Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 941: Invincible

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In a shock, Ye Tian survived, and Amber Shengming disappeared. He won, but suffered great trauma. The Amber family and the Miyamoto family invited many masters to ambush him. This is Plan B, which is activated when Ambe Shengming is vulnerable. Just now, he was so powerful that he overwhelmed Amber Shengming. He was invincible like a god. No one dared to rush. Now he is traumatized, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, his body seems to be unsupported, and he is being beaten by thousands of people. Tigers and Pingyang are being bullied by dogs, and every figure rises into the air, taking his life. In the eyes of these people, this is a merit on the spire, a benefit at your fingertips. As long as the young demon king is killed, they can become Dongzhao's national hero, become famous, and leave a strong mark in the history of human cultivation. Of course, the two big families may have promised them some benefits. This is a deal. Huh! The swords rang out, magic weapons fluttered, and the breath of death was overwhelming, all violently attacking the young figure in the void. "I see who dare to do it!" Su Mengyao was stricken, and at this moment unprecedented anger, Wushuang Xianyan had a hint of sorrow. The wings of ice crystals behind her spread out, fanning violently, and rising into the air. On the edge of the ice crystal wings, flying blade-like pieces of ice crystal feathers are erected, and strands of purple electricity are entangled on it. Huh! She fluttered her wings, her body spinning rapidly, like an elf dancing, a piece of ice-knife-like feathers of flying swords flew out, and the sound of cricket was endless, as if there was a heavy rain of flying knives. The power of the golden crack stone, the indiscriminate attack, the sky and the ground, the power is amazing. "Ahhhh!" A scream screamed in the void, full of terror. Puff puff! There are also blood flowers blooming in the void, gorgeous and gorgeous. What's more, the ice crystal plume exploded in the body, and the figure was instantly frozen into the ice grate. Although the physical trauma was not enough to cause death, it was frozen to death by the cold air of the Taiyin. Smashed big pits. Just a moment, a dozen masters who tried to sneak in Ye Tian fell. Seeing this scene, the people watching the battlefield felt that their backs were chilly and their spines were cold, and they were shocked to the extreme. The girl looked at her beauty as an immortal, ice crystal jade bones, and holy dust, but she started her hands unambiguously, that is, the executioner should be afraid of the three-pointer. This is just a sentence, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she has to watch out for, the more terrible it is. The fairy girl was outstanding and skillful, so that the old **** standing on the distant peaks of the old sword holy shrine Miyamoto Taro noticed her. Miyamoto first glanced, and suddenly found a boneless palm, grabbed it in the void. Hum! Tianyu trembled for a while. A god's palm condensed by pure mana manifested in the void. It was the size of a small car, dazzling with blood, beating with blood, thin as wood, but condensing as if it were substance. Miyamoto's real hand zoomed in a hundred times, Mori Han was terrible. God ’s palms were perforated through the void, and they almost reached Moeng Yao's face almost instantly. "Xuanyin's body, it's good. I still lack a man-in-hand. You are talented, so follow me later." Miyamoto murmured to himself, with a low tone, but echoed like heaven and earth, Let everyone's eardrums be stirred up. As soon as he said this, he suddenly shocked everyone. Dong Yan's old sword Saint wants to grab the disciples of the Chinese young demon king as a disciple? What international joke! Their Miyamoto family hasn't finished yet, and the Raksha Ninja Village is also prosperous, and there are many talented and intelligent people, such as his sire descendant Miyamoto Ziyue, the talent is very high, and people are on the scene. Ziyue Miyamoto was originally in a good mood because of the appearance of her ancestors, and she was so excited that she fell into tears because of a word from her ancestors. "Old ancestor, am I really that bad?" Murmured, a grieving tear slipped from the corner of her eye. At the scene, some masters were about to shoot at Meng Yao, leaving the girl dead, and after hearing Taro Miyamoto's words, they all stopped. "Dead man, get out of me!" She fanned the wings of the ice crystals fiercely, as fast as a thunderstorm, but she could not escape the dead-handed hand. "Frozen!" Suddenly, she snapped it with a swift palm, struck a chill and coldness, and tried to freeze Miyamoto Taro's grand gesture. Click! It did work a little bit, the big hand was frozen by the ice, but the ice was broken after a moment. This big hand is not a physical body, but a mana, and it is not easy to freeze. The old monster, Taro Miyamoto, has incredible magical powers, unfathomable and even harder to deal with. Huh! The Suzaku-like **** flew, and the howling sounded earth-shattering. A fiery red feather was burning with the blazing flames. A spit in the mouth was a blast of fire passing through the sky, burning the sky to boil the sea, and rushing towards Taro Miyamoto's boneless technique. Boneless hands faced the towering pillar of fire ~ ~ and greeted him. Rumble! The sky shook, and the boneless hands swept all the way, like a chariot traversing the void, the towering pillars of fire were crushed and finally beat on the Suzaku-style god. Huh! The Suzaku-style **** was shot and flew out, like a fire meteor, and knocked down a mountain. "I am old, dare to move my sister!" Zhao Tianlong growled, and the Chiyan wings fluttered behind him, turning into a flame of light, breaking through the speed of sound in an instant, and the Chiyan halberd pierced in his hand, smashing the bones of Taro Miyamoto. . "I can't help it!" Miyamoto said, expressionless, as if looking down at a moth. Bang! Chiyan's war halberd was so powerful that he stabbed a strong, buzzing voice in Taro Miyamoto's dead-handed hands, as if stabbed on solid gold steel, and numerous sparks burst out. With no bones in his hand, Zhao Tianlong and his Chiyan War Halberd were photographed flying. Huh! In the distance, another hill collapsed, and a twisted war halberd was inserted on it, and the shining fire was still flowing. Bang! The earth shook violently, and the rocks fell in disintegration. A big pit appeared, and Zhao Tianlong put a big character in it. The audience was dead! How fierce Taro Miyamoto is? What a strength? The return of Lao Dao Sheng is destined to make this world not peaceful! "Ye Xiaodao friends, if you are willing to share the unmistakable immortal law, Augris and I can protect you and protect your whole body." At this moment, in the void, Dongfang Crane suddenly said to Ye Tian. Miyamoto Taro suddenly appeared, disrupting his layout. This man is an enemy and a friend, and he has to defend. Therefore, he didn't want to do anything with Ye Tian, ​​and the cricket clams competed, and finally Taro Miyamoto benefited, and he might even be completely destroyed. Although Miyamoto Taro is strong, in his opinion, he did not really get into the immortals, but only accumulated more. He and Orgris joined forces to fight one, and there was no possibility of victory.

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