Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1124: Golden Family

The Vatican City was stained with blood, ruined and devastated, and it was particularly bleak in the lingering sun of the west slope.

This is the unprecedented martyrdom of the Holy City for thousands of years, and also a catastrophe for mankind.

A huge copper temple stands in the air like a sky city, a fairy dwelling, magnificent, majestic and majestic, shining in the setting sun, and flowing dreamy colors, in stark contrast to the ruined Vatican City below .

For half a day, the eyes of the world have gathered here, and many people have traveled thousands of miles to the scene.

I saw that inside and outside the Vatican City, there was a crowd of people, shoulder to shoulder, all the black people were overwhelming, and it was conservatively estimated that there were one million people going up and down.

"Who actually won? Why don't you see anyone out yet?"

"Needless to say, the young devil must have died. Heaven is the realm of God, and any young demon king has great capabilities, and he can't escape even if he enters."

"Don't deceive yourself, if the **** is really there, why didn't you take action early? You must watch the young devil kill the heavenly nest?"

"You know a fart, God is invisible. If he shot outside, wouldn't it be seen by someone."

"Yes, God is invisible, because human eyes are sinful and will blaspheme the glory of God. You are just a ant, and dare to question God, do you want to eat and walk around? Don't hurry to kneel and repent!"


There was a lot of talk in the crowd, and some people were radical.

Most of them are believers in the Holy See. They came with indignation and felt very uneasy.

They desperately want to know a result, who actually won.

Although, from the current perspective, the Holy See wins less and loses more, but they still have a glimmer of hope.


The earth shook, the horses screamed, and a group of iron riders in gold armor rushed into the city of Vatican, and came to the tall tower with blood on their feet, killing like sea.

"The golden knight of the golden family is here, and to fight for the protection of the Vatican City, the family leader and many masters have arrived."

Suddenly, there was a cry of excitement from the crowd.

The Golden Family, a super family rich in the enemy, is called the "Sixth Empire" because the family is too wealthy and powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that this family stomped and the whole world's economy had to shudder.

However, this family is particularly good at hiding and keeping a low profile. It has never shown a mountain and is not exposed to water. It is hidden so deeply that outsiders can only spy on a trace of fur.

"The Golden Family and the Holy See have always been very close. It is said that because of the blessing of the Holy See, the Golden Family has today's transcendent status and achievements. Now that the Holy See is in trouble, the Golden Family should help."

"I heard that the Golden Family has the blood of gods and is descended from the ancient gods. I always thought it was just a rumor. Now it seems to be the case!"

"Descendants of ancient gods, really? No wonder this family is so strong."


In the voice of a crowd of onlookers, an old man ascended into the sky and walked on the ground, wearing a gold armor, wearing gold boots, holding a gold whip, and there was a rush of war on his body. Xiaohan.

This is a **** realm, very powerful!

"The old patriarch of the Golden Family, Carlos. He turned out to be a golden knight, too."

"I don't know anymore. The sons and daughters of the Golden Family are all golden knights. They have extraordinary blood and are born strong."


The old man stepped up to the sky, standing in front of the gate of the bronze temple, a golden light surging, dazzling enough to make people can not look directly, eyes like a blade, electric awns, looking straight ahead, it seems to see through the bronze temple The invisible killing came out through the body, alert to everything around.

Although his body is aging, his breath is extremely powerful, like a god, giving people a great sense of oppression.

He was not surprised by the appearance of the Bronze Temple, because as an ally of the Holy See, he won the trust of the Pope, and was fortunate to know the secret, and had been a guest there.

"Brother Francis, can you open the door and see?" Carlos said, his loud voice stunned all four fields, leaving the noisy scene dead.

At this moment, the eyes of countless people gathered on him, as well as the bronze temple gate in front of him.

Calling the brother and brother with the pope is enough to show his extraordinary identity.

However, the time passed by one minute and one second, there was no echo, and there was no movement in the bronze temple.

"The elder patriarch of the Golden Family came forward, and the Pope had no reason not to see him. Did he really suffer?"

A panic emotion spread among the crowd, and the scene was noisy again.

"Not necessarily, there is also a possibility that the pope was taken hostage by the young devil." Some people made their own guesses.

"Is the Pope still alive? I can't be sure, but I have a way to quickly find out if the young demon is still alive." Another said, with a hint of cunning in his expression.

Brush brush!

Many people looked at him, eager to know what he said.

"The disciples of the young demon are all here. You can take his disciples as hostages. As long as the young devil is alive, it will come out. There are knights of the golden family, plus a lot of masters from the rivers and lakes. The devil's disciple is not difficult. "The man continued, his words striking.

Of course, several people of Meng Yao were still at the scene, standing on a high ground, and no one dared to approach the surrounding area for a hundred meters.

Suddenly, they felt several unfriendly eyes, very sharp, including a group of knights who had just arrived in the golden family.

"That black-scaled eagle is very good. I have seen the record of this kind of eagle in ancient books. It is a very powerful foreign bird. It has long been extinct. It can be used as my flying mount." The Golden Knight stared at the Blackscale Hawk, his eyes very hot.

His name is Peterson, the eldest son of the golden family, his status is respected, his status is transcendent, and of course his strength is also very strong.

"Mad, what do you see, have you never seen such a heroic condor?" The black-scaled eagle hovered in the air, feeling Peterson's disgruntled gaze and squinting away.

"Brother, since you like this condor, I will shoot it for you."

Behind Peterson, a man with a face similar to him stood out, holding a gold bow and eager to try.

His name is Harrison, the second son of the Golden Family. He has a rough face, aggressive eyes, and is very manly.

"Mad, dare to fight this Condor's idea."

Amidst the scolding, the black scale eagle fell down with a whizz, and stood with Meng Yao a few people. It doesn't dare to be too big.

Harrison put an arrow on the string, and looked over at Meng Yao, without good intentions.

Qiang Qiang!

The purple electric Yin Thunder Knife in Meng Yao's hand slammed out of the sheath, UU reading www. did not break out, there was indeed a strong bang.

The Chiyan halberd in Zhao Tianlong's hands also spontaneously ignited without the wind, revealing a killing intention that made people feel throbbing.

"Harrison, don't be rude." A voice was heard from midair, and Carlos, the old patriarch of the Golden Family, stopped Harrison's stupid move.

Harrison made a gesture of wiping his neck and put away his bow and arrow.

"Brother Francis, do you really want me to break in?" Carlos said again, showing some strength.

Unexpectedly, a voice soon came out:

"My brother Carlos, I'm well here, so you bother, please come back."

Suddenly, the audience was boiling, because this was the pope's voice.

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