Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3042: (699) Killing the Emperor Jiang Alliance is assembled? !

"Since you are both unwilling to give up, then this young man has a proposal, it depends on whether you are willing to accept it, and if you are willing to cooperate!" Looking at a group of allies who chose to remain silent, the young master of the Dongli family, of course I understand what these people mean, but I just want to stay, but I am afraid that he has other ideas, dig holes for them, let them jump in, so I chose to be silent, and I will be able to adapt to the situation when the time comes. For their thoughts, although the young master Dongli understood, he couldn't help but laughed secretly in his heart, and cursed, "Everyone is as good as a fox," but he didn't show it on the face. It's just coming out. As for what he said with a gentle attitude, which was similar to a proposal, it was the result of a last resort. After all, who made him reluctant to leave and reluctant to give up? If other people don't say it, if he doesn't say it again, is it possible that everyone is stunned here? What's more, there is only his identity here, which is the most suitable for opening this mouth. When others speak, there is no convincing power at all. Therefore, the opening of this young master Dongli, whether from his thoughts or from In terms of its identity, that has become an inevitable result.

However, I have to say that the different skills of the Dongli family are really skilled in cultivation. If it is not for Ouyang Xiasha's mental power, that is, the so-called spiritual consciousness is strong enough, I am afraid that it will not look like it. Moderate people will have such a big contrast in their hearts.

Although this kind of inner thoughts is not a bad idea, it is not much better. The most important thing is that Ouyang Xiasha is the most annoying group of people, and the difference between the outside and the inside is one of them. One, so Ouyang Xia Sha didn't have a good impression of her meeting, and that was not a strange thing.

"Master Dongli, you said, let's listen carefully." Well, as the young master of Dongli's family said, each of them is like a fox in cultivation. If you want to stay, you can peep at it. Nine Ranks of Spirit Gathering Fruit, but no one gives an affirmative answer. He always likes to be ambiguous and strives for the greatest range of flexibility for himself. This makes the young master of the Dongli family listening. After their answers, although they were aggrieved, they were helpless not knowing what to say. In addition to comforting themselves, all this was to obtain the spiritual fruit so that he could calm his mind a little, this Dong The young master of the Li family really didn't know what to do, and his clenched and loose fists were the best proof of this.

In fact, it's also to blame the young master of the Dongli family for such a big mood swing. You know, no matter what it is, in the alliance, isn't it the people of their Dongli clan that are in charge? But when I got here, I was restricted everywhere. Whether it was a cat or a dog, they seemed to want to resist them and fight for their own interests. This made it accustomed to other families that they always had an attitude of resignation and acceptance. How did the Dongli family adapt? The ambiguity, they couldn't accept it, and openly quarreled with their Dongli family, which became real proof of rebellion.

"Yes, yes, Master Dongli, you can just say anything. If it works, I will actively cooperate. If it doesn't work, we can discuss it again, right?" Look at this, how nice it sounds! But actually? I'm leaving a way out for myself, I don't want to say too much, that's all. To put it bluntly, there is not much difference between what the previous person meant, but compared to that person, this person said better, and of course it was more detailed and more straightforward. Anyway, the people of the Dongli clan were reluctant to listen, and they were extremely disgusted. If it weren't for the special location here, the timing is wrong at this moment, and there are not many clansmen who have come in this time, and if the situation is not right at this time, the young master of the Dongli family would definitely not hold back his voice like this.

Well, the words of these two people are not the most depressing. The most depressing is the sound of agreement after this person's voice fell. No, not waiting for the young master of the Dongli family to respond. The rest, members of the other families of the alliance who have not expressed their opinions before, suddenly seemed to have received some instructions, and they all responded to the words of the previous two. , Expressed their incomparable agreement. The frustrated young master of Dongli’s family wanted to vomit a few mouthfuls of blood to express his depression. What’s even more hateful is that not only can he not express his dissatisfaction at this moment, but he has to pretend to be dissatisfied. Come out with an unconcealed broad-mindedness, otherwise, how can they safely cooperate with him? Therefore, it is conceivable that the young master of the Dongli family is in the mood at this time.

"Yes, that's right, Shao Xiao is right!"

"That's it, it can't be discussed!"

