Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3037: (694) Ouyang Xiasha, whose skin is as thick as a city wall!

"Haha, heaven and earth treasures!" Although Ouyang Xia Sha didn't say anything about the analysis of the mountain children's shoes, she affirmed her statement with the most practical and true response. It was brilliant, like With shining eyes, you can't even deny it.

As for why Ouyang Xiasha is so convinced of mountain children’s shoes, the reason is actually very simple. First, this is inseparable from Ouyang Xiasha’s trust in mountain children’s shoes; second, Ouyang Xiasha is not stupid, of course there is The ability to judge right and wrong by oneself; Thirdly, it is the confirmation from the little Suzaku and Xiao Bifang who have not emerged since that auction! You must know that Warcraft has an almost instinctive characteristic for the treasures of heaven, material and earth. Even if Little Suzaku and Xiao Bifang have not seen it with their own eyes, even if they are now falling asleep, they just have the existence of so-called consciousness. exception. Therefore, regardless of the reasons mentioned above, Ouyang Xiasha has no possibility of any doubt, not to mention the fact that all three reasons are at the same time, so he has no doubts.

"Girl, do you have a plan?" To say that Ouyang Xiasha has no plans, Shantong Children's Shoes will never believe him. Looking at his salivation, his eyes are staring at the group of people in front of him with glowing eyes, and his eyes are still Gululu kept turning around, saying that he was not calculating people, not planning anything, and no one would believe it. If it is someone else, maybe the mountain boy wants to ask about it, and it will take some thought, but who is Ouyang Xiasha and not someone else? Therefore, as his own person, Shantong's children's shoes have no hesitation in asking, no euphemism, even if he uses a questioning tone, but in fact, it expresses an affirmative meaning.

"What's the plan? Of course it is the plan to fight the treasure of the day! If this lady hasn't seen it, then it's fine, but since this lady has seen it, then there is no reason for it not to be included in the bag? Let's talk about it, before. The siege of Dongli's family has caused great harm to Miss Ben's body and mind. Therefore, this treasure of heaven and earth, even if it is one of their compensation for their accomplices to hurt Miss Ben." For Shantong Children's Shoes, Ouyang Xia Sha's answer, it was a matter of course, and I never considered what the reaction and gratitude of those who heard his remarks would be. As for the content of Ouyang Xiasha, there are nothing more than two points. First, that is the treasure of heaven and earth. He is going to make a decision. He admits that he is playing the idea of ​​the treasure of heaven and earth, but what about it. ? Second, he didn’t make any mistakes. All the mistakes were the faults of the other party. Even if he wanted to play this treasure, it was not his problem, but the other party used to compensate for himself. of.

Well, at this point, we also have to admire Ouyang Shasha’s share of it for granted. If this vast and brazen person is ranked first on a list, Ouyang Shasha will definitely be among the top without saying that. But being on the list is certain.

Take a look at what Ouyang Xia Sha said, and just admit it if you want to kick it in. Then there is no reason to not accept it, what kind of damage, what kind of compensation, what the **** are they? What is the reason for not accepting it? If you want to be black, just say it straight and come up with an inexplicable truth. What does it mean? hurt? Why doesn't he know? Obviously they have been watching the show all the time, and it has always been the group of people from the Dongli family and the group of monsters that hurt each other. At best, they just watched the show. When the show is closed, they help them with the aftermath. In addition, he killed a Dongliyi with the help of a knife, and that's it. Besides, what else did they do? Harm, has nothing to do with them, okay? What kind of compensation is even more outrageous. People didn’t let you hurt a little bit, and you robbed all the assets of the dead. That’s fine. At this moment, you have turned yourself into a suffering master, and you have nothing to do with it. The people involved in that matter have to compensate, because they are allies of a camp. What is even more exaggerated is that this is one of the so-called compensations, that is, there is the so-called follow-up! Come to think of it, this kind of shameless remark without a bottom line is probably what Ouyang Xia Sha can say, and it can be said so confidently, and the corners of the mouth of the mountain boy's children's shoes are constantly pumping, and there is that view. The expression of the ghost is the best proof of this.

