Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1217: Leveling Shenmeng Building

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On an island off the coast of Liberty City, a tall statue of God of War stands, and a young man stands above the statue of God of War.

Although the boy has blond hair and golden eyes, he is a genuine oriental face, with a face like a crown jade and a clear eyebrow. It looks like a big boy next door. Every corner is as if it is carefully carved, handsome and incredible.

Standing on the head of the Statue of Liberty more than 200 meters high, coupled with the extraordinary eyesight of the teenager, can almost take the entire Liberty City into the eyes.

Although the teenager did not have a cold for the current great empire, and even had a lot of hatred, he had to admit that a great city in Liberty City, known as the center of the world, is also worthy of the name.

All he could see were tall buildings lined up one after another, and countless criss-cross streets.

Among the countless high-rise buildings, there are two unique young people favored. A building that is not tall, but has a surprisingly large volume, and is extremely chic in shape is a defense center for the current great empire.

The other building is the tallest building in Liberty City, the headquarters of the Imperial League of Gods, and the Shenmeng Tower with a height of more than 500 meters.

"Young Devil, my head of empire wants to interview you, just follow me."

A helicopter hovered near the Statue of Liberty, a man's voice came out from inside, and there was a sound of humility.

A door opened, and a man leaned his head out, holding a loudspeaker in his hand.

It can be seen that this is a middle-aged man in a suit and leather suit. He is blond and somewhat handsome. He is the first assistant and spokesperson of Hopkins, named Cade, who is even more important to Hopkins.

In his speech many times, he was full of guns and trains, which hurt me in the middle of the country, and placed all kinds of unjustifiable charges. He is a person who likes to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

However, Ye Tian had too few opportunities to watch TV and did not know him.

It seems to protect Cade, and several military helicopters followed, even carrying firepower. However, it may be that he was afraid of irritating Ye Tian and did not dare to rely too closely, but lingered for thousands of kilometers.

On the ground, there are also chariots dispatched, gradually forming a siege of the God of War island.

"Let him come to see me, I'm waiting for him here."

Ye Tian said lightly, his eyes still hovering over the two buildings, without looking at Cade.

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Cade's eyes suddenly stood up, and there was a burst of anger in his chest.

The head of the great empire, what kind of identity is it, not only the greatest power of the current great empire, but even the greatest power of the entire world, the true body of gold is unattainable and expensive.

I don’t know how many people want to meet the head of the great empire every day.

Not only did the young demon king not cherish the opportunity, but instead he made a rant to ask the head of the great empire to come and meet him, which was a big joke. This clearly means to force Hopkins to bow his head.

Although the current great empire was stepped on the feet by the young demon king to some extent, the integrity can't be lost, it should still have the style.

As the first assistant under the head of state, Capita also deserved to maintain the dignity of the head of state and the dignity of the empire.

"Youth demon king, my head of empire promised to meet you, it is your blessing. You have to know what's wrong," Cade said hardly.

"what did you say?"

Ye Tian suddenly squinted in the past, and the fierce eyes scared Cade into a shock.

However, after all, he was a character around the head of state, and his companion was like a tiger, and he developed a strong mentality. After being scared, he quickly recovered.

"Young Devil, do you really think that my great empire has been defeated? What a big mistake! It is because my great empire does not want to burn the spirits of this world, and does not want this world to be robbed. There are as many as ten thousand nuclear warheads in my empire. How many are you facing? It’s just nine cows. It’s as long as my empire is willing, and even this star can be destroyed, don’t say it will deal with you. You have to figure this out. The great empire is not conquered, and it is impossible to be conquered.” Kay De's voice became more and more fierce, and he couldn't give way.

"Really? I don't have the ability to destroy a star, but it is more than enough to destroy the current empire." Ye Tian said coldly with his hands behind his back.

"You... really want my great empire to die forever? My great empire is now reconciled sincerely, and you shouldn't force people too much!" Cade gritted his teeth, widened his eyes, and said angrily: "I Finally, I’ll ask you again. My great empire will interview you first. Are you going to go about some conditions of reconciliation?"

"Noisy! Who gave you the courage to yell and yell in front of me?" Ye Tianheng raised his eyebrows, protruding a big hand, and snapped at Cade.

"What do you want to do? Stop it, ah..."

In the screaming screams, Cade's body flew out of the helicopter involuntarily. Under the frightened eyes of countless people, he was shocked into a blood mist.

Suddenly, there was silence in the national defense center.

This red man next to Hopkins, the teenager even said he would kill.

And then, more terrible things happened.

The young man had no taboos, and after watching the scenery, he finally shot.

The helicopter carrying Cade was fleeing at an accelerated speed, and was suddenly exploded by the teenager into a mass of scrap iron.

Farther away, several escorted military helicopters carrying firepower were also spared. Under the control of the young metal, the renju gun generally exploded into a pile of scrap iron.

Boom Boom Boom...

Then, on the Ares Island, various metal objects were vacated, and there were many initial vehicles. Later, even some metal buildings were dismantled, turned into metal components, and flew into the sky. Even the steel bars in the concrete were pulled out and the buildings collapsed.

Thousands of tons of metal objects float in mid-air, and under the control of the young man's metal, they are turned into a bite of rough swords of different sizes, densely packed, and the number is as large as hundreds of thousands.

"What is he going to do? Is he going to kill?"

At this moment, millions of citizens of the entire Liberty City were stunned and panicked.

The youngster's gaze wandered around the polygonal defense center building and the Shenmeng Building more than 500 meters high for the last time.

"go with!"

The young man shouted, and the iron palm pushed forward violently. Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of rough iron swords suddenly turned into a horrible torrent of steel. It seemed that Wan Jian returned to the sect. Out, he shot at the headquarters building of the Empire League.

At this moment, in the National Defense Center, all the important officials of the authorities came out of the cold sweat.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The sound of blasting in the void is endless, like a continuous thunder roll, it is the sound of each iron sword breaking through the speed of sound.

An iron sword weighs as much as a few kilograms and as much as a few tens of hundreds of kilograms. Under supersonic conditions, its destructive power is comparable to that of a cannonball.

It is a terrible scene that hundreds of thousands of shells are bombarding a building.

"Balov, get me out!"

Ye Tian roared and thundered like thunder, which shocked the entire Free Tens of millions of people's eardrums were buzzing.

Tuk Tuk!

In the neighborhood, the rapid artillery fire rang, and the fire burst into the sky, trying to intercept the steel torrent. But it's useless at all, not much to intercept.

Ye Tian was very disappointed, and Barov didn't shoot.


In the explosive sound of a meteor hitting the earth, hundreds of thousands of supersonic iron swords blasted on the Shenmeng Building at almost the same time, as if a piece of tofu was hit by a big hammer, and instantly burst into countless pieces, even concrete The steel bars in the are broken into iron slag, and the dust is covering the sky, vaguely showing the shape of a mushroom cloud.

At this moment, in the stunned and terrified eyes of the whole world, a group of darkness was spreading on the God of War island, like a dark tide, swallowing the light, the wind screaming, rolling black, countless wraiths, vast and omnipresent Swept.

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