Look at this echoing voice, if it wasn't for the young master of the Dongli family who was still sane at the moment and IQ was still online, I'm afraid he would have been tempted to do it a long time ago. In particular, Zhiqi spoke, or said that he was opening to guide these anti-self, and it was still from the Xiao family. You know, before, before coming here, their Xiao family said it was one of the first-class families, but in fact, isn't it the dog in front of their Dongli family? Now the dog starts to bite the owner, not angry? Not angry? how is this possible! His thoughts of smashing the dog were all born, but because of his actions, he could only endure it first. If he had anything, he could only comfort himself, and then ask him to settle the account after he went out.

It's just that the idea is good, but in fact, I'm afraid it will disappoint the young master Dongli. As for the reason, it is also very simple. Who would let him meet whom is not good, and must meet Ouyang Xiasha? You must know that Ouyang Xiasha and them are unending enemies, and Ouyang Xiasha has a plan to destroy his whole family. Under such a premise, how could Ouyang Xiasha miss such a good opportunity for the enemies in front of her? The reason to let them leave alive? Therefore, this young master Dongli's wish to settle accounts after the fall may not be realized. But the result is not too bad, at least those people, as the enemies of Ouyang Xiasha, will not be better, and it is impossible to leave alive, that is also an undeniable fact. So, it can be regarded as comforting the disappointed heart of Young Master Dongli, isn't it? Well, this is something later, so I don't need to mention it for the time being.

"Let’s put aside the contradictions and gaps between each other, and join forces to deal with this Dijiang. After that, we will all rely on our own abilities regarding the Nine-Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit. I don’t know what you think? It’s impossible for us to get close to the fruit tree of the Nine Transformation Spirit Fruits for this Emperor River. Apart from repeating the tragedy of the young master of the Xishang family, there will be no second result at all. I don’t know if it’s me. I always feel that this Dijiang is weird. He allowed us to discuss it like this. It always makes me feel like a cat teasing a mouse. If he doesn’t get rid of him, I’m really uneasy!" Now, when it comes to the most important time, how can the young master of the Dongli family be intolerable? Therefore, the young master of the Dongli family took a deep breath, resisted the resentment from the bottom of his heart, and put on a false mask to the allies beside him who made him angry, and suggested with a faint smile. Probably to avoid trouble, or to make these hypocritical allies care about him, and then ask less, the young master of the Dongli family, even with his own thoughts and explanations. come out.

"Well, let's listen to Young Master Dongli, first join forces to destroy this Dijiang, and then the Ninth Rank to **** the Spirit Gathering Fruit, each depends on his own ability!"

"Our Xiao family has no opinion, so let's listen to Master Dongli!"

"We Xishang's family also have no objection!"

I don't know if Young Master Dongli talked about the abnormality of the Dijiang, which made them more vigilant? Or did they themselves feel something because of the little reminder from the young master of the Dongli family? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, I wanted to make things difficult for the young master of the Dongli family, in order to repay the aggrieved other tribesmen who had been suppressed by the Dongli family in the past. After changing the laziness before, he suddenly became serious and would swallow the words to his lips. After going down, all of them suddenly agreed with the opinion of the young master of the Dongli family, but that was an indisputable fact. The sudden change of expression and the sudden swallowing of their necks are the best proof of their sudden change of mind.

"Well, since you all agree, then we will temporarily set up the Killing Dijiang Alliance. However, there are some things that I have to explain in advance by the villain. You have also seen that this Dijiang is so weird, so I I hope you can kill it in one fell swoop without reservation. Of course, I will not have reservations myself. Otherwise, I am worried that after angering him, he will have some back-ups." Well, this Dijiang is now Staying there quietly at this moment, not looking for the strange behavior of their attacks at all, is the root reason why the young master of the Dongli family is willing to discuss with the person he dislikes in a low voice, and if some words are like a villain, first remind him. As for the reason, who made his sixth sense always tell him that this Emperor Jiang is very dangerous, especially dangerous, very dangerous? !

"Of course! Needless to say, we will do it too. After all, we are very sorry, just thinking about our own lives, we don't dare to steal that laziness!" Guoguodian pointed out that they would cut corners and made everyone present a little angry, but probably the timing is wrong at this time? Or is the Yu Wei of the Dongli family still there? Or is there any other unspeakable reason? Who knows? Anyway, the young master of the Dongli family, except for their Dongli family, called everyone else, with ugly expressions, unanimously, as if they had been discussed, and gave him an affirmative answer, but it was Undoubted facts. As for the back, I might be unwilling! So someone, as a representative, added such a sentence, igniting a bit of arrogance.

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