Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1014: Juvenile


Miyamoto Taro is as old as a dog. He has no sympathy for Barov's kindness, and stays out of the realm of the night.

He operates his eyesight, his eyes are as bright as electricity, he is extremely powerful, and he can vaguely see the scenes in the field of Yong Ye in his eyes.

The Blood King is attacking, and three other Supreme Divine Realms are ready to go. Everyone's body seems to have a super volcano hidden in it, and the energy is turbulent and horrible.

Amazingly, they have all been blessed by the power of darkness in the realm.

The blood race is also a dark race. Compared with the other three Supreme Divine Realms, after receiving the blessing of Barov, the blood king can obtain the blessing of the dark power from the field of eternal night.

"Boy, do you really think that nobody in the world can clean up you? Kill the prince of my bloodline, take the holy weapon of my bloodline, and take my life to pay for it!" The blood king roared.

He turned into a tusks monster with a height of more than one foot. His body was covered with a thick layer of scale armor, glowing with cold light, like a tank. King Kong is not bad, indestructible. The whole The popularity was so terrible that it was a mess.

A demon knife that once had five million living creatures in his hand was held in his hands. It was purely condensed from the blood and bones of living creatures. One was tall, the back of the sword was thick, and the dense lines were engraved with countless skeletons and evil spirits , The evil charm is extremely extreme, ordinary people just can't hold it at first glance, the soul sinks, and he perpetually falls to hell.

Butcher knife in hand, ghosts do not stay!

The blood king cut it off with a knife, as if opening a door to hell, and the blood was raging out, and countless skeletons and evil spirits roared and rushed to Ye Tian, ​​as if a group of starving ghosts could not wait to devour him. Flesh and soul.

As the owner of the butcher knife, the Blood King also craved Ye Tian's blood.

He could truly feel the horrible energy contained in Ye Tianjin's blood, which seemed to be a kind of supreme divine blood. The ultimate purity was far stronger than the thin divine blood of the divine knight.

"Boy, donate your blood obediently. Maybe I can go one step further, break through the earth fairy, achieve a generation of blood gods, and ask the strongest star!" He chuckled, extremely gloomy.

In front of him, a young boy stood with a war halberd, with a cold, arrogant look and a calm face.

A stream of golden light overflowed from the juvenile's body, constantly expanding outward, and turned into a chaos.

Behind the boy, a golden lotus was manifested again, flowing around Shenxia, ​​flowers and trees swaying, and the sound of a avenue and melody was heard, making the boy more like a god.

As soon as the Chaos God Realm came out, all methods could not be invaded, and the feeling of hands and feet brought by the dark realm of Yong Ye instantly disappeared.

At his present level, it is still a bit laborious to cast Chaos, because it is very expensive.

This is just the incomplete divine realm. The mana consumed by the evolving complete divine realm is even more massive.

Of course, when his chaos in the realm of evolution is complete, the realm is definitely not the current realm, it may be Yuan Ying, Huashen, or even higher. The mana is like a mountain and the sea, which is not comparable to today ’s realm.

This time he only expanded the Chaos God Realm by three feet, like a big ball, just wrapped him in it.

This is the third time that he has cast Chaos God Realm, which has consumed too much, and it is likely that he will not be able to cast the fourth time.


The butcher knife is indeed a peerless fierce soldier. The fierce prestige shocked the world, and the sword light was as strong as blood, and it was easy to split a rift in the chaos **** domain, with the most terrible murderous energy, chopped off Ye Ye's neck.

As long as this knife flies past, any skull will be cut off, and the blood in the corpse will be absorbed instantly, and the soul will be sucked into the butcher's knife, leaving a dried corpse in vain.

In the face of such desperation, Ye Tian didn't move, and he didn't panic. He let the razor-sharp sword sharply smash onto his neck, and stared at the blood king who flew up.


A series of sparkles shone out, and it seemed that Dao Mang had been cracked on the hardest steel in the world, and even a layer of oil skin on Ye Tian's neck had not been broken, but when Dao Mang broke down instantly.

At this time, the blood king rushed in lightning, close enough to Ye Tian, ​​and raised his hand to be able to cut the area.


The war halberd stabbed, opened the world, and brought up a hundred feet to kill the mansions, such as an antelope hanging horns, marking the most mysterious trajectory, and before the thunderbolt hit the blood king's butcher knife in a strong.

I heard a loud noise, as if two stars collided together, a blazing fire brightly illuminated the dark area, and the butcher knife instantly broke into pieces, turning into a sky powder. The millions of injustices inside also disappeared.

In the chaos gods, the chaotic golden lotus suddenly glowed brightly, forming a vortex, permeating a powerful suction force, absorbing all the broken million souls.

These broken pieces are all nourishment, which can nourish the fertile soil of the small world. It can even be transformed into pure chaos, for Ye Tian to consume.

Everything in the world originates from chaos. Chaos Golden Lotus is compatible and can absorb all forms of energy and transform it into the original origin of chaos.

