Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1045: I am the island owner

Remember in one second 【】

Miyamoto Taro spent nine cattle, two tigers, and nine lives, before breaking through the land to kill the immortals in the small island in the heart of the lake. It can be described as hard work, but before the time to invite me, he heard Ye Tian say that he stepped down.

Suddenly, he was angry!

Is it a slave, but also has a temper?

He clenched his fists, crackled his knuckles, his flesh was as tight as a bowstring, and his raised tendons were like big dragons. His eyes almost burst into fire, as if he wanted to move toward Ye Tian.

After a lot of wars, his physical body was repeatedly broken and stood up, almost undergoing a general rebirth change, truly called an innate body, and could match the realm.

Furthermore, Yu Dao realized in the front line that he realized something from the killing of the immortals, about the way of the immortals, and the way of killing.

This large array of earth immortals is from Jin Danzhi. He faintly felt the breath of Jin Dan, and glimpsed the trace of spiritual imprint, which greatly benefited him.

The body of the earth fairy, the realm of the earth fairy, the power of the earth fairy, all who reach the level of the earth fairy can be called the real earth fairy.

Miyamoto Taro's spirit and spirit are united, and his mind and body are clear. He seems to be integrated into this heaven and earth, and he can clearly feel the power of heaven and earth. At this moment, he feels that he is a true earth fairy, and he was only half-hanging.

Therefore, he thought he had the capital to fight Ye Tian, ​​and wanted to turn against the water.

However, he did not come out in the end, because Ye Tiangang signed a contract with him, which is very strange. Ye Tian's words can affect his life and death, making him fearful.


He turned into a ghost image and rushed to the small island in the center of the lake before entering the Penglai Temple.

This is his last stubbornness, a reward for his efforts, and see if he can find some natural treasures, magical secrets, etc. from Penglai Tiangong.

He knew that only when he became stronger, would it be possible to obliterate the imprint of the contract of the soul, and it would be possible to completely get rid of Ye Tian's control.

"Damn humans, you are too much. Thousands of feathers and swords, destroy the sky, cut me!"

The black-scale eagle flew over, the huge wings flapped, the wind rolled in a storm, and it pressed down like a mountain,

When he flew over Miyamoto Taro's head, his wings fluttered violently, his scales plummeted, and he looked like a fried hedgehog.


The sound of golden cracks shook the sky, and the horrible kills pervaded the wild.

This is the ultimate killing trick that the black-scale eagle can use. Thousands of scale feathers are turned into thousand-handed killing swords, endlessly killing mansions, killing vitality, and turning a void into a sea of ​​swords.

If it is not helpless, the black-scale eagle will definitely not use this killing move, because it hurts a thousand enemies and damages 800.

I saw that after taking off thousands of scale feathers, the scale feathers on it were sparse, and some areas showed large skin, which was very unsightly.

What made the black-scale eagle vomit blood is that in the face of this ultimate killing trick, Taro Miyamoto didn't even look at it, just waved a big one, as if sending a fly away.

"Go!" Taro Miyamoto was angry.


With his wave, a storm of silver and white shouted, like a horse training, spreading in the void, shaking the sky, and making a harsh howling sound.

The Blackscale Eagle's pupils suddenly shrank, and it was so shocking that it could not be added, because the storm that Taro Miyamoto followed was not ordinary radon, but a sword.

Hundreds of thousands of swords and knives converged, so it looked like a horse, silver and white, and the spirit of killing was heavy.

This sword is a perfect match, and there is the way Taro Miyamoto just learned from the ground fairy.


A void vanished, and an earth-shattering sound erupted, and the thousands of feathers and swords of the black-scale eagle were swept away instantly.

Miyamoto Taro's sword and sword training also damaged most of the half, and the remaining half rushed to the black-scale eagle, allowing the black-scale eagle to turn straight in the void, almost planted in the lake.

When it was stable, the scales and feathers on his body were much less and he was washed away by the sword.

A hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, and this sentence is very suitable for the black-scale eagle at this moment.

"I'll bake you for a while!" Taro Miyamoto said.

The black-scale eagle screamed in fright, and flew towards the sky quickly.

With just one wave of Miyamoto Taro, the black-scale eagle was defeated. One person and one bird, the difference in strength was too great, not on a level at all.

"Humans, stop quickly! Although this is a ruin, it is not a land without a master. The master will return in the near future. Your behavior is the same as that of a robber, and you are a powerful monk of the human race."

Huoyunshi's voice came and rebuked Ye Tian and Taro Miyamoto.

It also wanted to launch an attack on Taro Miyamoto, but it was wise to see that the black-scale eagle had defeated so thoroughly.

"Yes, the owners of Penglai Xiandao will return soon. All of them are real gods. They are much stronger than you. They are dominated by the world and dominate the world. If you dare to move here, you will be bloody. Revenge. "The Blackscale Eagle also said, his voice was cold and serious, not like he was joking.

Suddenly, Taro Miyamoto's pace suddenly slowed a bit.

Amazingly, he was frightened by the words of the Fire Cloud Lion and the Blackscale Eagle.

In ancient times, Penglai Xiandao didn't know how many immortals lived there. There were earth immortals and celestial immortals. Anyone who returned arbitrarily could abuse him thousands of times, which he could not compete with.

"From now on, Penglaixian Island belongs to me. All the creatures on the island, including you, are me

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

Private property. Ye Tianyu said amazingly.

Suddenly, the Fire Cloud Lion and the Blackscale Eagle were riven, and even Taro Miyamoto almost shocked his chin!

"You young man, you are too arrogant. Penglai Xiandao is the ancient immortal dojo. Do you really fear their revenge when you dove the nest?" Huoyun Lion yelled loudly.

"The fairy is furious ~ ~ The corpses are all over the place, bleeding and wandering. Boy, you have to think about it." The Blackscale Eagle threatened.

"Ancient immortal?" Ye Tian sneered, and said, "It's been so long, do you really believe they can come back? Or, even if they do come back one day, this dying desolate road Do you think they can still see?

Huoyun Lion and Blackscale Eagle were dumb, and seemed to be broken by Ye Tian's words, feeling very uneasy.

Since the ancient immortals left, their Huoyunshi and Blackscale Eagle clan are responsible for guarding this fairy island and waiting for the ancient immortals to return. Now I do n’t know how many generations have passed, the ancient fairy has been silent.

"This dojo has been deserted for too long, and it's time to change its owner. The two of you will follow me and be so loyal today, it will be of great benefit to you." Ye Tian continued.


While talking, he stepped on the small island in the center of the lake, and Penglai Tiangong was close at hand.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^

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