Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1168: destruction

Ye Tian's body shook, turned into a glimpse of floating light, disappeared directly from the void, escaped under the sea, and shot a submarine.

His speed was so fast that not only was it imperceptible to the naked human eye, even the radar system failed to capture the clues.

Many people are like seeing ghosts, thinking that he has gone to another world.

The floating shadow step is not only a light work step, which gives the body the speed of the flash electrode, but also a kind of xianjia escape technique, which can turn the body into a floating light phantom. It is like merging into the void, hiding in the world, not only human technological weapons Radar sonar cannot find it, even Dao Shennian can be immune to isolation.

However, in order to completely transform the body into nothingness, the world can only be controlled at least until the Golden Pill Period. Ye Tian now only opens the corner of the Xianjia Dunshu, and the ability is fleeting. Moreover, there is no guarantee that it will work every time.

Just now in the valley of the Rocket Force, he relied on this kind of Xianjia escape technique to avoid all kinds of fire suppression by floating shadow body method. Under the eyes of countless satellites and countless radars, ghosts generally rushed to the sky, avoiding Due to the danger of nuclear explosions.

At this moment, the floating light glance was again effective, he was like a fairy, shrunk to the ground, and disappeared in the original place, and immediately came under the sea surface.

A submarine was locked by his mind in advance, and was very close to the aircraft carrier. He accompanied him. He shot down and killed him directly.

However, when he was underwater, his escape ability quickly disappeared and was discovered by the submarine sonar system.

But without hindrance, his chaotic golden body and water line are changing and running, making him like a fish under the water, and his body is not hindered at all, like a small white dragon in a wave.

Ordinary people's minds will fail underwater, but through the chaotic golden body's water line changes, his minds will not, and it will still be unimpeded. It's just that because Shennian suffers more resistance in the water than in the air, the search range will be reduced a lot.

On the ground, his mind can cover a radius of a hundred miles, even less than half under water.

"Fish torpedoes are ready, please launch!"

"Don't ask, just launch directly, as much as you can, as fast as you can."

Shouts and shouts came from the submarine, and there was a lot of chaos.

I saw in the sonar system that a light spot rushed over at a faster speed than the torpedo, and it was faintly visible as a person's shadow.

This is too dreamy and very unreal.

After all, underwater is no more resistant than air, and it is still under two hundred meters deep.

咻咻 咻!

One by one, the torpedoes flew out, with their own cruise system, locked on Ye Tian.

But it is too late!

Ye Tian's figure was not yet reached, but Feijian had arrived. After splitting two torpedoes one after another, he severely slashed on the submarine's steel shell.

Although the power of flying a sword under water is greatly reduced, the strength of the submarine steel shell is far from comparable to the steel armor of the aircraft carrier. It was still split by a sword, not cut in two, only a big mouth was split. .

Under two hundred meters of water, even a small crack in the submarine is fatal, not to mention a big mouth, and it is finished immediately, and more than one hundred soldiers died instantly.

The carrier battle group is accompanied by two submarines. This is a conventional powered submarine, and another strategic nuclear powered submarine has not yet been discovered by Ye Tian.

The head of the empire has issued a nuclear strike order, but the nuclear-powered submarine has not responded and is still dormant. I do not know whether it is waiting for the opportunity or counseling. It will be affected by foreign military orders.


On the boiling sea, a figure suddenly rose into the sky, just beside a large 10,000-ton cruiser.


The figure landed directly on the cruiser's bridge, conquering, overlooking the hundreds of scared soldiers on the deck.

All the weapons stopped suddenly, not only this cruiser, but also the firepower of dozens of other steel warships, because it was impossible to fight.

"Boom over, even a man and a ship sink!"

The command of the empire's head came, brave and decisive, without a touch of emotion.

At the next moment, the firepower of more than a dozen steel warships resumed, and a 10,000-ton cruiser became a live target.

The fierceness of the current great empire is most vividly reflected at this moment.

They can even kill their own people, not to mention people from other countries.

Ye Tian's eyes are clear and sharp, his thick hair dances with the wind, the whole body is superb and glorious, and is cast like **** gold, without any trace of defects.

Seeing the overwhelming fire, the blood in his body was boiling.

"Fight!" He murmured lowly, holding the sword in one hand, the sword clamoring in the other, the fist in one hand, and the bones crackling.


He stomped violently and stepped on the nearly ten-story ship bridge to Shengsheng. The waterline of the entire cruiser sank more than a meter deep, the sea water boiled, and the big waves rolled up dozens of meters high .

With a strong anti-shock force, he turned into a golden divine rainbow, breaking through five times the speed of sound in an instant, rushing towards the nearest steel warship.

This is a guided destroyer, with a displacement of nearly ten thousand tons. It has the firepower system of all the destroyers in the world.

However, Ye Tian's speed was too fast. The firepower system fired at the cruiser that Ye Tian had just stood on. He could not turn around. He aimed at Ye Tian and Ye Tian arrived.


Ye Tian slashed with a sword, and a brilliant sword rainbow cut through the void, hundreds of feet long, like a hot knife cutting butter, suddenly splitting the destroyer into the middle in half, the screams of thousands of soldiers In the middle, rolling in the sea and sinking into the sea.

At this time, behind Ye Tian, ​​the 10,000-ton cruiser had just been covered by firepower, and was torn apart and exploded in a loud noise.

In just a few moments, the carrier battle group lost an aircraft carrier, a submarine, a cruiser, and a destroyer.

"Stop him, stop him! Nuclear weapons, why haven't I seen them?"

In the building of the Liberty City, the National Defense Center, a group of aides and military personnel shuddered, and only the head of empire shouted, a bit stunned.

Although the battle is not over, everyone knows that the carrier battle group is about to end.

Even God's Staff failed to kill Ye Tian, ​​not to mention these conventional weapons, such as artillery flying and rocket flying.

Even if launching nuclear weapons ~ ~ is also useless, Ye Tian's technique of water escape and the sturdyness of the golden sacred body allow him to move freely under kilometers and even tens of meters.

Moreover, he is extremely fast, and unless a hypersonic aircraft is deployed, ordinary flying sniffs cannot catch up with him.

When the next four steel battleships were buried under Ye Tian's Excalibur, the head of empire finally sat down powerlessly, breathing heavily, but his eyes were still stubborn and sharp.

"The devil, this is a devil. An aircraft carrier battle group can destroy the military power of a medium country, and he was wiped out by him alone." General Elson gritted his teeth, and his face was grim.

"No, there is a nuclear-powered submarine." A non-obtrusive guy corrected.

But just after his words fell, Ye Tian broke the sea with a sword, and split a sword into two pieces with a 400-meter deep underwater and a nuclear-powered submarine with a displacement of more than 20,000 tons.

At this point, an entire carrier battle group has been annihilated!

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