Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1160: Submarine nuclear weapons

This is an old forest with deep mountains and steep cliffs. The ancient wood wolf forest is towering and inaccessible.

A rocket force from the old peninsula of the peninsula is hidden here, as the country's most powerful blade, and ultimately the ultimate weapon.

"I really want to help them! As long as I press this button, I may be able to kill the young devil. Then I am a hero of the world. Maybe this year's Nobel Peace Prize is mine."

In the combat command room of the Rocket Force, a young major officer joked, putting one hand on a big red button, pretending to be pressed.

At this time, the fighter fleet of the world's great empire was being beaten by Ye Tian, ​​which was very miserable.

The red button is connected to three missile launchers and is a complete anti-missile system.

This anti-missile system was purchased from the current great empire, and its name is like Lei Guaner, Satan. It is known as the most powerful anti-missile system in the world.

The three missile launchers were parked in the open space outside the combat command room. The launch tubes, which were thicker than the arms of adults, were all erected, and the sword was pointing to the sky, ready to be launched.

It can be clearly seen in the control system of the combat command room that the three launch vehicles, a total of 18 heavy missiles, are locked on the same target at the same time, Ye Tian.

When Ye Tian soared up from the ruins, the Satan system locked on him.

This system is very domineering, can radiate a radius of a thousand miles, and has extremely high accuracy. It can intercept even intercontinental missiles, let alone intercept people.

However, it is only a lock, just in case.

According to the above instructions, unless you are attacked by Ye Tian, ​​you must not do anything, not even a bullet.

For the entire Rocket Force, the Satan anti-missile system is only a small part. There are thousands of missiles in the base. There are vehicle launches, underground launches, long-range launches, short range launches, and so on.

As the ultimate weapon of the old empire, the Rocket Force is by no means worthy of fame. Once the firepower is fully on, the destructive power is absolutely amazing. I dare not say that the gods and gods are cut.

At this moment, in the combat command room, the major officer only made a joke, but all of them were startled.

Brush brush!

A pair of eyes looked at him, and his eyes could scare people.

"Hey, I'm just kidding. Don't look at me with this look." The major officer laughed.

"Major Belluny, this joke is not funny at all, it will scare people to death." Some people complained, with a look of resentment.

"Remove your paw from the button, otherwise you will shake your hand, and all of us will follow you." A middle-aged man came and reprimanded loudly, carrying three stars on his shoulders, with a dignified look.

Although the Satan system is very powerful, he never thinks that the young devil can be blasted down. Now he is just making a look and using it as a means of counterattack.

"Relax, general, I won't shake my hand. I just want to press the button as soon as the order is given." Major Belluni grinned.

He was young, blond, slender, strong, and very sunny and handsome when he smiled.

When speaking, he not only did not take his hand off the button, but rubbed it up, a look that he could not put it down.

At this moment, there was a huge movement outside suddenly, as if an earthquake had occurred, and the mountain was shaking.

Then I saw a scene of terrifying horror. The thick smoke billowed to the ground, the heat wave was like a tsunami, and the thick fire was like a giant sword with a handle, swaying straight up and slashing the sky.

Major Officer Belluny's face suddenly stiffened and he could no longer laugh.

"It's not me, it's really not me!" Major Belluny said in shock.

"Belluni, you bastard! You actually pressed the launch button. Are you going to kill all of us?" General Samsung was violently thundering and irritated, and a big ear scraper was thrown out, almost making Major Belluny faint.

"General, it's really not me. You have to believe me, I didn't press it. The missile was fired by myself, something must have gone wrong." Belluni explained to himself, very pale and very weak, it was impossible for anyone Will believe him.

He can now be described as yellow mud stuffed into his crotch, not **** but also shit. He jumped into the Yellow River and could not wash it.

At this time, everyone did not have the mood to listen to his defense, all eyes fixed on the big screen, a short breath.

In that big screen, eighteen flames rose up into the sky, incredibly fast, chopping towards the same target like a sword, the young demon.

At this time Ye Tian was about to leave, and suddenly stopped when he saw this, his eyes blooming coldly, extremely cold and terrifying.

"Who did it, who did it?"

In the National Defense Center, the President of the President thundered violently, indecisively, scolded loudly, flushed with rage, thickened his neck, and slapped a large solid wood table.

There was also an uproar all over the world, and the old empire on the peninsula could not be understood.

"Is the old empire of the peninsula crazy? Or is it that there are not enough dead people in his own country? This is the situation, and he dares to provoke the young devil."

"I am willing to serve as a shield for the current great empire. The old empire of the peninsula is really loyal enough to be a **** ally."

"Yeah, the old empire of the peninsula is clearly trying to contain the young devil and cover the retreat of the carrier battle group of the current great empire."


There is a lot of fun on the Internet, and all kinds of sarcastic voices are very popular.

