Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1172: Petrified pupil

When Ye Tian left the windmill kingdom, crossed a strait, and came to the sunset empire, the officials of the Japanese empire were already waiting. And an ambassador with the surname Li from my great eastern country was also present.

Ambassador Li's opening remarks, Ye Tian understood that the sunset empire and the windmill kingdom had the same thoughts and wanted to make compensation and be exempted from punishment.

"Sunset Empire is willing to return ten thousand pieces of cultural relics looted from my country in the past as compensation, and all are fine works. Ye Tianren, can you raise your hand and let them go?" Ambassador Li said to Ye Tian with a smile .

In his opinion, the conditions for the sunset empire were already very rich.

The value of 10,000 historical relics, if converted into money, is far above fifty lithography machines.

A group of important officials of the sunset empire in the field all looked expectant, hoping that this kind gift would impress Ye Tian.

This once-sunless empire, once the strongest country on the planet, is now slender to the west, and has become a sunset empire. In front of Ye Tian, ​​he lowered his long-nosed head.

Among the many accomplices of the current great empire, the sunset empire is undoubtedly the most cruel and the most hard-working one. If Ye Tian punishes them, it will definitely punish other countries. They refused to sit still and followed the idea of ​​the windmill kingdom and thought of such a method.

But I saw Ye Tian's brow furrowed and said, "Isn't it justified that he snatched our cultural relics and returned them to us? If I remember correctly, the Sunset Empire robbed me of hundreds of thousands of cultural relics in the Great East. Now only What does it mean to return 10,000 pieces, do you think we are bullying? "

The boy's remarks at the scene, all the officials of the sunset empire were trembling.

They are ready for Ye Tian Lion ’s big opening, even if they double the number, they can accept it. After all, they have really robbed many cultural relics from the great eastern countries, and they ca n’t be placed in museums, and they have committed monstrous crimes. .

They never imagined that Ye Tian was going to take back all the cultural relics looted from the Eastern Powers.

Ambassador Li was also shocked, and did not expect the young man ’s thinking to be so clear-cut. Returning all the cultural relics, he did n’t dare to think about it anyway.

These Western powers have always been the masters who eat people and don't spit bones.

"Ye Tianren, you are a bit wrong to say this! It has already been established in the international community, and it has become a convention. Whoever grabs the historical relics and returns them without bringing them back. We brought out 10,000 cultural relics, which is really interesting. Otherwise, we will take out 10,000 more pieces and return a total of 20,000 pieces. Do you think it will work? And all of them are for you to choose and choose. "A chubby man emboldened and bargained with Ye Tian.

"Whoever grabs who is returned, are you sure this is an international practice?" Ye Tian asked indifferently, saying the word "robbing" very seriously.

"Ye Tianren, you may have misunderstood. I mean that the cultural relics robbed a long time ago do not have to be returned. Whoever robs them is because the retrospective period has passed. If you rob it now, it will definitely not work. The member of the forehead suddenly exuded a layer of virtual sweat.

"Really? What if I grab it now?"

"Oh, Ye Tianren is joking. You are a generation of arrogance, God of Heaven and Heaven, you will certainly not do such a thing of robbing. This is what the robbers did." Said the chubby VIP, on his forehead. That layer of virtual sweat converged into bean-sized sweat beads, ticking down.

Ye Tian is standing here, and has stepped on the entire sunset empire, if he wants to plunder, there is nothing in the entire empire that he cannot take away.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little cold and depressed.

This is a prosperous metropolis with a population of tens of millions, a large river passing through the city, and bridges across the river.

Ye Tian seemed dissatisfied with the conditions set by the sunset empire. His cold eyes looked not far away, a huge tower bridge that looked very old and artistic.

This is one of the five goals he prepared to take revenge on the sunset empire, a landmark building for the sunset empire.

"Ye Tianren, you freaked out Duke Richard. It's not bad to return all the cultural relics robbed from the Eastern Powers. However, we small soldiers can't be such a big master, we have to pass the queen's approval. The queen I have prepared hearty delicacies in the Golden Palace. If Ye Tianren does n’t dislike it, would it be nice to have a meal with his face? Ye Tianren ’s hard work in this boat must have been very hard. "

With a sweet female voice, a blond, tall and graceful woman wearing an ice-blue long dress walked out of a group of important officials and approached Ye Tian.

She is very young, beautiful in appearance, her skin is white and crystal clear, she has a shining luster, she exhales like blue, and her fragrance is intoxicating.

She walked gently, her eyes were silky and her smile was very bright.

"Beauty plan?" Ambassador Li was startled.

This beautiful woman, he did not know.

There were dozens of people at the scene, and there was a lot of black water. He didn't notice the woman just now.

At this time, I saw that Ye Tian suddenly raised her hand and patted the blonde woman. She used a lot of strength and clearly wanted to slap to die.

"Damn it!" The blond woman's smile on her lips and lips instantly solidified, her expression changed wildly, and a bit of viciousness flashed in her eyes.

Her original green eyes suddenly turned off-white, full of evil colors, and quickly released two off-white beams of light, irradiating Ye Tian's big hands ~ ~ and her body.

Under these two gray columns of light, Ye Tian's big hand suddenly slowed down, the body joints were stiff, the muscles were numb, and the skin surface was even more gray, and the whole person was rapidly petrifying.

This woman is a power man, mastering a powerful pupil technique, the petrified pupil!

Ambassador Li was shocked for a while, and some of the important officials in the field were also surprised.

Obviously, this arrangement was a secret operation, and it concealed the eyes and ears of many people.


In the silver bell-like smirk, the blonde woman flew out, a pair of slender hands flashed in black, and turned into ten huge and fierce claws, like ten war spears, piercing the face gate of Ye Tian fiercely.

At the same time, several people in the crowd rushed out.

A tall muscular man with long hair in a shawl flexed his spine during a run, a bone clanked, his muscles swelled inflated, and black hair quickly grew on the surface of his skin.

Ooo ...

With a terrible wolf howl, this man turned into a demon wolf, one foot long, raised the large iron claw of the washbasin, and shot Ye Tian's head.

Someone slashed with sword power, sweeping out a long river of sword-like waves and slashing toward Ye Tian's neck.

Someone punched the iron fist, and the majestic fist was turned into a large fist print, dragging the comet-like light tail and slamming into Ye Tian's heart.

Someone was holding a staff and summoned a thunder.

Weakness, aging, slowness ...


For a period of time, more than ten skills swarmed out, and Ye Tian continually rushed to the petrified state.

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