Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1222: Pyramid under the sea

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The Bermuda Triangle, a sea of ​​demons, has historically swallowed unknown ships and harvested unknown lives. It has been regarded as a restricted area of ​​life by many people.

Everyone knows that this sea area is greasy, but no one can make it clear, although countless brick and mortar professors have come to investigate.

At this moment, Ye Tian came to this sea area, running his eyesight, gazing down from the top, could hardly believe his eyes, and even saw a huge pyramid on the bottom of the sea thousands of meters deep, like a seabed mountain, magnificent and magnificent.

This pyramid is not made of ordinary bricks and stones, but is made of all-metal materials. It is golden in color, hard as iron, and has a crystal texture. It is not a fairy gold, but a magic material called gold **** iron.

Gold **** iron seems to be gold, but it is actually a kind of **** iron, with high hardness, high strength, and excellent road affinity, which is loved by refiners.

In the universe of the galaxy, the gold **** iron is more common than other gods, so some large starships, war forts, and main body construction will choose this kind of gods.

On the surface of the pyramid, there are many sword marks and sword holes, some swords and halberds are still inserted on it, and some places are sunken, even tearing open the mouth, it is shocking, it seems to record a period of years, inscribed a period Glorious history.

This pyramid stands on the bottom of the sea for thousands of thousands of years. Even though there are so many holes, there is no corrosion, no weeds, a piece of soil attached to the surface, as if jumping out of the Three Realms, not in this piece Time and space.

However, the halberds of knives and guns inserted in the holes of the knives were obviously corroded and rusty.

All the magical materials are almost incorruptible, and the golden iron is no exception, so the pyramid will not be corroded. Corroded knives and halberds are mostly ordinary materials.

If there is no place, Ye Tian can feel the strange energy fluctuations in the pyramid, subtly changing the magnetic field of this sea area, thus affecting the climate, making this sea area very unstable all year round, and some incredible events often occur. .

This is a fortress of war, or a super battleship, not a pyramid on the surface, Ye Tian can be sure.

On the surface of the pyramid, there are many road patterns engraved, among which are hidden patterns. Although it is incomplete, it is still in operation and can be isolated from all prying eyes, so that a huge mass lies on the bottom of the sea for so long, but the world still does not know.

If Ye Tian didn't open the Golden Eye of Fire Eyes, he could penetrate the hypocrisy, and he could not find it.

This pyramid warship cannot be the product of the earth. Even in the ancient times of the gods and gods, there could not be such a warship that blended technology and avenues.

Because, in the ancient times of the gods and the immortals, the earth was a pure civilization on the road!

It is not difficult for Ye Tian to think of that legend, or that it is no longer a legend, because there is enough evidence to show that there really existed during that period, the invasion of advanced civilizations outside the territory, the slaughter of the earth’s souls, the fall of the Western gods, the destruction of the Eastern Immortals and the The spirit roots of the earth and the earth are all taken away.

Since then, the original star of the earth has become a waste earth planet, and the civilization of the avenue has continued to breathe. It can no longer reproduce its glory, but in the cracks, a technological civilization was born and gradually became the mainstream.

It has been recorded in the ancient texts of the Holy See that the high-level civilization that invaded the earth was named Daxi and Atlantis.

Atlantis is no stranger to the world. Plato's pen has appeared. It is a legendary highly developed ancient civilization, which has the power to enter the earth, exists on an island in the sea, and is independent. Because of a flood of the century, it sank to the bottom of the sea, more than 10,000 years ago.

The earth at that time was still a primitive society. It lived a slash-and-burn life and was completely on the same level as Daxi.

If the Great West under Plato's pen really exists, it is not difficult to see that it is an extraterritorial civilization above the current earth civilization, highly developed and capable of interplanetary navigation.

So, is the Great West described by Plato the same as the Great West that invaded the earth in ancient times as recorded in the Holy See ancient books?

This is a mystery, no one knows, but some associations can be made.

Although the two Westerns appeared at different times and are unknown for tens of thousands of years, it may not be the same Western, because the Great Western civilization described by Plato may be a descendant of the Western Great outside the ancient territory.

Even, perhaps until now, the descendants of Daxi exist.

"Is the extra-territorial civilization colluded with by the current great empire, will it be the Great Western?" Ye Tiansi thought, his eyes narrowed.

In his eyes, he saw that, thousands of meters deep, above the pyramid, a shuttle-shaped magic weapon was quietly approaching, it was the phantom **** shuttle driven by Barov.

Off the coast of Liberty City, Phantom Shenshuo was shot by Ye Tian with an arrow, and one end was planted into the sea water, and never came out again.

The world thought that Barov had hung up, but he didn't know he was hiding in the sea.

Under the arrow, the Phantom Shenshuo did not explode, but was torn off a small half of the shuttle body, but it was still usable.

Phantom Shenshuo can not only fly in the sky, but also swim in water, just because the resistance of seawater is large, and the speed will slow down.

If Ye Tian does not have a strong sense of mind, and leaves a mark on Barov's mind, it is likely that he really ran away.

He followed all the way and found here.

In fact, Ye Tian didn't want to kill Barov at the beginning, but he had to put a long line to catch big fish, find the old nest of extraterrestrial civilization, and thus find a teleportation array to the universe.

In addition, three alien visitors killed two and fled one, and Ye Tian also had to defend. Because this civilization is too powerful, if you really want to slaughter the earth, you can do it by waving your hand.

Soon, Phantom Shenshuo came to the top of the pyramid, a portal suddenly opened, shining a dazzling light, and then Phantom Shenshuo disappeared from Ye Tian's sight, and should have entered the pyramid.

"Will that alien beauty in a short skirt be hiding here?"

"And there is the door of time and space they come from, will it be here?"

"Is this pyramid warship related to the extraterrestrial civilizations that invaded the earth in ancient times?"


Questions are lingering in Ye Tian's is a little messy, but the teenager is trying to figure out the clue.

He even had an intuition that this pyramid warship is the legacy of the extraterrestrial civilization that invaded the earth in ancient times.

The numerous sword marks and holes on the surface of the hull were left during the fierce fighting with the gods and gods on the earth at that time.

In the end, this warship may have been scrapped, so it did not leave, and left on the earth.

Just as Ye Tian was immersed in his thoughts, suddenly a thick beam of light on the top of the pyramid warship burst out, instantly penetrating thousands of meters of seawater, covering him entirely.

Then, his body was involuntarily attracted by the light beam and flew inside the pyramid.

This is a light of enlightenment, contains the law of void, can shoot objects from the sky, and is not offensive.

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