If it weren’t for Shantong’s children’s shoes to witness the entire facts from beginning to end, I’m afraid that even he would have to believe what Ouyang Xiasha said is true, because his righteousness and courage are too real. It's as if things should have been so, and the other party's failure to compensate him for this treasure of heaven and material is the other party's fault.

"One of the compensation? There are other compensations?" As for Ouyang Xiasha's previous words, Shantong Children's Shoes no longer wants to argue or argue with something. As for the reason, it is also very simple. Who made these words of Ouyang Xiasha? It's so shameless, so shameless that his ally is blushing. I'm sorry, the conditioned reflex wanted to make him honest, but because of his righteousness and courage, he couldn't intervene at all, plus them. It is still a person recognized by each other. In this way, Shantong Children’s Shoes has no reason to deny Ouyang Xiasha’s decision. Even if Shantong Children’s Shoes feel that Ouyang Xiasha’s statement is too shameless, it cannot be an exception. Therefore, thoroughly Ignoring, ignoring, is obviously the best choice. But if you don't say anything, it seems a bit unreasonable, so Shantong Children's Shoes will focus on the second half of Ouyang Xiasha's shameless remarks just now, which is the so-called'compensation'. Well, in fact, Shantong children's shoes are indeed very curious. Ouyang Shasha's so-called compensation, what else is there; Or, Shantong children's shoes really want to know, what more shameless Ouyang Shasha can explode.

"Of course it is part of the compensation! Brother Shantong, you wouldn’t be so naive to think that just a small amount of heaven and earth can let me let go of our enemies? And the enemies are not one or two, but A whole group! I’m not stupid to let the tiger go back to the mountain like this and make trouble for myself. How could I do it? You know, that’s our enemy. The words'kindness to the enemy is cruel to yourself', Shan Haven't you heard of Tongge? After all, I cherish myself a lot and don't want to be cruel to myself, so I can only sorry them. In other words, this other compensation is their life! But in order to avoid wastage and not to make outsiders cheap, I decided to collect their property and also kindly help them. Besides, they will not take the initiative to send it to me. In other words In other words, if I want to get the treasure of heaven, material and earth, the last thing I rely on is ourselves. In this way, this treasure of heaven, material and earth can completely exclude their compensation range, so let them compensate for something more. It's not too much, isn't it?" Ouyang Xiasha, who has always been unconcealed in front of her own children's shoes, did not have any euphemisms or outspoken words, so she said her truest thoughts.

Although Ouyang Xiasha’s words are not wrong or wrong, you really can’t be too soft-hearted and feminine when you treat your enemies, because that will only harm yourself and your loved ones and friends. , I don’t know why, Shantong Children’s Shoes just feel that Ouyang Xiasha’s words are so shameless. Especially in the last sentence, it was obvious that he took all the finances of the family, but Ouyang Xia Sha insisted that he was kind to help. This shameless enthusiasm is really unmatched by ordinary people. Others don't know how, but at least Shantong Children's Shoes are a little unacceptable about this, but that is an indisputable fact. And his palm covering his face, his face full of helplessness, and the look of a straight black line on his forehead, is the best proof of this."Then what are we doing now? Sneak attack on them and stop them first?" Because I am embarrassed to face Ouyang Shasha's shamelessness, and the children's shoes are not willing to blame Ouyang because of outsiders What Shasha? So the short-protecting mountain boy shoes can only use the way of changing the subject to avoid the embarrassing scene. Of course, the changing topic of Shantong Children's Shoes was not for the purpose of changing the topic. His changing topic was just asking the question he wanted to ask, that's all. And what followed was the opinion he gave. Although he used a rhetorical tone, his opinion was indeed the result of thought, not an answer casually. You know, the ancients often paid attention to a so-called first opportunity. Many times, those who seized the first opportunity won much higher than those who did not have the first opportunity. Therefore, Shantong Children's Shoes would suggest Ouyang Xiasha. In principle, there is no problem.

