Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1105: Slash 4 Emperors

With one enemy and four opponents, Ye Tian crushed, completely crushed.

Faced with the Holy White Lotus shot by the Ninth Ancient Emperor, he was like an electric figure, with wind blowing under his feet, clenching his fists, and facing up.

He punched out, the world and the earth moved, the chaos was turbulent, as if a void broke under his fist.

The white lotus of the Holy Light is crystal clear and translucent, and it is as bright as a moon, and the huge breath filled with it makes the people standing on the ground feel a palpitation, as if there is a Taishan mountain top, so that everyone can't stand straight.

Ye Tian was shocked by raising his fist.


Iron Fist and Shengguang Bailian confronted each other. Shengguang Bailian was beaten back at a faster speed.


In the eyes of countless people, the holy light white lotus, like a lightning, pierced the sky and slammed on the head of the ninth ancient emperor.

The ninth ancient emperor didn't even have time to dodge, so he was headshot and turned into a headless corpse.

Is this headless corpse, which also decomposed during the process of falling to the ground, and turned into a light rain, shining heaven and earth, shirun all living beings.

He is a bright glazed body with condensed beliefs of all beings, which originates from and belongs to all beings.

Just one punch, with just one finger, Ye Tian killed an ancient emperor, and was so powerful that he was completely confused.

However, when he shook the Holy Light White Lotus, his figure also shook slightly, almost retreating back.

It was this slight shock that made the believers of countless Holy Sees see the dawn of victory.

"Look, he will not do it."

"Grasshoppers after autumn will not slam for a long time."

"Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted."

"The four ancient emperors came out together, and it was difficult for him to escape the sky if he had great ability."


There was a lot of discussion, and the fifth ancient emperor's attack came, and the potential energy crushed the holy light of the world.

The large grinding discs on the upper and lower sides are rotating in opposite directions, rumbling, sending out the earth-shattering sound, bursting into a blazing light, and even more powerful absorption power. It is not limited to human beings, everything can be sucked and then crushed into powder.

Ye Tian made a bold move and threw the shrunken Da Yin Seal out, and was sucked into the Holy Light Grinding Disk.

Ka Ka Ka!

Encountered the hard stubble, the holy light grinding wheel was difficult to operate, and even bang bang shook violently. It was as if an iron block had been thrown in the engine and it was not running smoothly and was going to be stuck.

Compared with the blunt iron block, Fan Tianyin is much more terrifying, capable of self-exciting and erupting with terrifying energy.


There was a loud noise, the sky was blazing, and the holy light disc was exploded.

In the blazing light, the earth-shaking seal kept growing and expanding, and suddenly struck the fifth ancient emperor, as terrible as a falling meteor.

Served as the fifth ancient emperor's supernatural power, and he was so daring to shake his mind that he quickly rushed back.

However, the speed of the sky-crossing was too fast, and there was chaos coming out, which overwhelmed the world. The Fifth Ancient Emperor didn't have time to escape, and was hit by a sturdy, nearly undamaged body of bright glaze that immediately shattered.

Is just a seal, with two fingers, the fifth ancient emperor fell.

Is like shooting a dead ant, Ye Tian didn't look at it.

At this time, the fourth ancient emperor's attack arrived, holding a box of evil thoughts and hitting a river of evil thoughts.

This is a terrible attack, the fog is covered by the sky, the biting ice is cold, the evil thoughts of all beings are overwhelming, and hit the soul. If the mind is not firm enough, just face it and you will go crazy in an instant.

And evil thoughts become spirits, which are true spirits, which are also evil spirits in nature. The danger index goes further. It can not only directly hit the soul, but also taint the treasures of the people. Even the golden body can't stop it, and it will become tainted blood.

The fourth ancient emperor was so stunning that he not only turned evil thoughts into true spirits, but also created a true spirit war sword, known as slashing the gods and cutting the immortals, invincible in heaven and earth.

There is a long stream of evil thoughts coming up, countless true spirits are like countless evil spirits, open the big mouth of the blood basin, want to tear Ye Tiansheng to devour flesh and blood.

On the, there is a sword of true spirits chopping down.

By Ye Tian has great ability, it is impossible to break two attacks in one blow.

Onlookers are silent, watching with cold eyes.

"Lei Lai!"

Listened to Ye Tian lightly drink, a chaotic thunder ball quickly condensed between the palms, this is the chaotic thunder gang that was refined in his body is being excited.


Void generates electricity, and lightning bolts come out in a row.

This is the air of Lei Gang between the heaven and the earth. It was moved by Ye Tian's breath and fell down.


For a time, lightning was surging, thunder was surging, and a void was turned into thunder sea, terrifying to the extreme.

Leifa can break ten thousand ways, and it is the nemesis of evil thoughts at the very beginning.

The evil thoughts of the fourth ancient emperor were destroyed by a large piece, and it was impossible to get close to Ye Tian's body.


The True Spirit War Knife blinked and split to a ray of magical evil light, freezing cold.


Ye Tian did not shy away, suddenly raised an arm, and protruded the right hand like Shenjin, and grabbed the true spirit sword in his hand.


"Oh my god, the true spirit sword can kill the soul of the gods, he actually caught it in his hands."

"What the **** did he do, why is it so scary?"



The True Spirit War Sword broke out, and a ray of evil light surged out, accompanied by the sound of howling ghosts, like the tide, instantly swallowing Ye Tian.

This is a true spirit and evil light, with strong corrosiveness, which can hurt people's souls, pollute people's treasures, and eventually turn into a pool of blood mud.

But Ye Tiansi was not afraid. He propped up the Chaos God Realm and exploded the golden light, and the true spirit and evil light were instantly evaporated.


His five fingers snapped away, the power of the gods was turbulent, and the so-called magic sword that could kill the gods was cut off at once, and turned into a real spirit evil light, which was purified by his chaotic gods.


The fourth ancient emperor was in a state of consternation, but he did not see a chaotic thunder column hacking him. It was the fusion of the three energies of Yuanqi Shenguang, Xuanhuang's Qi and Shenlei's energy, just like a natural punishment.

Is a big seal, attracted by Ye Tian's space, UU reading www.uukanshu. com burst out a chaotic thunder column, hacking the fourth ancient emperor.

How fast is the lightning column, the speed of light, just a moment, the fourth ancient emperor turned into a ray of smoke, and disappeared together with the vicious treasure box in his hand.

A thunder, a palm, and three fingers in time, Ye Tian solved the fourth ancient emperor.

There is the last ancient emperor, the second ancient emperor.

Ding Ding, Bang Bang, Dang Dang ...

The angel's twelve ribs were plucked like strings, and a wave of sound blew out, like Huang Zhong Da Lu roaring, and the sky was rolling like cloth, as if thousands of waves had swept over the sky dome. All swept away.

This is an extremely terrible sonic attack, which contains magic sound effects and cursing power, which can hurt the gods.

Yetian didn't even look at it, holding a giant sword, and chopped it out with one sword.


A sky-shattering sword-mans rushed to the sky, full of feet, surrounded the sun, moon and stars, as if to divide a void into two, and cut to the second ancient emperor.


Like a hot knife cutting butter, the sonic tsunami was split in two at once and screamed across Ye Tian's body.

Tongtian Jianmang pressed the top, the second ancient emperor's eyes narrowed, quickly dodge, and retreated to the hall behind him.

The gate of the hall was about to be closed, and he was knocked open by him. Just as he retreated completely, a sword light passed across him.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The second ancient emperor stepped back in the hall, and every time he stepped back, there was a crack in his body. When he stepped back eighth, the whole body split from the middle into two halves, and it shattered again.

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