The old empire of the peninsula is as funny as ever, unreliable as always, and the performances during World War II have been imagined for more than half a century. In retrospect, it still makes people unbearable.

This nation, which developed from ancient Rome, did not inherit the war talents of ancient Rome, but embarked on a romantic and hilarious road of no return.


In the void, the sound of thunder rang through the world, and eighteen heavy missiles volleyed. What a horrible scene.

Each missile is more than several times the speed of sound, which can be described as lightning, and the distance from Ye Tian is not very far. The straight line distance is not even ten kilometers. Just a few fingers, it will rush to Ye Tian. Too.

At the level of Ye Tian, ​​ordinary missiles are no longer in the eyes, but heavy missiles are not among them.

Each heavy missile carries a highly compressed and powerful squeezing medicine with a horrible volume, which also has special effects such as armor breaking, armor piercing, armor piercing, deflagration, etc., and Ye Tian is a golden sacred body Involve in danger, use the physical body to shake hard, otherwise it will not kill him, and will make him lose his skin and cause trauma.

Countless people stared dumbfounded, and found that Ye Tian did not dodge, just flicked his palm lightly, that had flew out for more than ten kilometers, and almost rushed into the flying sword in the second wave of fighter clusters. , And flew back again, at a much faster speed than the eighteen heavy missiles.


A peerless sword rainbow, cut through the sky, penetrated the void, ten miles of the sea of ​​sea were all split under this sword, showing a huge crack.

At a distance of more than a dozen kilometers, it seemed to be absent in front of the Sun and Moon Excalibur. Within a few fingers, the flaming Jianhong swept across Ye Tian and cut eighteen massive missiles with a nearly waist cut.

Without the subsequent rocket propulsion, the warhead of the missile still rushed towards Ye Tian under inertia.

At this time, Ye Tian stomped violently, a thousand kilometers of voids subsided, the air blew, and the ripples of the voids turned into rolling storms, sweeping like a sky-splitting scene.

In the sunken hollow, a huge golden footprint was faintly visible.

Under this foot, all 18 heavy missiles turned around and fell towards the ground, and during the fall, one by one blasted into the sky, forming a huge fire cloud, as glorious as the sunset, But it is filled with a big broken breath, which can destroy all creatures.

With the anti-shock force of this foot, Ye Tian's body shot like a cannonball and ran straight to the rocket troops in the old forest of the deep mountain, accompanied by a breathtaking murderousness.

"Is this the flying sword in Eastern mythology? It's terrifying."

"What is this? There is a video on the Internet of a young devil hacking skyscrapers with a sword in the Aurora small country. You can look for it. It's much more shocking than this.

"I heard that Flying Sword is controlled by the Divine Mind. It is usually a great deal to be able to put out thousands of kilometers. It is too unbelievable to put it out a dozen kilometers like the young demon king. . "

"Is this guy still a sword immortal?"


Countless people exclaimed, shocked by the power of Feijian.

This sword, weeping ghosts and gods, is more shocking than the rod of God.

If it were not for the 18 missiles that were suddenly launched and the second wave of fighter clusters that followed, dozens of fighters might have been wiped out by the whole army.

"God bless!"

The ghost door was closed and all the fighter pilots squeezed cold sweat in their hearts.

Ye Tianshen's prestige is invincible, and some people even started to retreat and did not want to make unnecessary sacrifices.

At this time, an order from General Wilson was transmitted:

"Destructively attack the rocket forces of the old empire on the peninsula and suppress the young demon king in the valley for as long as possible."

Accompanied by this order, the Mediterranean Sea, the nearby sea area that the aircraft carrier team drove through, the calm sea broke through and stirred up a huge wave, and then a thick fire burst into the sky.

As soon as the firelight came out, the world and earth were shocked, and it seemed that he had sensed the breathlessness of the world.

Poseidon, trident, one carrying 14 sub-guided nuclear warheads, a truly world-class nuclear weapon!

Aircraft carrier, battle command center.

"Are you crazy? Dare to use nuclear weapons against my Rocket Force?" General Giovanni was furious ~ ~ rushed over and grabbed General Wilson's neck, looking desperate.

The two guards rushed in suddenly, pulling General Giovanni apart.

General Wilson was not angry, but said with a straight face: "Do you think that you can still survive the Rocket Force against the young demon? Can someone survive? I launched nuclear weapons to avenge your Rocket Force."

"No, you **** madman. The missile was launched by you, it has nothing to do with my rocket force. And my rocket force will definitely surrender, and the young devil might open the net."

"Really? Surrender? Why didn't I think of it? This is the old style of the old empire."

"Hurry to let the nuclear weapons fall into the sea, and it will be too late."

"I think too, but it's too late."

General Wilson said hypocritically, his eyes condensed, and his heart was surging.

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