Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1149: Boiling world

Six rounds of "God's Staff" and tungsten rod bombs have caused the ruins around the city to be completely destroyed. The radius of the two hundred miles has been seriously affected. The collapsed houses are countless, and the number of dead and injured creatures is difficult to count.

This is almost destructive power, which shocked the whole world.

For the first time in human history, we have seen the terrible weapons of space-based kinetic energy. Although they are conventional weapons, they are not inferior to nuclear weapons.

This shocking explosion is truly epoch-making, especially in the field of military industry.

It is undeniable that the hall of heaven has increased the destructive power of the rod of God, but the increase should not exceed half.

Even if it is reduced by half, the remaining destructive power is still amazing. It is still annihilated and can easily erase a large city with a population of 10 million.

"It was half a century ago that the 50 million-ton equivalent of the Tsar Nuclear Weapons detonated by the fighting nation, but wasn't it?" Some people exclaimed, terrified.

"The cutting-edge technology of the current great empire is once again at the forefront of mankind, surpassing an era and creating an era, and it is worthy of being the most powerful country on this star. With this weapon alone, in at least fifty years in the future No country can fight the courts of the current great empire. "

"Yes, I heard that the great powers of the East are developing hypersonic weapons. Sadly, they have fallen behind before they have been deployed. In front of space-based kinetic energy weapons, all Niu's hypersonic weapons must be abused."

"The super weapon possessed by the current empire is more than the rod of God. I heard that the electromagnetic gun can already be used in actual combat. This is a semi-powered weapon. It is rumored that the maximum speed of the shell is ten times the speed of sound and the supersonic aircraft. There is a fight. Although it is still far from being comparable to the rod of God, it is cheap and can be deployed in large quantities. The rod of God is too costly and difficult to deploy. It is impossible to deploy in large quantities. "

"There are also laser weapons, which are also used in actual combat."

"It's still my wise empire, and the great empire of the world, it's true, it's delicious, spicy."

"Small Aurora feels the same."


The Internet is boiling, and the most discussed one is the space-based kinetic energy weapon "Stand of God", which is not only being discussed by the people, but also by the military of various countries.

I have to admit that God's Staff won the battle in the first place, and the limelight was nothing. It was really nothing. It was amazing. Even the limelight of the young devil who should be the protagonist was crushed. There was not much discussion on the Internet.

"Don't talk about God's Staff anymore, I'm going to look tired. How about we talk about the young devil? Don't you care about the young devil's life and death?"

"A dead man, what is there to talk about."

"Brother, Taiwu is broken? Will there be a miracle, the young demon survived? Don't forget, some time ago, he survived from nuclear weapons. And a long time ago, he died many times. Escape experience. This guy's luck has always been very good. "

"It's impossible, it's the son of luck, and there will be a day of death. After so many escapes, his good luck should have been used up."

"Yes, the young demon is dead. The power of the six rods of God this time erupted is not less than 10 million tons of nuclear weapons, even 20 million tons of equivalent. No one can survive such a blow. Come down, even the true God will die. "

"just in case……"

"It's nothing, just shut up. The young demon is dead, go burn paper if you want, don't stop here BB. We continue to discuss the rod of God ..."

"Well, why don't we discuss how many people will be killed or injured in this big bombing of the old peninsula of the Peninsula? Do you think half a million can stop?"

"You have something wrong? You don't talk about living things, you have to talk about dead people. Do more people die and have a half-cent relationship with you? Be pragmatic and be practical if you want to discuss."


The Internet is boiling, and it may be that the young devil is really regarded as a dead person, and there is not much discussion. And there were fewer voices discussing the deaths and injuries of the riots, as if this was just a cold number, which made people uninterested.

"General Wilson, didn't you tell me that the destructive power of the God's Staff is only ten miles away, and now that a hundred kilometers are turned into ruins, I need you to give me an explanation."

In the Mediterranean, in the aircraft carrier's combat command room, the head of the old empire of the peninsula was hairy and questioned General Wilson.

This matter, others do not care, he must be concerned.

One is not good, he may want to become the sinner of the nation.

After all, the rod of God was launched with his consent, although some people threatened and tempted.

"General Giovanni, I can only say sorry to you. I admit that some underestimated the power of the rod of God. This is the first space-based kinetic energy weapon in the history of mankind. It was the first test firing and no previous experience. For reference. "General Wilson apologized.

"Is it a little underestimated, I think it's obviously seriously underestimated!" General Giovanni sternly said, the green muscles on his forehead burst, almost violently.

"General Giovanni, no one wants to see such a result, and I am very sad. But, our purpose has been achieved, haven't we? The young devil is dead, and he is dead. Without the unstable factor of the young devil The world is still orthodox in the West, which is more important than anything, and has meaning. People are dead, they can be regenerated, houses can be collapsed, they can be rebuilt. I promise you, for the reconstruction of the old empire, I will be a great empire I will definitely try my best to help. I believe that as long as I condense a rope in the western world, there will be difficulties for one side and support from all directions, and there will be no obstacles to pass. "Wilson vowed and said to use his eyes to signal the generals of several other Western countries in the field.

"I, the Sunset Empire, fully agree with General Wilson's resolution and fully support the reconstruction of the old Empire after the disaster."

"My Bourbon Empire is willing to be with the old Empire of the Peninsula."

"More than 60 billion US dollars in a reward from the Golden Family, I won't get a penny from the small country of Aurora."


The generals of various western countries have expressed their successive attitudes on behalf of their respective countries, fully supporting the post-disaster reconstruction of the old empire on the peninsula, and making a rich contribution ~ ~

General Giovanni's mood stabilized.

"As the saying goes, you have to see people when you live and corpses when you die. Although we are all sure that the young devil has fallen, I think it is still necessary to send people to the scene to see." General Ballman of the Aurora small country suggested.

It was still night, the scene of the Big Bang was dark, and it was still shrouded in misty dust, and the satellites in the sky could not see anything.

"Yes, it is necessary." General Wilson said.

Soon, he made arrangements.

Several lines of armed helicopters took off from the aircraft carrier battle group and flew to the scene of the Big Bang.

"Let's go to the scene to see the news of the young devil's death, and then decide whether to summon other blood ancestors."

In the Alps, the top of a snowy mountain, thirteen old vampires spread the bat wings behind them, and soared into the sky.

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