Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1240: Still not dead


The nuclear explosion fireball continued to be weak, the "bubble" on the bottom of the sea burst, and the sea area that was thousands of meters high, the sea water that was originally raised like a mountain, suddenly subsided, as if the sky collapsed, forming a huge hole, leading to thousands The bottom of the sea.

From the satellite, it is as scary as an eye of the sea, empty and deep.

In a very short period of time, the scene of the seabed can be seen. The nuclear explosion has ended, but the horrible light and heat are still sweeping in all directions, and the energy is surging like a tide, as if a huge seabed beast is turning over the river.

Countless rocks melted, forming a large magma lake in the pit.

"Is the pyramid still there?"

When this scene appeared, everyone in the world's Great Empire Operations Command Center widened his eyes and looked carefully.

The existence of the pyramid is related to the life and death of the young devil!

This pyramid was left by civilizations outside the region. It is not clear how strong the concrete is and whether it can withstand nuclear weapons.

However, the magma under the sea was uprooted, red, and the water vapor formed by the evaporation of the sea water lingered.

Of course, military satellites have a variety of scanning methods, and the images can be analyzed in depth later.

This large hole directly leading to the seabed lasted only a few fingers. It was short-lived, and then a huge amount of seawater began to flow back, filling quickly.

Bang, boom!

The sound of the collision of the seawater backflows seems to be cracking the rocks in the mountains, shaking and deafening, but it can be heard clearly across hundreds of miles.

The seawater hit the ground on the bottom of the sea, as if a huge hammer of hundreds of millions of tons fell down, and the mountain wave was shaken, cracking all the ground of the seabed, and a stream of magma spewing out.

In just a few moments, the huge hole was filled with sea water, forming a whirlwind vortex in the center. The big waves rolled high in the sky, with a maximum of 100 meters, rolling in all directions, wave after wave.

There was a sudden storm in the sky, and there could be eleven or two levels, blowing away the clouds thousands of meters above the sky.

At this time, hundreds of miles away, when many coastal cities of the great empire, the beach on the seaside was ebb at a rapid speed, many reefs that were not usually visible were revealed, and groups of fish and shrimp were stranded.

This is a sign of a tsunami. The more seawater recedes, the more severe the tsunami will be.

Although the tsunami warnings of the relevant departments have been communicated in advance, many people have not received them because of the short time, and some people have received them but expressed doubts or insufficient awareness of the dangers.

As a result, the danger is at the forefront. There are still many people playing on the beach. After seeing the sea water receding, some fish and shrimp ran aground and even rushed into the sea excitedly.

For these hopeless people, the current great empire can only choose to give up, anyway, they have enough people to die, not bad these few.

At this time, their entire country's attention is focused on the Bermuda Triangle.

Several aircraft carrier battle groups assembled in the harbour and countless war killers are aiming at the position of the pyramid warship. Just after the tsunami passed, it would flood out and rush towards the nuclear explosion point.

In the sky, thousands of fighter planes, loaded with various weapons and medicines, including nuclear weapons, flew out in droves, roared and rushed to the sea where the pyramids are located for reconnaissance and defense.

As long as there is any wind and grass, any signs, any signs, thousands of war killers will be overwhelming, carpet-like coverage, saturated blow.

"Grandma, a 100 million-ton equivalent of annihilated nuclear weapons, **** this time, right? Otherwise it would be too unreasonable!"

"No matter how you feel, I think he is dead anyway."

"The cliff is dead. Even if the true **** is here, it is impossible to survive under 100 million tons of nuclear weapons."


In Liberty City, the national defense operations command center, all the people were silent for a while, and then gradually there was a voice of discussion, and everyone expressed their own opinions.

Although the head of Hopkins looks very serious, his frowning brows suddenly stretched out, and he obviously thinks that the young devil is too fierce.

"Did you find anything in the underwater footage you just shot?"

Suddenly, Hopkins asked a group of technicians.

"It is being analyzed, and no pyramid has been found yet." A technician replied.

The pyramid is an important sign. If it still exists, then the young devil is likely to be alive. If it is not there, the young devil is likely to die.

"Head of state, relax, the young devil must be dead this time." A man in a suit and leather with gray hair and about sixty years of age said to the head of state, and then made a joke, "If this time he Without dying, I cut off my head and play for you."

Yuan first smiled, Xuan rebuke again, and said: "Mr. Jesses, as an important member of the authorities, how can you make such a low-level joke? There is no system. If the young devil is not dead, you really are Do you want to cut your head?"

Although it is a reprimand, everyone can hear a hint of humor.

"I want to cut my head, but the young devil doesn't give me a chance." Jesses spread his hands at the crowd, shrugged again, and looked very helpless.

Suddenly, everyone in the field laughed and relaxed like never before.

"What are you talking about? So happy."

Just then, suddenly, a cold and quiet voice came from outside the door.

When this sound was heard, all the people in the combat room were shocked.

Brush brush!

All the people turned around and looked around, and they saw a young man with an oriental face, carrying his hands on his back, and no one came to the meeting room as if smiling.

"Who is this kid?"

Many people are surprised and are very eye-catching towards the appearance of a teenager.

"Stop! Who are you? Why are you here?"

A group of guards came forward and rushed to the teenagers, all of whom were tall and powerful. UU reading had martial arts standing beside him.

Boom, Boom, Boom...

The teenager ignored it, reached out a hand, flicked his fingers, and slammed his fingers. For a moment, the heads of a group of guards burst like watermelons, and they all died.

"Damn, he is a young demon!" a general carrying three stars on his shoulders exclaimed, recognizing Ye Tian was coming.

Ye Tian has two faces, one is the ordinary state and the other is the chaotic golden body state.

What the world sees is that he turned on the appearance of the chaotic golden body state, which is perfect and flawless, and many people are very strange to his ordinary state.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Liberty City is thousands of kilometers away from the Bermuda Pyramid. Even if he is alive, how could he come here in such a short time? And we have not found it yet?" Someone shouted unbelief and gave Out of his doubts.

Hearing this, Ye Tian also felt a sigh of emotion. If it wasn't for the help of Princess Xishi's Xuanguangtai, he might really die this time.

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