Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1162: Great Empire

"It's still the wise president, arguing that the young devil is not killing innocent people indiscriminately, allowing the Rocket Force to surrender, so that it can be preserved. Otherwise, it will be another tragedy."

At the National Defense Center, warm applause sounded, and everyone praised the President's wise decision.

In the same way, it also refreshed everyone's understanding of the young devil. The young man's heart is hidden, and it is not so cold-hearted as the outside legend.

"We blamed the young demon king. All the time, the great empire has been guiding public opinion, ruining and ruining, seeing the young devil as a nail in the eyes, and wanting to kill later. The young devil's actions are only passive defense. Any fault. "The President President whispered softly.

In fact, everyone knows it well, but it's just a matter of not expressing it.

The urinary nature of the current great empire is known all over the world. Anything that threatens his interests, from national and international organizations to companies and individuals, is the target of its crackdown, and it is unscrupulous.

"We are already on the thief ship of the great empire of the world. There is no turning back, we can only go to black one way."

"Yeah, who made it our big brother. Despite all the mistakes, we have to choose to forgive and choose to turn a blind eye."


The staff discussed that all of them were monkey spirits and monkey spirits.

In the face of interest, they chose to be with Satan.

But I don't know that being with Satan is an extremely dangerous thing. A bad one may put yourself in a catastrophic situation.


Just as Ye Tian rose into the sky, a loud crackling sound suddenly came out of the valley, a tall mountain burst suddenly, more than a hundred times more terrible than a volcanic eruption, countless gravel splashes, and the turbulent sea of ​​fire Out, the shock wave was mixed with the rolling heat wave, and the entire valley was submerged at once.

In just a moment, the valley of paradise turned into **** of Shura, I do n’t know how many people died, broken limbs, broken bones, rotten meat, blood mud, everywhere!

"Damn, why did the pharmacy explode?"

General Samsung crawled out of a pile of gravel with a doubt in his head.

The suddenly exploding hill with a huge cave inside was artificially excavated to hold weapons and ammunition. There are hundreds of missiles of various types, including the heavy weight used by the Satan anti-missile system missile.

He couldn't think of any reason why a good arsenal suddenly exploded and blew up the entire mountain.

This power is no less than a million tons of nuclear weapons, and the consequences are absolutely catastrophic.

At this time, in the Mediterranean, the aircraft carrier battle group, General Wilson snapped his fingers again and conveyed a command.

"You **** madman, I'm going to kill you. Do you dare to do things in the missiles, are you still human?" General Giovanni threw himself up, trying to fight General Wilson, but was stopped by the guard in time.


General Giovanni rushed to his heart, and a spit of old blood spurted out, almost fainting to death.

The generals of the other Western nations looked at each other with horror. Because the military products of the current empire have imported a lot of them. The ghost knows what back door is left, and it will give you a stumbling block at the critical moment.

Even more frightening is that they already know this secret, and General Wilson is very likely to kill people.

General Wilson detonated the missile through the back door left in the Satan anti-missile missile, thereby exploding the entire ammunition depot of the Old Empire Rocket Force on the Peninsula.

He didn't expect the ammunition depot to explode, killing the young demon king, and staying in the valley to achieve his goal, because there will be more violent attacks.

The valley was smoldering, the sea of ​​fire was rolling, countless rubbles were flying, and even the satellites were blind for a while, and he did not know whether his purpose was achieved.

At this time, the atmosphere of the old empire of the peninsula and the national defense center suddenly became depressed.

Everyone had talked and laughed, and praised the wise decision of the President, but now they are all silent, suffocating and stunned.

"Some mistakes, absolutely unforgivable!" The President of the President clenched his fist in his right hand, and slammed his fist on the solid wood table, and then said: "Connect to Liberty City immediately. I want to talk to the head of the Great Empire. I want to ask for a statement! "

Rocket Force Valley.

"Mad, what the **** is going on? Why is this happening?"

An exhausted roar rang in the valley, but the breath of destruction was suppressed, and no one could hear his voice.

Looking at the hellish scene of Shura in the valley, General Samsung was almost going crazy. He shouted with his head up, seeming to be complaining to Heaven.

Then he was even more desperate, and his face was ashamed for a moment.

In his eyes, he saw that the rain of dense bombs was falling from the sky, not the bullets, but the missiles, all dragging a long flame, accompanied by the sharp sound of breaking the sky, like the dumplings, like a dumpling. How many.

This is a missile launched from a fighter group taking off from the aircraft carrier battle group. A total of more than 30 fighters launched more than 200 missiles, carpet-like coverage, and extinction strike.

Bang, boom!

The Rocket Force Valley, which was already full of holes, ushered in a more brutal and deadly baptism. A loud noise came out, the sky was cracking, the fire was violent, and even the rocks were melted, flowing into magma, like the end of the world. Scene.

Even the powerful Dacheng God Realm, in the face of such firepower coverage, must suddenly change color and die on the spot.

And this is not over yet, there will be more brutal firepower pouring.

After more than ten seconds, the fighter cluster arrived, throwing huge aerial bombs at a height of 10,000 meters each, weighing several tons, falling like a meteorite into the valley, and set to detonate at different altitudes, so as to reach the full The position obstructs the effect of the young devil's escape.

Bang, Bang, Bang ...

More than 30 sounds of devastating sounds came out, and more than 30 mushroom clouds rose into the sky and rose to a thousand kilometers into the sky.

The pristine mountains and forests, centered on the valley of the Rocket Force, boiled over thousands of kilometers of vast mountainous areas, plunging into a raging sea of ​​fire. The lush hills turned into hairless land in an instant, and the red magma fell like a waterfall.

The mushroom cloud can be raised ~ ~ is enough to illustrate the horror of this bombing, almost nuclear explosion.

"Mother of snoring!"

Seeing this scene, countless people exclaimed, it is not difficult to call the name of this bomb.

There are two kinds of the most terrifying conventional snoring in the world, the father of snoring and the mother of snoring.

The father of the bombing was in the hands of the fighting nation, and the mother of the bombing was in the hands of the current great empire.

Each of these two super bombs has the destructive power of a small nuclear weapon. One blow can raze a community of thousands of people to the ground, making it the most brutal conventional weapon.

"With more than thirty mothers of bombings against young demon kings, can the current empire be more brutal?"

"Youth, you don't know anything about the brutality of the great empire of the world. The next big killer!"


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