After absorbing millions of broken souls, the crack on the Chaos God Domain split by the butcher's knife healed instantly, the boundary film became thicker and stronger, and the chaotic golden light that permeated was fiery.

"Damn, you broke my butcher knife!"

The Blood King snarled for a moment, suddenly growled, and was extremely angry, but his heart was extremely horrified.

After a real fight with the teenager, he knew he had grown up.

"Your Gorefiend's body is very good. After I catch you, I can make a great medicine." Ye Tiansen smiled coldly, no longer said a word, stood up and stabbed him.

The two were close at hand, and War Halberd stabbed the Blood King's heart almost instantly.

The blood king flashed back abruptly, but it was too late, he quickly found out his pair of **** demon claws, and grabbed the sharp halberd.

His two scarlet claws were as large as a grinding disc and curved like an iron hook, which could easily tear the tank's armor, but he was unable to shake the flames of the fierce sky.


Hearing two explosions, two blood mists spread over the blood king's two grinding discs, the large claws were stabbed suddenly.

"Save me!" The Blood King was finally afraid and called for help.

The knight of the gods shouted, and was shocked by the cold sweat, because the power of Chitian War Halberd in Ye Tian's hands far surpassed him, as if Ye Tian was the real master.

He is a light race, with the least blessing of blessing in the realm, but can move without hindrance.

In his hand, a cross lightsaber once again condensed, and he slashed at the burning sky halberd in Ye Tian's hand, trying to save the blood king.

The oriental crane struck a thunder mark, and Wan Dao thundered like a sea, blasting Ye Tian in the past.

Augris condensed a flame spear in the palm of his hand, throwing it like a javelin, as if a fire meteor cut through the night sky, with amazing lethality.

However, far away can't hydrolyze near thirst. They just shot and couldn't help much.

Just when the Blood King was in despair, a large chain suddenly emerged from the void beside him, and the light was generally entangled in the fiery sky war halberd.

A great pull, but also only made the celestial war halberd offset by a small angle, still aimed at the blood king's body.

But I don't know, the chain was also cursed by Barov several times, weak, slow, vertigo, frost, ...

Although the Chaos God Realm is invincible, the curse was passed on to Ye Tian through the war halberd, making his figure lag behind for a short time.

This is the world in which you can let the blood king escape from the dead. Although Chitian War Halberd didn't really touch his body, the actual killing of the mang still blurred his body and wounded him.

"Don't fight him close, you are not his opponents. Attack him in the golden light realm, and then I will use magic to restrain him." Barov's voice came from the darkness, raging in the dark realm, commanding four People fight.

Ye Tian is unparalleled in body, holding the legendary holy soldier, and fighting close to invincible, how can the four of them not know. After listening to Balov's words, they all changed their style of play and attacked his Chaos Realm remotely.


Lei Yin swept across the sky, brought a thousand thunders, and crashed into Chaos God Realm.

The thunder mark of the oriental crane alone makes Ye Tian's Chaos Realm a bit unbearable, and bursts of cracks.

Although the Chaos God Realm is inviolable, but in another dark realm, it will inevitably be eroded by the power of darkness, and it will no longer consume energy all the time.

The divine knight's six wings of holy light fanned, sweeping out a storm of holy light.

Augris condensed fireballs, bursting like a cannonball.

The blood king punched out blood groups, which could squirm like living creatures, exuding all the horror breath, and could penetrate into the cracks of the **** realm and erode the **** realm from the inside.

The four shot in succession and repeated crit, just like guerrilla warfare. Ye Tian was so brave and gradually suppressed.

Chaos God Realm is once again battered and may collapse at any time.

"Without chaos, I can kill you."

However, he saw that Ye Tian suddenly withdrew the protection from the God Realm, exposing his body to the dark realm. A feeling of hands and feet spreading all over the body instantly, but he didn't seem to care.

"It can't be dragged on anymore, it's time for a break with you." Ye Tianning said with a frown.

He had to admit that he was a bit ambitious, and he didn't expect Dongying and his party to face so many powerful opponents.

Amber Shengming had the black fairy of the earth fairy in his hands ~ ~ It struck the earth fairy and caused his physical body to be damaged.

Then Taro Miyamoto, who was supposed to die, suddenly appeared, again unexpectedly. This man is a real half-step immortal, and his level is above him, and he is a very strong opponent.

Miyamoto Taro hasn't really hit him yet, and he's staring at him, leaving him with a thorn in his back. I don't know where he will suddenly come out and stab him.

Now his spirit had a strong sense of crisis, and he couldn't delay it any longer.

This sense of crisis does not come from the six Supreme Divine Realms in the field, but from others. He didn't know it, he could only perceive it in the sense of consciousness.

"What? Are you scared? Do you have to be soft? Give up the perfect fairy law, and there is room for maneuver!" Dongfang Crane said suddenly.

"Serve soft? I just want to send you to **** as soon as possible." Ye Tiansen sneered.

During his speech, he flipped through the palm of his hand, and five thunderous fruits appeared, each of which was more than ten thousand times brighter than the thunder print of Longhu Mountain.

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