Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1121: God is dead

In the misty chaos, a big gold hand reached out and caught Ye Tian.

In the palm of one hand, one line after another flashed, shining brilliant gods, full of magical fluctuations.

This is a horrible picture, like the collapse of the galaxy, the atmosphere of the great destruction swept out, overwhelming, covering Ye Tian alone.

This is a superpower at the highest level, overriding the fairy, overriding Jindan, and even over Yuanying, even if it is just a residual thought, it is not so good to deal with.

Just passed through the white light curtain and grabbed Ye Tian's golden hand.

Now in this small world, above the Taoist platform, the power of the gold master is even greater, as a mountain is depressed, and it can devour life.


The sky-turning big seal accelerates to crack, and the chaotic divine light that is thrusting upward is actually pressed down by the big gold hand.

The chaotic **** realm that envelopes Ye Tian's body is also shrinking, and a small crack has emerged, which may collapse at any time.

Even more terrifying is that the big gold hand can devour vitality, but it can also swallow the golden blood of Ye Tian's body through several protections, making the Shenhua that surrounds the whole body constantly dimmed.

"Damn, this is a big devil, to drain our blood and turn us into dust." Taro Miyamoto shouted.

Like Ye Tian, ​​the blood gas in him was also drawn, and it was extracted much faster than Ye Tian, ​​because he didn't have Ye Tian's protection ability.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, his body is aging, his flesh is drying up, and he is rushing towards the end of his life.

Now he finally knows that he was trapped in a large array of eighteen copper pillars, and the essence of life was extracted. What is the matter? It turned out that he was feeding this big devil in blood sacrifice.

Miyamoto Taro is obviously not the only one who was sacrificed by blood. Historically, it is unknown how many powerful monks were born and sacrificed by blood, only to complete a big devil.

There are countless believers' beliefs, and they are also fulfilling this person.

This is the greatest secret of the Holy See.

"God, I brought you two sacrifices, enjoy it." The pope said aloud, his eyes red, a little bit stunned.

Did not notice that his body was also drying up, and his life was rapidly dying.

"God, I am your most loyal servant, you can't do this to me!"

When he discovered the situation, he was crazy and shouted, but it was useless. The figure didn't give him a second look.

He regarded himself as a servant, but he did not know that it was just like a ants, but it was insignificant.


Ye Tian did not sit still and died, the spirit spirit rose, the golden blood gas boiled, and a hand was suddenly protruded, manifesting the chaotic golden light **** palm.


The vibration of the void, where the chaotic golden light palm passed, brought up a golden ocean, and it was boundless.

Two golden giant palms collided, and a terrifying sound came out.

Doesn't have any fancy, but when he comes up, he meets short soldiers and fights melee.

Ye Tian's golden body, unparalleled in physique, is rarely matched on this star. If he does not rely on any mana and only shakes himself physically, he can compete with Jin Dan.


The horrible fluctuations swept through, the **** waterfall collapsed, and the Daotai quake caused a crack.

Is just one move, and you will have both points!

The golden hand with that figure was shattered by Ye Tian's slap.

Ye Tianhan was invincible. Chaos Jinguang God took advantage of the momentum, grabbed the broken palm arm, and pulled the whole arm down.


The arm burst, splitting into a chaotic airflow, annihilating the void, and breathing out the breath of death.

The boy was so fierce that both Taro Miyamoto and the Pope looked straight.

When the pope found that he was also attacked indiscriminately, his attitude changed a little bit, no longer clamoring.

Although he claimed to be a servant of God, he could throw blood on God's head, but when he really let him die for God, he refused.


Xuanhuangshen Waterfall continues to fall, endlessly, like a thousand horses and horses, billowing, Ye Tian clanging with bones, like carrying a mountain, striding hard, stepping up.

Here is a small world. A platform is only ten feet tall, but it seems to be towering and majestic.

Feitian Dayin is facing a collapse, and Chaos God Realm is also facing destruction, but Ye Tian did not stop, he vaguely guessed what. At this point, there is no escape route. There must be great fortune in the great terror.

"If it is your real body here, I will leave without saying a word. You are just a distraught, how can you stop me?"

"You don't belong to this star, you have no merit and no virtue, but you are harvesting your faith, you are cheating."

"And, you shouldn't use blood sacrificial art to seize the life essence of human monks. This is what the devil does."

Ye Tian step by step, the word clang, such as Dao Lun sound, shocking people.

Although the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, but his momentum is getting stronger and stronger, the golden blood is boiling, the chaotic **** realm is blazing, and even a coercion of pressure in turn suppresses the figure on the platform.

Ye Tian, ​​as a guardian priest, stood on the commanding heights of morality and descended the magic guards.


When he stepped on the fifth step, accompanied by a low roar like a magic roar, the figure shot again, and a big hand reached down.


This time Ye Tian cleaved a sword and cut off one arm. UU reading

Suddenly, a scene of terror occurred, and the figure on the platform stood up, the waist was straight, tall and photographed, exuding a powerful air force that was pressing for nine days and ten days.

Puffy ...

Then, behind the figure, the dense wings stretched out, even as many as nine pairs, eighteen, bright and holy.

Guangming, this turned out to be an angel, eighteen wings angel!

"Is the legendary supreme existence an angel? Are there eighteen wings?" Taro Miyamoto asked the pope.

The pope was dumbfounded and speechless.

The most powerful Seraph in the legend is only three pairs of wings.

Death's gas machine scrolls the world, as vast as a sea of ​​oceans, making people sweat upside down, Yuanshen trembles and is about to collapse.

It seemed that behind that figure was not eighteen bright wings, but the Senro Hall, carrying hell, suppressing all directions, and sweeping all over the world.

"God, really God, omnipotent God, supreme God, ..." The pont murmured, his voice trembling.


Immediately afterwards, an astonishing scene happened, a sword awn fell off, and the tall figure of eighteen wings was immediately split in half.

Then, this figure began to dissipate and turned into a vigorous rain, the most fundamental law of heaven and earth.

"What, God was killed by you? This is impossible." The pope yelled.

"Feather." Taro Miyamoto was shocked.

In a moment, that figure disappeared, as if there had never existed. On the spot, there is a small pagoda shimmering, with nine floors above and below.

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