Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3024: (681) Disaster! (6)

"Girl, look at it, as you expected, they are really unlucky and have to fight against them and help you kill a few monsters." Shantong Children's Shoes didn't go to worry about Ouyang Xiasha. What did he do? It’s not that he believes Ouyang Xiasha’s nonsense that it can be faked, but simply feels that there is no need. It's impossible to say anything shocking, weeping, or nonsense that makes people want to vomit blood. At most, it is just a few complaints, a few trivial words, that's it. Anyway, he won’t lose a piece of meat for this, and even if he is still a soul, he can’t change the fact that he himself is still a real man. So, let’s talk about it, what’s the matter? What? Just follow the wise saying of ‘good men don’t fight women’. What's more, Ouyang Xiasha is still the sister he admits, so it is completely reasonable to let the younger sister be the brother, isn't it? Therefore, Shantong children's shoes will have the idea of ​​changing the topic, which is also an expected answer.

As for why the mountain boy shoes suddenly mentioned the group of monsters, it can only be said to be a coincidence. In other words, even if the monsters did not have any unusual behaviors at the moment, the mountain boy children's shoes would also find another topic to transfer their previous target, and mentioned, the abnormal behaviors of this group of monsters. , It can only be said that it is the right time, the right thing happened, that's it.

"Sure enough! This person is unlucky, he can choke his teeth even when he drinks water. This is really very preparation. I originally expected them to help me kill a few more monsters, but I didn't expect that they would be so unlucky, but In the blink of an eye, this person is almost dead.” It’s not that Ouyang Xia Sha was schatting bluntly, but the group of disciples from the Dongli family were really unlucky enough, and they were still very unlucky. , Even the unlucky that has already gotten home, otherwise, why did they encounter the smartest insect beast in history? Not only did I meet, but the smartest insect monster in history, and it happened to be the powerful insect monster in history, isn't that unlucky enough? If this is not bad luck, then at this moment, they actually even the most difficult and most difficult to touch each empty partition, which only exists in the legendary dead end, have they been touched by him? This kind of luck is really enough!

You know, if it hadn’t been for the dead end of the 10,000-year-old space to be touched by the Dongli family, they wouldn’t have died so quickly. After all, according to their true strength and number, no matter what, At least half an hour can be delayed, or even more, and the thing of time, the more critical the time, every minute and every second, the more it can represent the hope of living. In this way, they are not. Unlucky home, what is it?

Even if those bugs are eliminated, after all, those things were brought by Ouyang Xiasha. Eliminating the bugs, just looking at the problem of dead ends in space, the luck of getting home when back home is enough to describe their bad luck. Of course, all of this. All of this is the basis for this unlucky luck at home, that is, they must be based on their previous situation, otherwise, even if they get to the dead end of space, they will at most change the direction and go back, which is more costly. A matter of time.

Well, I have to say that the worst thing that the Dongli family has encountered in their lives is that they offended Ouyang Xiasha, and after offending him, at this moment, I met him here, otherwise If they don’t say it’s very safe, at least they won’t die so early, okay! Fortunately, the purpose of changing the topic of Shantong children's shoes can be regarded as a successful realization.

Of course, Ouyang Xiasha obviously hasn’t understood this kind of bad luck, or that he is the culprit. This is forgotten, or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, Ouyang Xia Sha's answer was extremely relaxed. Apart from gloating, there were no other emotions. That is an indisputable fact.

As for the mountain boy's shoes, who deliberately raised this question before, to Ouyang Xiasha's answer, he neither denied anything nor promised anything. He just remained silent and glanced thoughtfully at the person beside him. Ouyang Xia Sha later recovered to the very beginning, the indifferent appearance when they just met the group of disciples of the Dongli family. That posture, that look, it was as if all of this had nothing to do with him. But is the truth really so? The answer is of course no, and the flash of contempt in his eyes, the new round of contempt for the thickness of Ouyang Xia Sha's face, is the best proof of this. In fact, if you think about it carefully, isn't it just a thick-skinned face? ! Obviously he was the culprit, he was so embarrassed to say that it was bad luck, and he could also say so frankly, so sincerely, that his face was not red and heartbeat, if it weren't for all of this, all of them were Shantong What Children's Shoes saw with his own eyes, I'm afraid that even he would choose to believe Ouyang Xiasha's words. I believe that these boys in Dongli's family are really out of luck, unfortunately, and he has nothing to do with Ouyang Xiasha.

