions of degrees of heat destroyed everything. How could there be a ship?

And obviously, what stood there was a pyramid.

It is unbelievable that all the people on the side of the world empire have a question in their head.

Ye Tian frowned, but suddenly had a bad hunch.

A ship, he naturally knows what it is, and it can only be the golden building ship of the Great Western Army.

Because the underwater picture is short-lived and not very clear, the content that can be parsed is limited, and only the shadow of a boat can be seen faintly.

Even the technicians themselves are not sure whether this is a ship, or the analysis may be wrong, or it happens that there is a ship-shaped unknown object under the sea.

And Ye Tiansi has no doubt about the existence of the ship, only concerned about whether there are still living creatures on the ship.

"Perhaps, I should go back and see if Daxi's reinforcements have been destroyed." Ye Tian thought, whether he would return to Bermuda now and go to the bottom of the sea after the nuclear explosion.

He had to make sure that the reinforcements of Daxi were destroyed, otherwise, even if one person survived, it would be a great scourge for the earth.

And if anyone can survive, there is no doubt that the most powerful person survived.

Thinking like this, Ye Tian suddenly appeared in the mind of a middle-aged man, tall, burly and strong, wearing a golden armor, wearing a red cape, carrying his hands, standing proudly in a golden building The bow of the ship was sharp and indifferent.

The witch god, Ye Tianyou heard the name of Princess Daxi calling this person.

This is an extremely powerful existence, indeed worthy of this title.

Even if Ye Tian awakened the supernatural powers, he could not guarantee that he was his opponent.

If this person survives, it will be a big trouble.

It was also a coincidence that when Ye Tian was thinking about returning to Bermuda, a shocking change happened suddenly in Bermuda.

I saw in the satellite lens that Bermuda, the nuclear explosion area, and the huge waves of the sea, suddenly a thick sword light burst into the night, like a laser column, tearing the void and piercing the sky.

A straight channel can be seen in the sea water, as thick as a bucket, filled with sword gas, and leading to the sea floor thousands of meters deep.

Clank clank!

The sharp sword sounded through the world, deterring the world, the sword light was far reaching, and it penetrated the clouds of 10,000 meters. A reconnaissance plane just flew here, and was unfortunately wiped off by Jian Qi, and was immediately torn into iron slag.

Then, something even more terrifying happened. This sky-throwing sword slammed down like a sky and earth, splitting a sea area into two, forming a sky, which stretched for tens of thousands of feet. A roaring group of fighters just under the blade, dozens of fighters in front and behind, were wiped out.


When I saw this scene, the whole world was shocked.

A sword that cuts into the sky, a sword that divides the sea, is like a myth and legend. It is so unreal that weeping ghosts and gods.

"Why are there people under the sea?"

"Who is under the sea?"

"Young Devil..."


Brush brush!

In the National Defense Center, the combat command room, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​and his face was full of questions.

If Ye Tian is not here, they will surely think it was Ye Tian's sword, but now, it cannot be explained.

They hope to get an answer from Ye Tiankou, but they are destined to be disappointed, because Ye Tian doesn't care about them at all.

In any case, you can be sure that there are people under the sea who are extremely powerful, and like Ye Tian, ​​they also firmly hold nuclear weapons.

This kind of existence cannot be offended!

The head of Hopkins has bright eyes, and UU reads the book from time to time to look at Ye Tian, ​​thinking about everything, not knowing what he is thinking about.

"Quickly connect with General Elson so that he can't move, and don't attack."

Seeming to understand something, the Head of Hopkins suddenly said to his subordinates.

However, it was too late. When the front line of the great empire, near the sea of ​​Bermuda, several aircraft carrier battle groups waiting to be lined up, more than one hundred steel warships, and submarine under the sea surface, when the sword appeared in the sky, the firepower was fully on, Thousands of death lines of fire broke out in an instant, all kinds of Scud, all kinds of battle axes, all kinds of tridents, ..., all blasted into the sea where sword gas appeared, not only conventional weapons, but also nuclear weapons.

At the same time, more than a thousand fighters in the sky also opened fire, raining out like a rain, carpet-like covering, vowed to sweep all bulls, ghosts and snakes.

If there is any turbulence in the nuclear explosion sea area, the firepower is fully on and the extinction strikes. This is the command of the front line commander, General Elson.

At this time, it didn't take long for the Heads of Hopkins to surrender, and the news that Ye Tian was not dead had not reached General Elson's desk.

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