Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1140: Battle Blood Ancestor

The figure of a young boy stood under the door frame of the hall of heaven. The tall and magnificent shore was radiant, as if a round of radiant sun, which became the only one between heaven and earth, and became the focus of this star.

He was frightened by the air engine alone, and he let the messenger Miasia fall, and he lost his mind and fell from the air.

The thirteen blood ancestors of the incomparable life, even a giant claw was scrapped by his face, and he fell heavily to the ground. The old blood spurted and smashed a hill.

Countless people are stunned, can't believe their eyes, just five days closed, how can a teenager be so strong?

Many people thought that he had broken up the cloud and got into trouble. Now what he sees and imagines are very different.

"Xiaotian, are you okay?" Gu Xiaoman yelled, tears in tears.

"Relax, I'm fine." Ye Tian smiled lightly.

"Teacher, be careful, there are missiles in the sky." Meng Yao shouted suddenly.

Hearing the girl ’s voice, many people looked up and all took a breath.

I saw that in the dark night sky, a group of "Meteor Showers" were shooting from the southwest.

This is a cluster of missiles, densely packed, I do not know how many.


Ye Tian didn't even look at it, Shen Nian locked all the missiles.

In fact, not only missiles, but also fighter planes, armed helicopters, and a brain came.

His mind can cover a hundred miles of space, and has a flash electrode speed, these modern weapons are difficult to hurt him.


In the hall of paradise, a destructive light cannon is operating, and a thick bucket of destructive light beams is shot, which looks like a laser weapon, but it is far more terrible than a laser weapon.

In just a few finger clicks, as many as dozens of heavy missiles, more than a dozen fighter jets and armed helicopters were destroyed in a clean, exploded in the void, like the scattered flowers of the sky girl, shining half of the sky brightly.


In the aircraft carrier's combat command room, General Bowerman of the Aurora small country slammed his fist on the table with anger.

The rest of the generals were also very ugly, shocked, shocked, and angry.

Even General Wilson couldn't sit on the Diaoyutai steadily, and jerked up from the sofa seat, his forehead violently jumping.

"General Wilson, has God's Wand fired yet? It's been a few minutes, why can't you see the shadow?" General Ballman asked loudly.

"General Bowerman, please use your brains, OK. The rod of God is a space-based kinetic energy weapon, not a laser weapon. It is launched in a thousand-kilometer space orbit, and it takes at least ten minutes to hit the ground." General Wilson said coldly, somewhat impatiently.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he took a sip of cigar fiercely, saying: "The young devil came out of the hall of heaven, which would be difficult to handle."

Space-based kinetic energy weapons are powerful and powerful, but there is a big flaw. The guidance maneuver ability is too poor. The whole is a blind man and can only attack fixed targets.

"What is the situation with the" Stand of God "now?" General Wilson asked the female assistant.

The control system of God's Staff is not on the aircraft carrier, but on an air and space military base in the current great empire.

The female assistant kept in touch over the phone.

"Twenty-eight times the speed of sound, is passing through the atmosphere, and can be reached in three minutes." Said the female assistant, with a solemn expression.

"Well." General Wilson nodded.

At this stage and speed, the tungsten rod has completely lost its maneuverability, which is no different from a falling meteor.

If Ye Tian fled at this time, they could only stare.

"It should be no problem, the blood ancestor alone can hold him for three minutes, and it is impossible to run away." The commanding general of the Sunset Empire said, his fists clenched tightly.

"Maybe the blood ancestor can kill him, and it is not necessarily that the blood ancestor can kill the blood ancestor with two arrows." Leng Sensen, the commanding general of the Bourbon Empire, laughed.

"Three birds with one arrow, and the prophet envoy of the Holy Church." General Ballman of the Aurora small country corrected.

"As you say, that would be more. Xiao Qingtian, the old **** of war in China, Ben Taro, the holy sword of Dongying, the old pope Francis of the Holy See, and three disciples of the young devil, ..., one Arrow N Eagle. "

"Don't argue, because the whole army is wiped out, anyway."


A group of generals suddenly laughed.

In Brahma City, a hundred kilometers away, a fierce battle is beginning.

"Damn little beast, you hurt me!"

Accompanied by a devil-like roar, the thirteen blood ancestors climbed up from the mess of rocks, gray heads and gray faces, **** eyes violently jumping in their eyes, vacating two long lines of blood-colored beams, like two magic lamps Yes, it's scary.

His right hand exploded, and even his forearm shattered. The broken bones and rotten meat were pulled like pieces of rags. The blood was spurting, and the blood of the blood was very mad.

This is a very serious injury and fatal to humans.

But for the blood race, there is no harm, only minor injuries.

For the thirteen blood ancestors with supernatural powers, it is even more negligible, and the broken limb grows again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The blood clan really is the undead Xiaoqiang. His body has unparalleled self-healing ability. It is almost immortal and nearly immortal. When the young demon meets his opponent, he may fall."

"The two peerless demon kings are really a headache. I don't know which one is better."

"A Western demon, an Oriental demon, is it difficult to choose? If it is not our race, its heart will be different. Of course we stand in line with the thirteen blood ancestors."

"But the thirteen blood ancestors killed many people, and he is not our race."

"He is from the West, which is enough. And, he also said just now, in order to replenish the blood, to better kill the young devil, and then kill people to take blood."

"Good to say, we unconditionally support the thirteen blood ancestors. The West will win!"


A group of people discussed that the thirteen blood ancestors had already shot.

He flashed up in general with lightning, blood mist rolled around him, and blood waves rolled, as if bathing in a sea of ​​blood, terrified.

"Young Demon King, today I will show you what a real demon king is and what an ancient demon **** is!" The thirteen blood ancestors said coldly.

With his eyes and strength, it is not difficult to see that Ye Tian is only a **** realm, and he is a big realm away from him. It ’s just that the True Element is strong, the body is strong, and some advanced magical secrets have been practiced, that ’s all.

The divine realm is different from the earth immortal, and it can be judged like a cloud of mud. Although there are gods in the history that can cross the realm of battlefield immortals, they are only the land immortals at the beginning of the war.

Thirteen blood ancestors are great immortals. How can they be defeated by a god?


During his speech, he slapped his claws sharply, his palms were boiling with blood, and a blood river reversed the sky like an erupting torrent, rushing towards Ye Tian, ​​and surging the power of terror and destruction.

Blood demon taboo secret technique, UU reading blood river supernatural power!

This is not an ordinary river of blood, tempered in the sea of ​​nether blood, the blood water is thicker and heavier than mercury, and there is endless blood gas in it, with extremely powerful corrosive power, not only for the human body, even No soul is spared.

When the blood river emptied, the whole sky turned blood red, like the end.

Countless people were shocked, and goose bumps popped up in an instant.

Who can resist such evil magic?


But I saw that several destruction light cannons blasted out and instantly exploded the blood river, which in turn covered the face of the thirteen blood ancestors.

The destruction light cannon looks like a light energy weapon, but it has a superb power, which is not comparable to ordinary light weapons.

If it weren't for the flesh of the thirteen blood ancestors, the rich essence of blood gas, Ye Tian had already launched the destroying light cannon, and he was exterminated.

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