Of course, the contempt of Shantong Children's Shoes does not have any other malice, just pure contempt among friends. Otherwise, do you think that an old ghost who has lived for so many years will really make such an obvious mistake? If there is any malice, thoroughly covering up and covering up is obviously the safest and most appropriate way. Don't think that an old ghost who has lived for so long can't even do the most basic and complete covering up? In addition, the contractual relationship between Ouyang Xiasha and Shantong children's shoes cannot make Shantong children's shoes really possible to rebel. In fact, to put it bluntly, Shantong children's shoes are completely deliberately showing this contempt. What is the reason? Maybe it's the true reaction of Shantong children's shoes from the bottom of your heart? Maybe it was to reflect the close relationship between him and Ouyang Xia Sha, and did it deliberately? Maybe it's to tease Ouyang Xia Sha, to find a place for the result of being teased before? Maybe there are other reasons? Who knows? Anyway, it is an indisputable fact that Shantong Children's Shoes showed it deliberately.

"Okay, Brother Shantong, it's time for us to play!" Now that the group of Dongli's people are unlucky, no matter what they are doing for the unlucky or the root cause of the unlucky, they can't change their unlucky. Of this result. Well, the facts are indeed the case. Just as Ouyang Xiasha said before, the boys of Dongli's family met the dead end of the space because they were too unlucky, and they couldn't hold on for long. Er, the time is obviously up, so it's their turn to go out and reap the benefits of the fisherman. It's not a good thing to make a fuss about.

As for the contempt of Shantong's children's shoes, Ouyang Xiasha is not blind, of course she saw it, but probably because the skin is really thick enough, and Shantong's children's shoes do not have any maliciousness, and the Dongli family Almost all of those people have died out, and the only one left is only venting and no air intake. Obviously, they will not be able to delay the pace of these monsters anymore. Therefore, Ouyang Xia Sha here I had to choose to completely ignore it. Otherwise, when they finished speaking, the group of monsters would have disappeared. Then, who would his crystal nucleus go to?

In other words, compared with those shining mutant crystal nuclei, let alone the innocent contempt of the mountain boy's shoes, it is the real contempt in the eyes, then what is it? The big deal, what's the bill, just wait until afterwards. I have to say that Ouyang Xia Sha is really greedy enough at some point.

Ouyang Xiasha had given such orders, how could he refuse the mountain boy's shoes that he obeyed? Therefore, when Ouyang Xiasha's voice fell and flashed out, the mountain boy's shoes did not hesitate, and there was nothing unwilling to follow Ouyang Xiasha's steps, and flashed out together.

"Help one by one, please help me! Please one by one please!" Suddenly I saw a figure appear in front of my eyes, the only remaining disciple of the Dongli family, no matter who the other party is, the instinct to survive, let him connect. People didn't see it clearly, so they directly called for help.

Ouyang Xiasha didn't even pay attention to the Dongli disciple's request for help. After all, he was not a Virgin. Is it possible that he saw a person and didn't care about helping him? Moreover, based on the relationship between them, he is not stupid. How can there be any reason to save his enemy? Therefore, compared with the half-dead enemy, it is obvious that the group of monsters in front of you is more important. Who makes them a mutant crystal core?

Well, in fact, it is true. No, I saw Ouyang Xia Sha directly hit the chaos fire and threw it into the group of monsters that were eating the bodies of the Dongli disciples who had just died. , And in order to prevent them from escaping, so that the spring breeze blows and breeds a batch of such monsters, Ouyang Xia Sha throws out the chaotic fire, and at the same time arranges a small in their area Isolate the enchantment.

Regarding Ouyang Xiasha's approach, it is understandable to think about it. After all, no matter what it is here, it is her own possession. Since it is her own, Ouyang Xiasha certainly does not allow him to raise a group of monsters in it!

As for those monsters, why didn’t they attack when Ouyang Shasha arrived, and not only did they not attack, but also stayed there and set Ouyang Shasha on fire. In fact, the reason is very simple. It is Ouyang Shasha. The speed is too fast, and the monsters are distracted because there is food in their mouths, so they react too slowly.

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