Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1064: Thunder Shock

The paladin Antonio appeared, coming from the Holy See's flying chariot.

At the time, the audience was in a hustle and bustle, and everyone was shocked. Looking up at the sky, he looked at the legendary great shore with ancient bloodlines of the gods.

A month ago, Antonio was a paladin, because he was promoted because of the sudden fall of the previous knight.

However, he did not have time to change his shirt.

According to the tradition, the knight should wear purple gold chain mail, but he is wearing gold chain mail.

Of course, this is not important. After all, the jersey is only a foreign object, and your own strength is the most important.

Anyone knows that this is a powerful existence. The face is like a knife, the hair is thick, the eyes are radiant, the strong and powerful body is like a golden wall, and the bright golden light is standing. Being motionless there will also give people terrible pressure, such as the same deity, which makes people feel restless and can't help but worship.

Behind him was a strange blue sword with a strange shape. There was a glow of blood flowing, and a flicker of blood, which filled a fierce atmosphere, like a magic soldier.

The Angel's Blade, to be precise, should be called the Angel's Blade!

According to legend, this blue sword was taken from a rib of a fallen angel and possesses the blood of ancient gods. When it was born, it was an unparalleled weapon.

And Antonio, the legend has the blood of fallen angels as his descendants, of course, the blood of God is very thin.

And the so-called ancient gods are not as terrible as imagined, that is, the level of Jindan, one of the few that reaches the level of Yuanying, is the **** of God.

Middle-earth immortals are also at this level, standing on top of the earth, but placed in the Xinghai Wanjie, the universe and the sky, but are just ants, and are not really true immortals.

Antonio stood on the battleship, standing in the clouds, proud and bloody, his armour flashed coldly, setting him up like a god.

His look was calm, his deep eyes were as sharp as a blade, looking down, glancing through the crowd, as if looking for something.

Everywhere he looked, everyone couldn't help looking away and didn't dare to look directly at him.

"Where is the young disciple's female disciple? A female stream is also worthy of competing with my Holy See knight? I don't think it's necessary at all, and I'll take enough to get your head."

"Oriental witch, your teacher and juvenile devil have repeatedly committed killings, and their sins have been ruled by heaven. As his disciple, you have no pardon, and you ca n’t redeem your sins. Today, my Holy See will punish you I will rule on you. However, I teach kindness. If you kneel down and ask for mercy and be willing to become a slave, my Holy See may not spare you and use your holy arts to influence you and give you a chance to be alive again. "

The two men standing behind Antonio shouted, both wearing red robes, with deep eyes and imposing looks like dragons, two powerful cardinals.

They are Antonio's obedience, protectors, and naturally have a lot of combat power.

They are very shameless and speak loudly, their words are as sharp as a knife, they are suppressing Meng Yao's self-confidence, but they make the knight Antonio's momentum flourish.

Suddenly, the hustle and bustle of the audience rang, and many people were excited and applauded.

Westerners make up the majority of the field and naturally stand on the side of the Holy See.

And the people on my side of the East Gate are all embarrassed, and even some people are indifferent, as if they are watching a movie.

"What a skill to shout, you two idiots, dare to come down and fight with me?"

Suddenly, on the side of Dongfang Daomen, a majestic man rushed into the field and scolded two cardinals on the battleship.

It is Sima Xuankong.

"And me, we are one-on-one, singled out." Liang Fei also stood out, his eyes widened, and his murderous sky was sky-high.

"Who am I? It turned out to be two wastes of Dragon Guard. Without the Holy See's action, my Pantheon can destroy you."

A tall man in the Pantheon team sneered.

The twelve main gods of the Pantheon were slaughtered halfway by Ye Tian, ​​and even the **** king and the son of the **** were killed. Now they are only struggling to survive, far from the glory of the past.

Talking is the new **** king of the Pantheon, named Orius, who was a former god.

"My Knights of the Round Table is also irritable."

In the Knights of the Round Table of the Sunset Empire, an iron armored man raised the reins, and the warhorse roared, rushing into the field like a gust of wind, and confronted Sima Xuankong.

The old King Arthur of the Knights of the Round Table was beheaded by Ye Tian, ​​this is a new king.

Suddenly, Liang Fei's face became ugly and frightened. But Sima Xuankong was wary and fearless.

But at this moment, the abnormality protruded.


Suddenly, a purple lightning burst into the sky, shining and blazing, so many people couldn't help closing their eyes, and instantly cut through the sky, rushing to the flying chariot of the Holy See.

"Disgrace my teacher, die!"

In this purple lightning, a crisp and murderous voice came out, and a beautiful figure was faintly seen, not who was Meng Yao.

She wore ice holy clothes, spreading the ice crystal wings, and turned into a humanoid lightning. The wings were like swords, and she chopped down to the two who did not speak badly.

Her speed is too fast, such as the flash speed, everyone on the ship except Antonio, did not respond.

"court death!"

Antonio roared, thundering like a thunder, terrifying the sky. He was too late to pull out his sword, and he reached out a big hand and swept out a Shenghui, which rolled to Meng Yao like a tsunami.

Meng Yao opened her mouth and spit, and the Taiyin ice cold turned into a white horse, scouring down, and instantly dispersing the Shenghui played by Antonio.

The cold ice of the Taiyin continued to wash down and rolled towards the flying chariot. In the light of the sun, countless ice crystal particles were crystal clear, like a small diamond.

There is a prohibition on the flying boat, and once it is attacked, it will automatically fire.

However, this is an old warship, and after many brilliant blood battles, the forbidden formations have been worn away, and it can only be used as a transport warship.

As you can see, under the icy and cold air of Mengyao, the entire warship was instantly covered with a layer of frost ~ ~ The remaining forbidden pattern cannot be blocked, and the front of the warship As the focus of the attack, layers of ice have condensed.

Taiyin's ice-cold air has the unparalleled power to freeze and kill.

The two cardinals were only S-class combat power, and were suddenly frozen into ice sculptures. Even Antonio was in a stagnant shape. Under the freeze, the void around him seemed to freeze, with a feeling of hands and feet.


I saw a gorgeous ice crystal purple light passing by on the battleship, alas, all blood lines exploded.

The two cardinals, together with the digital puppets standing behind Antonio, were split in two. And Antonio's golden chain mail was also made a gap.


The ten-mast mast with the golden cross on top was also breaking.

With just one blow from the girl, the Holy See died.

Suddenly, the audience was dead!

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