Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1019: Take you as a disciple

"The afterlife is terrible, the afterlife is terrible!" Miyamoto Taro looked straight at Ye Tian, ​​and sighed suddenly.

His silver hair was bright, his old robes hunted and hunted, his eyes were as deep as the dark night sky, his body was flowing with half a step of fairy air, shrouded in a faint cloud of chaos, even he could ignore the night field Existence, the power of darkness cannot bless him, and the power of suppression can't hinder his footsteps.

His cultivation was more than Barov, and of course Ye Tian. The end of the Supreme Divine Realm took another half step, and the real half only stepped into the gate of the fairy.

"Old sword, the young demon king is being bitten by the power of the thunder, I will cooperate with you, and the battle will be decided quickly!" Barov's voice sounded.

Taro Miyamoto ignored.

"Old sword, you remove your protection, and I can bless you with the power of darkness," Barov said again.

Taro Miyamoto still seemed to ignore him and ignored him.

He and Ye Tian separated by thousands of feet. After entering the field, he did not suddenly launch a violent attack on Ye Tian, ​​but carried his hands in the void and walked towards Ye Tian step by step.

Boom boom!

His steps are full of mystery, one step at a time, one step at a time, disillusioned, the brilliance flashes, and the void rumbles.

It was a trace of heaven and earth, the flowing rhyme.

"This little friend, you are so pure in mana, so vast, that old age is astounding. The several extreme divine realms that just fought with you just now, including old age, are better than you, but the purity of mana And accumulation, but they are inferior to you too much, so they will lose to you. The exercises you practice are far from comparable to any existing exercises in the world. "Takamiya Miyamoto walked side by side, without aggressiveness, and looked strange. The calmness of the people gives people a sense of walking in leisurely courts.

"Miyamoto Sword Master, don't talk nonsense with him, the chance is rare. If he recovers, you will never be his opponent." Barov anxiously.

At this time, Ye Tian was indeed a little embarrassed. After being cut by several chaotic chains with Taro Miyamoto, his shape resembled an inflated ball. It suddenly surged by more than a foot and became more than ten meters high. The giant is cracked, the skin is cracked like ceramics, the thunder is like water overflowing from the body, the whole person is wrapped in a blazing thunder, faint, only a vague figure can be seen, and it is like the cruelest encounter in the world Thunder torture is even worse than the previous one.

The five thunder spirits in his Dantian are like five nuclear reactors. The reaction phase just started just now. The spilled thunder energy is considered to be small. Now, the seal suddenly breaks through, the reaction speeds up, and the spilled thunder energy increases exponentially. It would be so terrible.

If he weren't Chaos Jin's body, he wouldn't have known died hundreds of times.

"Shut up for me!" Taro Miyamoto reprimanded.

Barov was dumb.

"I know that my practice is not as good as mine, and my mana is inferior to me. Can't you roll it out and wait for me to kill you?"

In the blazing thunder, Ye Tian's voice came out, deafening.

In his voice, a thick thunder pillar spewed from his mouth, rushing dozens of feet away, full of magic.

"I don't respect the teacher, respect the elders, and lack discipline! Young people, I think you are a peerless genius rare in a thousand years. In order to prevent you from going astray and endangering the society, I reluctantly accept this disciple and teach you the principles of doing things . It just so happens that my shocking method lacks a mantra. Follow me later. "

"Accept me as an apprentice? Old sister-in-law, you know who I am, and dare to say that you accept me as an apprentice?" Ye Weathering, almost tolerated, laughed out loud.

At his level of true enlightenment in the previous life, few people in the entire world of immortality are qualified to be his master.

"I think you are using the excuse of accepting me as an apprentice, slap the fairy law on me?" Ye Tian said clearly.

"You are too young and you have too little experience. You are right and wrong. As your teacher, any exercises you practice as teachers must naturally check for you, lest you go astray. I think you are so full of magic. The killing breath is too heavy, and you think that you are practicing immortal law, maybe it is a demon law. "Miyamoto Taro said in a serious manner.

Both Barov and the Blood King were dumb, and Taro Miyamoto would never have figured it out, clearly fighting for a tiger!

They don't know where Taro Miyamoto came from.

"Don't hesitate, just go with the teacher. There is a secret place for the teacher. It is a piece of pure land that can be used by you and our teachers and disciples. Together we will prove the earth immortal, transcendence and freedom.

Ye Tian sneered, and said, "Old sister-in-law, do you really think you're eating me? I was backstabbed by the power of the thunder, and I can also kill you with my hands."

"No big, no small, full of nonsense, really lack of discipline. After returning, I will imprison you for a year and confine your temper."

While talking, Taro Miyamoto shot suddenly.


A huge palm protruded out of thin air, soaring and majestic, magnificent, as if a mountain swept through the sky, filled the sky, and grabbed Ye Tian.

In the palm of this huge palm, a crystal clear pearl suspended in brilliant colors, only the size of a ping-pong ball, but filled with horrible fluctuations.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, just like the rain, a curtain of water dangled from the gorgeous colored pearls, covering the whole square. The space within the range is instantly frozen and condensed into an iron plate.

Even more amazing is that among the water curtains, a mirage like a mirage suddenly appeared, and the streets and bustling streets of Qionglou and Yuyu all stood up ....

The scenes are too realistic, as if history is reappearing or travelling through ancient times, even the voices of the people inside can be heard.


Barov and the Blood King were instantly stunned again.

This is the magic treasure of the Eastern Taoism, the millennium sacred pearl, how can they know.

Zhuzhu is a treasure of the water system, so a water curtain is falling down ~ ~ In fact, this water curtain is more like a light curtain, or light rain, which is extremely gorgeous. It is in the light rain that weaves out mirages of mirages.

Ye Tian was first shrouded in light rain falling down from the pearl beads, and then "crossed" all of a sudden, entered the illusion of a water curtain, and was placed on a street.

With a successful move, Taro Miyamoto laughed, and then the mana urged, and the scenes of the towering mirage returned to the pearl, and eventually Ye Tian was sealed in the pearl.


Suddenly, the void shook violently. On top of the light curtain falling down by the pearl beads, two large openings were split, two golden pillars of fire burst out, and the flames were rising.

"Old sister-in-law, your millennial pearl is very good. I smile first."

In his voice, the boy rushed out of the illusory scene of the beaded pearls, and Jin Tonghuo's eyes bloomed with two golden pillars of fire, penetrating through the world's imagination, staring directly at all the origins, and exploding the void.

As soon as he stretched out his large hand, he caught the bead in his hand. Then the war halberd violently violently broke out in the air, crushing Taro Miyamoto's mask of the sky.

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