Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1202: Successful entry

Nuclear warheads are stored in the aircraft carrier’s squad warehouse, and the total equivalent is quite amazing. They can be launched through long-range intercontinental missiles, and of course they can also be detonated on the spot.

The head of state meant that General Davis detonated all nuclear warheads on the aircraft carrier and pulled the young devil to be buried.

This was a very shameless order, but the military order was like a mountain, and General Davis had to obey.

As the saying goes, Jun let his subjects die, and the subjects had to die.

General Davis first looked ashamed, thinking of his father and mother, thinking of his siblings, thinking of his children, a despair.

However, when he thought of the nation and the country, he immediately recovered to God, full of high fighting spirit.

"The empire is proud of you!"

This is what the head of state said to him before hanging up.

However, all the soldiers of an aircraft carrier heard him, and they were all dumbfounded.

"Open the nuclear weapon cabin door and enter the nuclear weapon code!" General Davis issued an order immediately, his expression was firm, his voice clanged, and there was no feeling of coldness.

When the will of the head of state comes, there is no room for manoeuvre, only obey.

"God bless the great empire, God bless the heads!" Then he put his hands on his chest, closed his eyes, and prayed reverently.

All the soldiers and officers in the field have learned a lot, and they seem to be doing a farewell ceremony. They are about to leave this world.

"Fifty-nine ships, sixty ships..."

On the Internet, the countdown of a melon-eating crowd who is not too big to watch is still in progress. It seems like it has been hit with chicken blood, and the voice is full of excitement.

There are not many people who are as excited as he is, because the situation is so exciting that even Hollywood blockbusters dare not shoot like this, nor can they produce this effect.

A young man is like a god, a knife-cut battleship is like cutting melons and vegetables, one knife at a time.

The entire joint fleet, a total of 68 warships, in less than ten minutes, could not save one in ten, could not be defeated, and was completely disabled.

At this moment, the whole world is stunned!

"I seriously doubt that the young devil is a reincarnation of an ancient immortal, so at a young age, it is as strong as it is." Some people were suspicious.

"The young devil is about to pass the Bering Strait and set foot on the land of the current great empire. This is a historic moment."

"The present great empire has been well maintained for a long time, and Yaowu is accustomed to it. It is time to give it some lessons."

"If the young devil wants to pass the Bering Strait, he has already passed it. He is trying to kill him, let the world know his strength! This guy is too ruthless."

"It's not appropriate to do this as soon as possible. The ancients said that you should stay in the line and meet each other in the future."


It seems that it is not good to rush to kill. After disabling the joint fleet, Ye Tianwang opened the remaining battleships. After staying for a while, he suddenly flew towards the other side.

This is a historic moment, and the Internet is boiling.

Since the establishment of the country by the current great empire, it has not been invaded by hostile forces, and war has not affected this land. Now, this myth is about to be broken.

Of course, Ye Tian was not an aggression, but he also ruled his own way with his own way of doing things, asking for an argument for the injustice he had encountered.

However, if he wants to land successfully, he will have to overcome some small difficulties, because there is a large army in the way.

On the land on the other side, we saw thousands of tanks roaring, and the smoke was covering the sky.

Rocket launchers, missile launchers, and the sword points to the sky.

A fighter plane roared and hovered at high altitude.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers are guarding the important points and waiting for them.

"Inform the ground troops, at all costs, to bombard the target with all your strength! You must not let the young devil step on the land of my current great empire."

The Liberty City, the National Defense Center, the combat command room, and the head of state issued orders. He has now replaced General Ellsen, commander of the three armed forces, as the commander of the war.

Soon, his will was well executed.


On the other side of the strait, countless flames pierced the sky, with a sharp scream, forming a wide barrage, slamming his head and hitting the young devil.

"Damn, why did he fly away?"

At this time, inside the aircraft carrier, General Davis was not calm, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"Stop, stop, all nuclear weapons, stop detonating." Then he yelled.

Just now, when Ye Tian stopped attacking, he was worried that Ye Tian had escaped and issued an order to detonate nuclear weapons.

"General, it's already detonating, and it can't stop." An officer said with a sad face, and sweat dripping from his forehead fell like rain.

Mid-air, Ye Tian didn't want to get entangled with these soldiers, and didn't want to waste this time. Like these ants, killing more is just a number.

He was holding the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, his forehead pointed, his body breath was shocked, and a Gengjin Sword Qi filled his body, and his body instantly turned into a sword, uniting with the Sun and Moon Divine Sword.

In other words, at this moment he became the sword spirit of the Sun and Moon Excalibur.

call out!

Ye Tianren and the sword unite into a sword-mand that tears the heavens and the earth, and rushes towards the Alas Province of the great empire in the face of the rain that is as thick as a copper wall and an iron wall.

This swordman's speed is too fast, as if it were an electromagnetic shell, it broke through ten times the speed of sound in an instant.

In an instant, Jianmang broke through the sky of rain and appeared over the Alaska province.

At this time, a huge mushroom cloud rose above the strait, and the equivalent of more than 20 million tons instantly shredded the 100,000-ton displacement aircraft carrier into powder.

Then the violent shock wave rolled all directions, for a while, the straits were all cut off, and the big waves turned against the sky, forming a terrifying tsunami. The few remaining warships were all overturned in an instant and then torn apart.

On both sides of the strait, the fighting nations and the soldiers of the current great empire all suffocated for a while, and others were blinded by strong light.

Many of them will die.


The fighting nation, the imperial palace, and the fighting emperor yelled.

No matter how fast the nuclear weapon shock wave is, it is impossible to catch up with Ye Tian who is ten times the speed of sound. But he saw the glare and felt a heavy breath of death, knowing that a nuclear weapon had detonated behind him, and the equivalent was great.

"It seems my intuition is still accurate." Ye Tian laughed in his heart.

Ten times the speed of sound is still too difficult for him, it is impossible to maintain this speed all the time, consume too much. As he flew to the hinterland of Alaska, his speed gradually slowed down.

"Warning, this is the territory of the Maple Leaf Kingdom. Please stop immediately, otherwise I will see the Maple Leaf Kingdom as aggression and launch the craziest revenge."

When Ye Tian left Alas, about to enter the Maple Leaf Kingdom, a fighter came to intercept. On the ground, there are tens of thousands of troops converging into a torrent of steel, blocking Ye Tian's way forward.

Alaska is just an enclave of the current great empire, UU reading www. is separated from the mainland by a maple leaf kingdom.

Ye Tian wanted to enter the inland of the current great empire, the nearest road is across the Maple Leaf Kingdom.

"Interestingly, the Maple Leaf Kingdom actually tried to intercept the young devil, because the kindergarten did not graduate, don't know how to write dead words? It's really stupid."

"It's not surprising at all. The Maple Leaf Kingdom is a half-subordinate state of the current great empire, and it obeyed the current great empire. It must have been instigated to do so."


In the voice of the people who were eating melons, Ye Tian had already shot. A sword and a sword flew into the air, and several fighter planes were all fragmented.

Then, Ye Tian swooped down and faced the torrent of steel made up of 10,000 troops.

At this moment, the maple leaf kingdom went up and down, and there was silence.

Whether to fire, this is a problem!

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