"Wait first, let's not go now, let's watch the changes first!" Ouyang Xiasha, who saw the intention of the Shantong children's shoes, did not expose him or suggest anything, but changed the subject according to his meaning. And gave him an extremely affirmative answer. Although this answer runs counter to the suggestion of Shantong Children's Shoes, it is completely opposite, but I don't know if it is the illusion of Shantong Children's Shoes. He just feels that Ouyang Xiasha's decision will be more correct.

However, Shantong's children's shoes doubts go to doubts, confirmation goes to confirm, but those who should ask, because they don't know the reason and need to solve the puzzles, he didn't hesitate to ask the same. No, he only heard a weak rhetorical question: " Watch the changes?" Shantong Children's Shoes don't understand, shouldn't they take the initiative? What if Tiancaidibao were pinched by this group of people, and then threatened by them, what should they do?

"Brother Shantong, don't you think there is something missing?" Although Ouyang Xiasha understands the doubts of Shantong children's shoes, he did not directly answer his doubts, but asked back with another question.

It’s not that Ouyang Xiasha doesn’t want to answer, or has any opinions on the mountain boy's shoes, but in Ouyang Xiasha’s view, there is no better way to solve puzzles than to find out in person, or to guide him to find out step by step. , It is even more impressive. As for things that are impressive, people tend to draw inferences about it. To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xiasha did so in the hope that through this problem, the mountain children's shoes can solve countless problems similar to this in the future.

"What's less?" It's not that Shantong children's shoes are stupid, but sometimes, once people fall into a dead end, they will appear to be a little clumsy. However, today's mountain children's shoes are obviously like this, otherwise neither It needs Ouyang Xiasha's so-called guidance. Therefore, it is expected that Shantong Children’s Shoes will have this question. At least Ouyang Xiasha thinks so, but this is an indisputable fact. If you don’t believe it, look. You should know it by looking at his calm expression, right? !

"Everything near Tiancai Dibao is protected by the so-called guardian beast, but now, if you look at this place, how can there be the shadow of the guardian beast?" Now that she has decided to guide the mountain boy's shoes, Ouyang Xia Sha will answer patiently, as a step-by-step guide, there is nothing strange.

"Isn't it possible that the guardian beast is dead? After all, not far from here, there is the valley, and the power of the valley, we have already experienced it personally, and I shouldn't need to say more." Because I got into a dead end, I couldn’t turn my eyes on it, so after listening to Ouyang Xiasha’s words, even if I felt that he was justified in his heart, the final performance was still trying to get the facts. Twisted to the direction he envisioned.

"Impossible, other beasts may have the possibility of entering or being forced into it, but the guardian beasts will definitely not. They are born with antibodies to that kind of formation, no matter if it is a mistake, Whether they are forced to come out smoothly, it is a gift given to them by the gods and a reward for their perennial guardianship. So, how can they die there? Since it has nothing to do with the valley , So with the survivability of the beast, how can there be other accidents? That is to say, the guardian beast did not appear at this time, it is not that he is not here, but is hidden in the dark." Knowing that it is not easy to twist back, so , Ouyang Xiasha's explanation became more detailed.

"Then what are we doing now? Just wait here?" Ouyang Xiasha has said so much, blocking the roads of mountain children and children's shoes, so that no matter how dying, you should change your mind, right? ? In addition, Shantong children’s shoes have always only had a hard mouth, but in my heart, I have already agreed with Ouyang Xiasha's meaning. Therefore, at this moment, I will completely abandon my own ideas and admit Ouyang Xiasha's ideas. This is also It's not a big deal. But it's probably a direct admission, a little embarrassed! As a result, there is a situation in which Shantong Children's Shoes has once again changed the subject.

"Of course! To get the baby, patience is very necessary." Ouyang Xia Sha did not bother to change the topic of the mountain boy's shoes, but just looked serious and gave him an extremely affirmative answer. After that, one person and one soul lurked in the same place and watched the changes without saying a word. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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