Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1178: Combat power recovery


Thick dark clouds overshadowed the sun, lightning flashed in the sky, gusts of wind screamed, and heavy rain poured down.

A terrifying storm unexpectedly covered half of Siberia.

Now it is still daytime, but like the night, you can't see your fingers, only when there is lightning in the sky, you can see a corner of the world, the endless mountains, the lush vegetation, the crisscross river network, ...

The wildness of Siberia is most vividly manifested at this moment, making people have to awe the magic of the Creator and the awe-inspiring work of nature.

Somewhere in the primitive mountain forest, in an inaccessible valley, a young man sits cross-legged on a lying cow stone, like a veteran monk, his eyes are down, motionless, and his face is sad and unhappy.

A golden light curtain evaporates from him, and can have a radius of a foot, like a golden bell, guarding him from the rain outside and being protected from the wind.



As he exhaled and breathed, the air in the entire valley expanded and compressed repeatedly, like the tide of the sea, the tide rises and falls, and it beats on the mountains, rocks and trees, making a thunderous sound, making the real thunder in the sky Eclipsed.

When he inhaled, it was like a long whale drinking water. Ten spirits roared from the top. The wind will blow up in the valley, blowing sand and stones. The endless essence will eventually converge into two pale blue airflows from his Inhale through both nostrils.

These two light blue airflows are naturally not ordinary airflows, but Ogi Aura, highly compressed and condensed like substance.

Every breath of Yimu Aura he breathes now is comparable to drinking a small glass of Yimu Lingye, which is a huge amount.

Although the aura between heaven and earth is thin, Siberia has a vast range of pristine forests, and the energy source continuously produces Amu Aura, the concentration is much higher than other places.

Now is the time for spring to return to the earth, and the recovery of all things is the time when the concentration of Otsuki Aura is the highest in a year.

The changes in the earth and wood lines of Ye Tian ’s chaotic gold body imprinted the spirit of spirit in this piece of heaven and earth, which can mobilize the Yimu Aura for hundreds of kilometers. It's amazing.

Of course, I have to admit that it seems that this kind of aura molecules permeating in the air is not of high quality. It is the lowest level of aura, and it is far from the quality of the aura in the aura. Fortunately, the quantity is large, the quantitative change can produce qualitative change, as long as the refining is good, it can also be used by the body.

As for the spirit stones of Longhu Mountain, they have already become scum. All the Lingcao elixir was also squeezed out and turned into ashes.

So now he will absorb the aura in nature.

When he exhaled, there were also two streams of air coming out of his nostrils, just like the water jets from a high-pressure water gun. They squirted far away, and suddenly burst out and turned into a thick cloud of smoke, flooding the entire valley.

This is true inhalation into the wind, exhalation into the cloud, just like the night fantasy, very unreal.

There were crackling sounds in his body, the joints were shaking, and the flesh was moving, seeming to be reborn and reshape the body. He glowed all over the body, filled with an immortal breath, and surging power.

After a long time, the rumble in the valley became more horrible, like a tsunami, the sound was terrifying and continuous.

It was blazing and bright, as if there was a dormant beast waking up.

A figure shrouded in chaos, bursting into a golden light, illuminating the whole valley and the whole sky.

If it were not covered by heavy dark clouds in the sky, there would be satellites looking at it for a glimpse.

In the chaotic air that enveloped the teenager, a series of traces appeared, interweaving, and then a tiger roared, a white tiger comparable to a giant elephant rushed out, majestic, and the momentum covered the sky.

Then there was a clanging bird song, a bright winged bird that flew all over the body, fluttering its wings, and tearing the sky.

Then a blue dragon rushed to the sky, covered with turquoise scale armor, dazzling, and swayed straight up to the nineth heaven, and the mouth swallowed a thick lightning, and disappeared into the thick dark clouds in the blink of an eye.

The last thing came out of the tortoise snake basalt, which was huge and awkward, but it was a big mouth, and the thick cumulonimbus in the sky was attracted, as if a sky curtain was being torn, forming a huge funnel, like a mountain like the sea. The guishui aura and guishui **** thunder surge into its body.

The four spirits and beasts rushed out one after another, manifesting themselves in the form of gods, and they were powerful.


At this moment, a powerful breath erupted from Ye Tian's body, and his whole body was full of vitality. The chaotic gas around him suddenly turned into a golden flame, and the flames burned.

Over the valley, there was a sudden increase in lightning, and the dark clouds also became thicker, as if the dark clouds and lightning were all attracted and hidden into a sea of ​​thunder.

Thick and thick thunders are condensing, which can be chopped down at any time, ruining the power of the world, and turning the mountains and rocks into coke.

"If you don't pay attention, you'll trigger Thunder Tribulation."

The teenager suddenly opened his eyes, and his golden eyes were brilliant, vacating two golden beams of light, staring at the thunderstorm in the sky.

"Now it's too early to cross the robbery. I want to restrain myself." The boy said to himself.

A chaotic golden lotus emerged behind him, stretched out a chaotic chain, wrapped around his body, suppressing the urge of the body to cross the robbery, isolating the air machine induction of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, thus avoiding the advent of thunder robbery.

Sure enough, after a while, the thunderous sea in the sky began to disperse, but the dark clouds rolled, and the storm continued.


On the Wo Niu stone, the teenager stood up, with a dignified momentum on his body. The breath of the outside made the mountains and quakes tremble, and eclipsed the world.

Then he turned into a blazing divine rainbow, soared into the air, bathed in a thick black cloud, surrounded by the four spirits and gods, setting him like a god.

Two golden beams of light emerged from his double pupils, penetrating through layers of black clouds, endless rain curtains, magnificent mountains and rivers, and the vast earth, all in his eyes.

The strong wind roared, blowing his clothes and hunting, the mountains and the earth were at his feet, and a feeling of control of the world came into being.

"I really didn't choose the wrong place. In just over a day, the fighting power reached its peak." Ye Tian said to himself.

His whole body is like a golden golden glaze, flawless and unblemished, and circulates gorgeous light.

He gently fists ~ ~ to feel the surging power of his body like the Yangtze River.


He punched out with a punch, and a large disc with a big fist screamed out, tearing the sky and blasting on a hill 100 meters high. Suddenly the top of the mountain seemed to be hit by a heavy missile, making a tremendous loud noise, and it shattered instantly, leaving only a big pit in place.

Breaking the mountain with one punch, so domineering!

In this punch, he did not use the slightest real element, purely relying on the physical power of the Golden Eucharist.

"The fighting power has climbed to the peak, but this is not enough. After all, I am not an earth immortal, and I have no ability to cover the clouds and rain. I need a powerful magic weapon, it is best to be able to deter the entire empire with one blow, and make the empire bow Otherwise, the huge military power of the current empire, one by one to kill, one by one to destroy, ten days and a half months are not enough. Destroying the current empire is not my original intention, I want It's surrender, bow your head! "Ye Tian pinched his chin, thinking.

An almost broken seal suddenly appeared in his hand.

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