Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1211: Crit Silver Eye Old Man

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"Damn!" The old pupil of Silver Eyes shrank suddenly, and his expression changed dramatically.

He was most proud of the mental power attack, but Ye Tian was pushed back, making him very uneasy.

Although the mental attack is not as spectacular as the physical attack, it is tragic and overwhelming. Once injured, it is a serious injury, or a fall, or a disability, and it will soon be the winner.

Until now, he had to take it seriously.

The young man in front of him, regarded by him as a native of ants, is far stronger than he thought!

call out!

The golden villain's speed is too fast, like a golden thunderbolt, which emits a dazzling light and waves a terrifying breath. The beauty in the short skirt is standing far away, the soul is throbbing, and there is a feeling of being torn.

Her ivory-carved jade body first glowed softly, and then countless runes flickered. In just a few finger clicks, a majestic armor appeared on her body, from head to toe, The package was tight, but it was pink and purple, and there was a lovely youthful atmosphere in the cool, which matched her temperament very well.

The cool armor added, and the feeling that her soul was torn apart disappeared.

Elder Yintong's body is also shining, but before he can call out the armor, the golden villain with the sword arrives and pierces his eyebrows straight.

After Yuan Shenbing, Ye Tianzun also flew, holding a sword in one hand and a Xuanhuang Daotai in one hand, just like a fierce tiger out of the cage, so fiercely messed up.

Just now the old pupil of the silver pupil was torn apart, the soul was hit by a storm, the eyebrows were bruised, and the response was a little slow. In addition, the golden villain was too fast, he couldn’t stop it, three inches long Dao Jian thrust a sturdy heart over his eyebrow.


Between the flashlights and the flint, a silver shield appeared on his eyebrows, which blocked the attack of Yuanshen Daojian and failed to penetrate his eyebrows.

This small silver shield is not a meta-spirit soldier transformed into a divine mind, but a spiritual magic weapon cast by magic materials. It has a special divine power and can resist mental attacks.

Spiritual magic weapons are a special category of magic weapons, which are rare, because it is very difficult to perform this kind of magic, and there are not many monks who are good at spiritual attacks.


However, Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao sword was so sharp and condensed that it suddenly cut a crack in the silver shield.

The eyebrow of the old silver pupil was like a lightning strike again, and the whole person flew out. This time the eyebrow was overflowing.


Ye Tian's eyebrows were also a tingling pain, a bit of backlash.

He quickly gave up the Yuanshenbing attack, withdrew the Yuanshendao sword, embodied a streamer illusion, and rushed to the place where the old silver pupil fell to the ground. He wanted to kill this old thing in one go. He must not be allowed to call out the armor, otherwise it will be a fierce battle.


After recovering the Yuanshen Dao sword, Ye Tian blasted the Xuanhuang Daotai as a seal, and smashed it to the old silver pupil.

"Damn aborigine, how can you have such a powerful magic weapon? Who is your master?" The old silver pupil shouted in fear.

From the Taoist platform, he felt the breath of Huashen, although there was only a trace, it also made him shocked, because it meant that there might be a Huashen on the waste earth.

If that's the case, it would be terrible. A deified God can almost sweep the so-called upper realm where he is.


He protruded his right hand, gripped with five fingers, and a sharp umman flew out of his body, fell into the palm, and turned into a black gold spear.

Against the smashed Xuanhuang Daotai, he slammed it with a sudden shot, and suddenly countless guns burst from the tip of the gun. Each one had a bucket thickness, and the killing intention was like a tsunami, so that the sky dome shook. stand up.


This is an absolute blow, killing all the people in the world, the sky is full of guns, a sky dome seems to be stabbed with holes.


I saw an incredible scene, almost shot the countless guns penetrated by the sky dome, hit the Xuanhuang Daotai, as if countless eggs smashed on the stone, all collapsed into pieces, even no trace of marks Can stay.


Then, the Xuanhuang Daotai and the black gold lance collided, and a loud noise was heard.

Xuanhuang Daotai was simple and unpretentious, the sacred mark of the avenue was not manifested, the divine light was restrained, and Shengwei did not recover, but he still broke the black gold spear in the hands of the old silver pupil, and surprised him with a look of earth.


Xuanhuang Daotai crashed to the ground and smashed a huge deep pit.

Between the electric light and the flint, the old silver pupil fled to escape.

Numerous runes flashed on his body, a black gold battle armor was vaguely formed, his right shoulder was wiped by the Xuanhuang Daotai, and a piece was torn apart.

Ye Tian was incapable of surrendering and flew over, brought the Xuanhuang Daotai in his hand, chasing the old man with silver eyes for a while.

Although the old silver pupil is powerful, the soul of the **** was critically attacked and the battle armor was torn apart. It was slow to form, and only 10% of the combat power was barely used. It was very passive for a time.

He regretted not to provoke Ye Tian as a monster. His flesh was so powerful that he didn't say anything about it. The Taoist tower in his hand was also terrifying. Even his wujin spear and his wujin warframe were smashed.


For a moment, the sound of metal crit was heard in the ears, and Ye Tian even put out a heavy hand, bombarding the armor of the old silver pupil. Although the Warframe became apparent, it could not be used, but became a burden.

I saw that above the armor, countless runes flickered, sparks were scattered, and even a plume of white smoke rose.

Although the armor has the ability of self-healing, but the damage exceeds a certain limit, it will be abandoned, and it will not heal itself at all. Just like a human being, no matter how strong Xiaoqiang is, he can be beaten to death.

On the hill not far away, the beautiful woman in a short skirt was holding a magical spear and looked straight. The muzzle was clearly pointed, but he dared not shoot, because he was afraid of hurting the old silver pupil by mistake.


Another crit, the old silver pupil was blasted out, the armor of the body was rotten into countless pieces, the rune was dim, the formation collapsed, and it was completely abolished. He was bloodied and his body was smashed.

That hatred in the old silver pupils, UU reading **** in the gully, would have wished to give himself a few hundred slaps.

But right now, escape is important. He threw away the tattered armor and fled desperately, shouting to let the short skirt beauties fire, offering a magic weapon called Xuanguangtai.

How could Ye Tian let him escape, step on the floating light, walk into a light and shadow, and soon caught up, Xuanhuang Daotai held high, slammed down against the Tianling cover.

"Young man, do you dare to kill me? But who am I?" The old man of Silver Eyes was horrified.

"Damn Aboriginal, stop it soon. Kill Feng Lao, I will make you seem like a place without a burial place." The beautiful girl in a short skirt drank.


Ye Tianli didn't pay attention to it, the Xuanhuang Daotai smashed down, exploding the silver-eyed old man from head to toe into a pool of blood mud, and even the soul of the gods was shocked into the powder.

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