Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1099: Arrow Shooting Bronze Hall


Void riots, the roar of the earth and the earth!

Dozens of lights of destruction were shot from above the temple of the Holy See, aiming at Ye Tian's body. If they hit, the consequences are unpredictable.

Every light of destruction can explode into a small nuclear weapon. It is a combination of technology and avenues. It is terrifying.

This bronze temple is very big, it is probably not the thing of the earth, it is more likely to be related to the supreme existence in the legend.


Ye Tian flashed to avoid, floating light glance step to the extreme, at the same time violently waved thunder wings, flesh like war dragon, golden blood gas sky, appeared in hundreds of feet away in an instant.

However, there was still a light of destruction rubbing his shoulders, so that the thunder jacket on his body was violently shocked, and was even torn open a small mouth.

How sturdy his thunder jacket is, although it is not a saintly tabard, but it also has an upper level of spirit, and the heavy artillery can't be broken even after bombing. Now the light of destruction is torn apart, and a tear is opened, which is unbelievable.

If it is a frontal bombardment, it is difficult to ensure that the Thunder suit is not completely torn, and Ye Tian is also likely to be injured.

The destructive power of the Destructive Light can be seen in general!

Immediately after a more terrible scene happened, a dozen rays of destruction were evaded by Ye Tian, ​​pulling out a gorgeous trajectory and directly blasting into a group of buildings on the ground.

Bang, boom!

Amidst the earth-shattering sounds, hundreds of thousands of buildings were crushed to a flat ground in a blink of an eye, turned into a scorched earth, turbulent seas of fire, shock waves swept in all directions, clouds of mushrooms vacated.

A dozen large pits with a depth of several tens of feet appeared on the ground. The walls of the pit were black, but the bottom was like glaze. Obviously, the soil and stones were melted by high temperature and condensed into crystals.

What a terrifying scene this is, as if it were annihilating.

It seems that more than a dozen meteorites have fallen from the sky and hit here at the same time.

Compared to Ye Tian ’s original use of a thunder mine in the military empire of the current great empire stationed in the east, the destructive power of these dozen destruction lights is not inferior, the light is excessive, all buildings, and souls , Make up the powder, the earth burst, the debris melts, and it forms a glass ...

With this single blow, it is difficult to count the dead and injured.

There was a wailing on the ground. Everyone was stunned. I couldn't believe that the Pope would attack his own.

However, Pope Francis did not look at these people at all, and continued to command the battle, launching a fierce attack on Ye Tian.

A loud noise came out, and the sky was gorgeous, as if the fireworks in a pot were blooming, and it was like a huge volcano erupting, which made people palpitate.

Can't help but some believers were angry and rebuked the pope loudly.

"This is accidental injury, and the pope did not do it on purpose. Please some people don't say anything." There are faithful believers who excuse the pope.

"Yes, yes, this is purely accidental injury, the young devil is the culprit. The pope did not expect that he could escape the blow."

"I will pray on my knees and contribute as much as I can to help the Pope."


In the days when there was artillery fire in the ground, the fanatical believers never evaded half a point, knelt on the ground, prayed prayerfully, and continuously output their thoughts, although they were so small that they were negligible. Until, a beam of destruction came flying, let them fly into smoke.

This is an indiscriminate attack. The Pope's eyes were red. Wherever Ye Tian went, they were all targeted by the light of destruction. Even if it might be affected by the pond fish, he would not spare it.

"Youth Demon King, give you another chance to choose, surrender, or die!" The pope said, sounding like thunder and thunder, as if the gods' golden words and jade words were magnificent, and a word could kill life and death.

Ye Tian's body style is too sensitive, as if a lightning flashed in the void, although some gray head and gray face, but for a period of time without harm, he was not injured.

Ye Tian ignored this situation, and he could only die without end.


A large bone bow was held in his hand, a bone arrow was placed on the string, and it was pulled violently. After a while, all the spirits were like water, surging, and the whole world was dried up at once.

The big bow glowed, the golden runes flickered, and it was as bright as the sun. Although it was bone, it was as clear and transparent as glazed glass. A fire dragon with a whole body of fire was sealed in it, and a roar came out, which shocked nine days and ten places.

It is the dragon dragon bow made from the spine bones of Chiyan dragon dragon!


The bowstring trembles, the bone arrows absorb the ten essences, and the inherent lung fire spirit burns like a small sun, powerful and scary.

call out!

The bone arrow flew out and turned into a tremendous flame long dragon, with a head and tail as long as 100 feet, which was the sun in the sky, and the bronze temple was full of light, and it could not hide its light.

It was a tremendous arrow, great power, wherever it passed, the void was torn, the sky was broken, and the goal went straight to Francis, and the "gate of heaven" behind him.

Ye Tian finally returned, and his first shot was lore!

There is no need for the Pope to speak, the bursts of destruction light from the Bronze Temple are shot at the bone arrows together ~ ~ Every destruction light is like a peerless sword, clank and blast, powerful Frightening, it almost made this piece of Tianyu collapse.


Ren Bone Arrow is as powerful as a dragon, and he is overwhelming. He was chased and blocked by more than a dozen lights of destruction and ran out of thousands of feet. But when he was still hundreds of feet away from the Bronze Hall, he was still bombed and the bone arrow turned into powder.

call out!

The bowstring trembled again, and another bone arrow flew out, pulling out a hundred-footed Changhong in the void.

"The lights of destruction in my bronze temple can emit countless ways, I don't know how many arrows are available on your body?" The pope's face sank like water, his voice was so cold that there was no trace of emotion, and a pair of golden eyes burst out of two gods, The galaxy is generally bright and terrifying.


The bone arrow exploded, still hundreds of feet away from the Bronze Hall, and was wiped out.

"It's enough to slaughter you," Ye Tian said, not discouraged.

This time, when he raised his hand, a chaotic light containing metamagnetism divine light, mysterious yellow gas and divine thunder energy fell into his palm, turning into a thick chaotic light arrow, which is as heavy as the substance.

In the stunned eyes of the pope, he placed a chaotic light arrow on the bow string and shot directly at the pope.


One arrow pierced the sky, the chaotic light was magnificent, the heavens and the earth roared, and the divine patterns were intertwined, as if a chaotic galaxy ran across the sky.

This chaotic light arrow is ten times more terrifying than the bone arrow just now. It is so powerful that it is infamous.

"Quick, stop it!" The pope finally changed color.

Suddenly, all the lights of destruction came at the same time, facing this chaotic light arrow.

咻咻 咻!

But I did not see that a chaotic light arrow came out, and next day Ye Tian and three bone arrows were put on the bow string, but instead of shooting at Francis, they were shot at the foundation of the three lights of destruction respectively. Where the mouth is.

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