Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1090: Angel Seal

The old pope of the Holy See, the Supreme Pope, appeared, struck out a seal of the archangel created by the faithfulness of sentient beings, which shocked the audience.

The essence of belief is black, containing divinity, and is called the acquired black.

The essence of belief and condensed spirit is the essence, which is the acquired loess, which is a kind of **** earth, with all kinds of incredible magical effects.

Although a large amount of faith can condensate a trace of essence, it is quite rare. However, there are too many believers in the Holy See, billions of dollars, and the belief has been constant for thousands of years. The strength of Jina ’s faith is hard to estimate, but it must be an extremely terrifying number.

Unlike other sects, Holy Church is a sect of pure faith and respects only one deity.

Which is such a huge amount of faith, and where is it used? The world does not know. In Ye Tian's view, there is a secret inside.

"The Holy Pope's Taishang old pope is out, and several demons of Middle-Earth are in trouble. They are fleeing." A lama said, squinting with his eyes high.

"It's better to blow them all away and save us hands-on. It also gives the world a peace." Said another lama.

Jinri Pharaoh shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, the old Pope is so exhausted, Shou Yuan has reached his limit, and the fighting power is no longer at its peak. Unless he desperately explodes all the essence of life in his body, he can only be as young as the devil The power of war. And in this case, he himself is going to fall. "


A sword rang in the sky and a huge flying sword broke out of the air. The sword gas was screaming and the sword was shining for nine days. The terrible murder was shocked.

Ye Tian suddenly shot, urged the Sun and Moon Excalibur, and split the mark of the Holy Angel.

His golden blood boiled, and a plume of golden blood gas overflowed, lingering outside, like a god, powerful and sacred.

Activated by the surging mana, the Sun and Moon Divine Sword turned into an immortal awn, tearing the heavens and earth as if they could cut the Sun, Moon and Stars on the bottom, and destroy all creatures on the bottom.


The Sun and Moon Divine Sword circled in the air, drawing a gorgeous rainbow awn, sending out the sound of a mountain tsunami-like sword, and passing through the seal of the Holy Angel.


In a burst of loud noises like Hong Zhong Da Lu, the seal of the Holy Angel was cut off a corner, a house the size of which fell towards the ground.


The sound was terrifying, a hall was destroyed, and the ground was smashed with a huge deep pit, as if it was hit by a meteorite.

Xuan Loess is a **** earth, and every piece of it is extremely heavy, so it will have such terrible destructive power.

Suddenly, there was a horror in the audience. Everyone was stunned not only by the power of the young devil, but also by the horror of the Seal of Angels.

Now everyone can finally realize the pressure that Zhao Tianlong was pressed under the seal of angels. Fortunately, he has a strong physique, an ancient dragon elephant practice, and is wearing a red flame armor, otherwise, if it is an ordinary person, it has already turned into a **** mud.

"Damn, won't the angel seal be destroyed in this way?" Said a powerful person who was suspended in the air.

Most of these powerful people who came to the scene were hostile to Ye Tian. Some are really enemies with Ye Tian, ​​some are pure envy.


The seal of the Holy Angel erupted with thousands of rays of light, illuminating the heaven and earth, not only not destroyed, but also filled with more terrifying vitality, as if the inner deity was waking up.

Bang, Bang!

Under the traction of the air machine, the entire Vatican City was shaking and bursting roaring.

On the ground, thousands of strands of holy glow diffused out, like a cascade of waterfalls, against the sky, converging on the mark of the holy angel.

At this moment, the Vatican City was sacred to the extreme, the Holy Light was boiling, the gas machine was shocking, and the immortal divine radiance was everywhere in the world, even brighter than the sun, moon and stars in the sky.


Supplemented the energy. Not only the missing corner of the Holy Angel's seal has been repaired, but it has also doubled in size. It has become more massive and shocking.

At the same time, the nine archangels became more condensed and lifelike, like real angels, with divine wings cracking and glorious.

"Vatican City Holy Land, you can't tolerate the demons in the middle of the land, the mark of the Holy Angel, suppress it!"


Da Yin moved sideways, and came to the top of Ye Tian's head in an instant, condensing the whole world and suppressing it.

The mysterious yellow gas was turbulent, falling down like a waterfall, and a large piece of fog, each ray was brilliant, condensing the thickness of the earth, and even the void was imprisoned.

Compared with Zhao Tianlong just now, the mysterious yellow gas falling on Ye Tiantou is now several times thicker, like a haze and airtight, covering people's figures.

"Teacher, be careful!" Meng Yao shouted anxiously.

She held the knife in both hands and slashed it out against the waterfall-like mysterious yellow air. The dazzling sword awn cut the sky and earth, but when it was chopped on the Xuanhuang Qi, it just made a symphony of gold and iron symphony, splashing a brilliant spark.

It seemed that this knife was not chopped on the gas, but on the hardest steel in the world.

"I'll try!"

Xiao Qingtian held the fierce battle halberd, infused with monstrous divine power, and spurred the halberd violently, the potential energy collapsed, but in the Xuanhuang Qi, he only punctured the depth of a spearhead, and it was difficult to enter.

"Frozen Miles, Absolutely Frozen!"

Sima Xuankong raised a hand to shoot a long river of ice waterfalls, trying to freeze the seal of the archangel.

"I'll help you!" Liang Fei also shot.

Meng Yao also spread her slender palms when she saw this, and Taiyin Binghan burst out into the air.

Ka Ka Ka!

The world is frozen, but the seal of the archangel is unmoved, and the mysterious yellow gas is still falling. The frozen ice shell collapsed. UU reading www.

"The sentient beings are destined to heaven and earth. My seal is condensed by the beliefs of the sentient beings, and represents the will of the sentient beings, the will of the heavens and the earth. Is heaven and earth an enemy? "

The old pope of the Holy Church stood in front of the door of a hall, with his body on his back, his hands behind his back, and the whole body was surrounded by layers of Holy Faith. I saw his body, but I could not see his face clearly, and I could not measure the depth.

"Really? Then let me try!"

Listened to a calm voice coming from the drooping black air.

Yetian calmly and calmly, without any fear of color.

He opened the Chaos God Realm, and all methods were not invaded.

Suddenly, he protruded a palm and a golden light palm into shape, and slowly pressed it against the sky to shake the seal of the archangel.


The sky was violently shaken, as if the two mountains were colliding, and the sound was shocking.

"You can still resist, very good, but you are an enemy to heaven and earth, and an enemy to all living beings, after all, it is still hard to escape." The old Pope Taishang grinned.

"You are an old man, what kind of thing can represent the world and the living beings? Do you think you are God?" Ye Tian yelled.

"The devil of Middle-earth, you don't see the coffin or cry! I wanted to catch you alive and save it as a Holy Guardian of my Holy See. Now I change my mind and suppress you."


The seal of the Archangel trembles, and even more terrifying fluctuations are filled, suppressing it.

At the same time, the nine archangels also suddenly broke out and launched a fierce attack on Ye Tian.

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