Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 982: Strong showdown

Ye Tian ’s body is running chaotic golden body water changes, exerting water control magical powers, banging a lame leg, an unimaginable surging real element raging out, pulling the vitality between the heavens and the earth, detonating the seawater, the big waves rolling high in the sky, instantly A conspicuous wall of water across the sky condensed out, roaring out like a sky tsunami, welcoming the eight water polo hit by Anbei Qingming.


As if thousands of horses are running, the earth is shaking, and the sky is roaring, terrifying.

At this moment, in front of the Tongtian Water Wall, even the heavens and the earth were overshadowed, and they were compared with the momentum a little bit.

In the shocking eyes of countless people, Liantian Water Wall collided with eight water polo.

Bang! Bang! ...

Eight consecutive loud noises came out, more than a hundred times louder than the sound of heavy artillery shells. The sky water wall and eight water polo extinguished in an instant, turning into horrible energy. As if a large earthquake on the sea floor erupted, the sea of ​​thousands of feet was almost turned upside down, the mud on the sea floor was rising, and the clear water became turbid.


The waves were heavy, one wave higher than the other, and raging in all directions.

If the cliffs on the shore are not high enough to block the huge waves, the raging sea water does not know how many lives to take.

The waves rolled up to the sky, and a large part of the lead cloud in the void was scattered away, and a large cavern was formed, and the bright sunlight was transmitted down, making the gloomy sky suddenly bright.

Over the river, the waves crash!

What a terrifying shock, this is the fairy in the myth and legend.

The onlookers were dumbfounded and shocked by the horrible strength of the two.

However, more eyes are still focused on the young demon king. This arrogant man is in the limelight, as the sun and the sky, at this moment once again show his unique style.

"Control the power of heaven and earth, condensing a hundred feet of water wall. The general divine realm can control the power of heaven and earth, and it is also difficult to achieve such a relaxed and easy blow. I don't know how much real money it will cost. This boy is really Terror can actually play the power of heaven and earth between the palms of his hands, as if incorporating the power of heaven and earth into his own body. In this battle, Amber Shengming has little chance of winning. "

A generation of sword sages, the master of Feitian Imperial Sword Stream, Yashiro Ishino murmured to himself, his face horrified.

"Shit! How can you play the power of heaven and earth with your palms if you don't enter the fairy? How can you incorporate the power of heaven and earth into yourself? If you look at him, there must be some magic weapon in his body that can control the vitality of heaven and earth and help him. Magical power. "Watanabe was disdainful, blood dazzling all over his body, and a Yasha-like **** emerged from behind, extremely strange.

His gaze was staring at the two tigers of the White Tiger and Suzaku, flickering, wondering what bad idea he was thinking.

Meng Yao and Zhao Tianlong each came to the field with the two gods of Suzaku and Baihu, attracting a lot of people's attention.

The people of the Ambe family are already about to move, the recaptured god, now is the time.

Meng Yao and Zhao Tianlong also saw the King of Jin Jia, but unfortunately the King of Jin Jia didn't know them anymore, but they exposed them fiercely.

"Maybe!" Ishino Yasuhiro groaned, unwilling to believe that Ye Tian's strength was his own ability, which was too scary.

On the cliff's cliff, Ogris, the high priest of the Egyptian temple, was also shocked and gave a high evaluation, saying: "The young man is worthy of the name of the demon king. He is talented, not earth god, but he is better than earth god. Someone can fulfill the words of Dixian, he is the most promising. "

"There are so many heavenly arrogance in this world, it is just suffering from the imperfection of immortality. At the end of the divine realm, it is difficult to go further. If you can get the immortality of him, you and I have hope for success. "Oriental Crane said lightly.

"What's flawless?" Augris was surprised.


"Amber Shengming, you can take me too!"

At this moment, in the void, Ye Tian's voice came down.

The juvenile stood in the void, surging with blood, blooming with golden brilliance throughout his body, his hair turned golden, and it was crystal clear. He resembles a golden **** of war, and his flesh runs through the world. Even if he is far away, he can feel the terrifying coercion in his body. It makes people tremble and can't help kneeling and worshiping.

Suddenly, he shot, pinching the big sun seal, a round of big sun burning with flames emerged out of nothing, as big as a house, rumbling through the sky, and rammed away at Amber Shengming.

Chaos golden body fire changes, fire magic powers, golden sun seal!

In this seal, not only the fire-struck energy that is evoked between heaven and earth is gathered, but also the chaotic golden flame in Ye Tian's body is blessing, which can burn metal.

The eight-spread gods have eight huge mouths, spit out a huge amount of seawater, and tried to pour out the golden sun seal, but they are not pourable at all, only to make the fire a little smaller.

The golden sun seal is really like a small sun, but it can walk in the water, it is simply scary.

"Get up!"

Seeing that Jin Ri Da Yin was about to rush to his eyes, Amber Shengming was finally afraid and screamed loudly.

Roar roar ...

In the earth-shattering roar, the eight-shaped **** rushed out from behind him, like eight dragons out of the abyss, raised eight huge heads, rolled eight long tails, and slammed the golden sun seal.

How powerful are the eight-style gods, each of the eight giant tails is able to pull up the might of the mountains, densely packed with black scale armor, beaten out together, and banged, and immediately smashed the golden sun seal and turned it into a Sky full of fire. The fire fell on the sea and was still burning.

Hachi-style gods were also stained with flames, and half of them burned.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the Yagi-style **** even shed a layer of the body, and deftly resolved the burning flame without any problem.

"Hahaha, young demon king, use your true skill! Seeing that the snow is getting bigger and bigger, we still have to fight fast and quickly, so that so many people are not here to face the wind and snow, starve and freeze."

With a single blow to take the initiative, Ambright Shengming's chest was full of grandeur, and Haha laughed.

The Eight Qi-like gods are extremely fierce ~ ~ The body is so huge and incredible, there are all kinds of incredible magical powers, really like a dragon, roaring into the sky, turning clouds and rain, opening up and spit, it is a water column soaring into the sky, the giant tail swept away, the void There were bursts of thunder, as if thundering and shaking for nine days.

"it is good!"

Ye Tian stood firm in the void, but he was not afraid. Facing the fierce eight-discussed gods like ancient gods and beasts, he just reached out one hand and slammed it out.

In the void, the chaos of the golden light **** manifested, and the surging mana infusion instantly became a mountain as huge as the golden light, condensed as substance, covering the world.


The chaotic golden light god's palm slammed down and collided with the eight-shaped god, as if the two meteor stars were colliding, emitting endless fire light, surging out of the waves like mountains and rivers.

Chaos Jinguang Shenzhang was almost motivated by Ye Tian to the extreme extent that it can now be motivated. What a strength it is, five fingers alone are like five golden mountains, and the Qi-style **** is shot from the void at once It fell down and fell towards the sea below.

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