Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 999: 9 Liu Di Xian

No one can think of it. He suffered a terrible crit. Instead of dying, Amber Shengming became more powerful, and the man and the destiny completely merged. It seemed that he had taken that step and succeeded in the earth god. He had injuries, which were very serious. Several bones were exposed, but no harm was caused. Under the tide-like essence, he healed at an extremely fast speed. The breath of the whole man was strong like never before. degree. Ye Tian naturally remembered that he had smashed the body of Taro Miyamoto with a large magnetic seal, and the blood and water spewed, and the flesh flew across. It's thin, and it turns into endless thoughts. It was this shock that completely merged Taro Miyamoto's body with the Hachi-style god, and also saved Taro Miyamoto's life. Furthermore, it can be said that Taro Miyamoto was reborn with the help of the Hachi-style god. This was a shocking creation, and Ye Tian gave it to him, which was totally unexpected. boom! Ten miles of clouds move, and the essence gathers like a tide, surrounding Taro Miyamoto's body, forming a terrible storm of essence, covering him in layers like a cocoon. In the witness of countless people, his decaying body and spirits were transformed inside, reborn, washed and mutilated, and reborn. His physical wounds were growing with new flesh, and broken bones continued. The flesh and blood of the newborn was as brilliant as jade, bright red, full of endless vitality. The film is tough like copper skin, fair and firm, bright and bright, no trace of wrinkles. The bones are as hard as steel, shiny and crystal clear, and hard to an incredible degree, comparable to a magic sword. The five internal organs are continually refined and flawless, without any trace of impurities, like a magic weapon. Blood is thick and strong like mercury slurry. His eyebrows gave birth to a golden lake in the sea, deep and profound. It was a powerful spiritual force and a powerful portrayal of spirits. In his Dantian Qihai, Zhenqi condensed into a liquid, and also formed a small lake, which was constantly turbulent and stirred up a ray of glow. ... At this moment, he seemed to be favored by heaven and earth, the darling of heaven and earth. This is a level, heaven and human sympathy! Divine Realm can also realize the sympathy between heaven and man, but it is not strong. It is far less than that of Amber Shengming at the moment. "Dixian, really dixian!" Exclaimed in the field. I don't know how many people's jaws will startle. Witnessing the birth of a divine fairy is something that hasn't happened for hundreds of years. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a miracle. A thousand years ago, the Ambe family was born with a fairy, Ambe Ching Ming. A thousand years later, the Ambe family is going to be born again, Ambe Saint-Ming. Immortals in two places are rare in the world. This also illustrates the merits of Yin-Yang Road, which gathers the minds of all sentient beings and is a kind of avenue to the earth fairy! The heaven is missing, and there is still a chance to live! It can be seen that heaven is not ruthless. "The old ancestors finally succeeded, and God bless my Ambe family." Ambe Meiji wept into tears. "Yeah, although it is extremely difficult, the ancestors of the ancestors Ji Jixiang finally took this step." Amber Long's eyes were also red. Xiao Qingtian frowned, his face was not very good-looking. He knows that the gate of the world is about to turn upside down, and the trend is reversing. I do n’t know how many years from now, the gate of the East Gate will be above the gate of my Central Plains. "General Xiao Lao, the news from Long Wei just now said that an aircraft carrier battle group of the Imperial League of God was found outside the sea area one hundred nautical miles away, as well as Dongfeng's Shenfeng Sea Guard was also assembled and many warships were dispatched , Is forming a siege of the fighting area. "Long Xiaoyun came over, holding a satellite phone in his hand, and told Xiao Qingtian a bad news. Suddenly, Xiao Qingtian trembled in his heart. Obviously, so many forces are assembled against Ye Tian. The hatred of Ye Tian and the League of Empires has already reached the point where they don't share the sky. If you don't fight for your life, you won't stop. However, Xiao Qingtian was relieved after a while and said, "It doesn't matter. I believe Ye Tianren's ability, as long as he wants to escape, no amount of firepower is in vain." Intuition told him that Ye Tian's weakness at this moment is an illusion, and he must still There is backhand. Of course, compared with the Imperial League of God, the changing immortal is the biggest threat. However, as Ye Tian insisted on escaping, he believed that even Dixian couldn't stop it. Soon, the vitality storm subsided, and Amber Shengming appeared in true form, and was seen by everyone. He seemed to be a man, old and absent, and a handsome middle-aged man, looking younger than his younger Abei Longyi, black hair, black pupils, fair and firm skin, sword eyebrow staring, by A white robe condensed with energy, glowing around the body. On his body, the ghost of the Yagi-style **** is still appearing, if it is magical, it looks very

Weird. The muscles on his body trembled violently, his bones were rattling, his heartbeat was like an earthquake, and a tsunami-like roar sounded in the blood vessels ~ ~ As if there was an energy he couldn't control, he wanted to erupt and let him go into fire . boom! At a certain moment, his spirit and spirit were highly united, and the imaginary shadow of the eight-kid-like **** completely disappeared into his body, and a war of cracking sky rose up, swallowing mountains and rivers, disturbing ten miles of clouds. His whole breath was changed again, the essence of Qi and God and the heaven and earth were united, the imprint of the void, nothingness, and there was infinite power in his hands. His breath was restrained, but he was more like a deity, descending from the heaven of the heavens on earth and majestic. Fluttering, fluttering ... On the cliffs of the seaside, there are constantly watchers kneeling down to the ground, some are sincerely bowing their heads, worshipping, some are unable to withstand coercion, and can't help it. "Patience with three armors, and finally took this step! Hahaha, young devil, you absolutely can't think of it! Anyone who can't kill me will only make me stronger." Miyamoto said with a laugh, strong and not Moreover, it looks very elegant, and the body of God is flowing, and it can be called a **** of abundance. Congenital earth immortal, the beginning of 500 years of life, the limit can live 1000 years, Amber Shengming at least 300 years old to live, just when he was young. In the void, Oriental Crane and Augris looked at the transformed Amber Shengming with envy in their eyes. Before a few meetings, they were still on the same starting line, oh no, it should be on the finishing line. But now, they are still stepping on the finish line, but Amber Shengming has started another journey. The envy was more than that, even Taro Miyamoto's eyes were a little bit hot. Although he lived longer, he just relied on treasure medicine, and after all, he couldn't take that step. "It's nothing to be proud of, it's just a glorious fairy. I can accomplish you, and I can destroy you naturally!" Ye Tian said, speaking faintly, but shocked to death.


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