Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2957: (614) Take the other way, return the other body! (15)

Although Ji Xiaowu’s confusion is not enough to change Ouyang Xiasha’s final decision, of course, Ouyang Xiasha has never changed the decision to kill Ji Xiaowu, but she will relax some of her vigilance appropriately. But it is certain, so it goes without saying what serious consequences will be there.

Moreover, Ji Xiaowu didn’t know at this moment that Ouyang Xiasha had seen the small movements under her hands, and thought she was covering up very well, without revealing any flaws, so she wanted to reduce Ouyang Xiasha as much as possible. Ji Xiaowu’s vigilance has become Ji Xiaowu’s most wanted thing at the moment, and of course it is also a must. Even if Ji Xiaowu has already been stunned by the so-called interests, he has forgotten Ouyang Xiasha’s mind. Identity and background, only thinking about how to keep all those treasures for his own use, this has not changed in the slightest, and it happens that'strength is the first, the strong is respected' has become a good reason.

You know, not only in the underworld, but also in the vast world, advocating and everyone will unconsciously respect the rule of'strength is the first, the strong is respected', but that is an indisputable fact. So, Ji Xiaowu There is no reason to refuse to use this as a raft or as an excuse.

Of course, Ji Xiaowu will say such a thing at this time. In addition to the above reasons, that is, this reason is very suitable for use at this time, there are other reasons, such as wanting to confuse Ouyang Xiasha. Let him think that she really didn't mean to kill him, so as to reduce his defensive heart, otherwise, why she is so thankful to think so much, say so much? Moreover, it is to find a fig leaf for her deception, that's all. As the saying goes, "strength is supreme, the strong is respected", you are not as good as me now, of course you deserve to be snatched by me! As for the third, it is to leave a way for oneself. After all, things are impermanent. What if one's own plan fails to proceed smoothly, so that this person has a so-called opportunity? So with such a foreshadowing, in the future, even if it is unfortunate and unprepared to encounter Ouyang Xiasha, who can escape today, he can still leave a ray of life for himself. After all, no matter what you do at the moment According to his own statement, he was acting in accordance with this so-called rule, so in the future, even if the other party wants to kill himself with a single blow, for the sake of his reputation, he will have to adopt the same method to treat his own. , This is the rule of the underworld, and it is also the rule of vastness. Don’t ask where such rules come from, because Ji Xiaowu doesn’t know. Anyway, he just knows. It seems that he knows from the time he can remember. If you want to repay private enmity that develops in accordance with social rules in the future, you must follow the original rules. If the steps go on, and according to what you do at this time to reward yourself, won't you give yourself a breathing space? And if there is a gap for breathing, doesn't it mean that you have a chance to survive? Even if the possibility is not great, it is better than nothing. A ray of hope is better than no hope, isn't it?

Well, Ji Xiaowu imagined that it was very beautiful, but Ouyang Xiasha was willing to cooperate! Not to mention that Ouyang Xiasha never believed Ji Xiaowu's words at all. After all, if he believed the words of the hostile person, wouldn't he be stupid! Not to mention that Ouyang Xiasha has already witnessed Ji Xiaowu's invisible little actions. A person who wants to secretly attack himself, even if he is stupid, confused and unable to think through, is based on what he saw with his own eyes. In fact, it is impossible for him to leave such a big one, daring to stab himself in the back! What's more, he is not stupid, so there is no possibility of keeping her. Just for the smooth progress of all his future plans, it is impossible for him to let Ji Xiaowu leave today! In other words, Ji Xiaowu was dead today.

As for the second possibility that Ji Xiaowu conceived, let’s not look at the other things first, that is, Ouyang Xiasha’s powerful strength alone and the special feature of not being restricted by the heavens are impossible. ! In other words, the other way round, it may be more likely.

Well, isn't that true? Ouyang Xiasha arranged so many, mixed into the Ji family, and impostor, in order not to be the little thing on them, in order to realize his arrangement of ‘respect the way of the other, return the other’s body’! Although Ouyang Xiasha’s focus is not on those things, but on fulfilling the promise of “to the other way and return to the other body”, after all, Ouyang Xiasha has never seen anything good, and there is no good thing in her. Will they covet something he doesn't like at all? In fact, to put it bluntly, isn't it just for revenge, so that they can taste the taste of stealing chicken and eating rice. But no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Ouyang Xia Sha is playing the idea of ​​the world bag of all first-rate disciples except for the Bai family, including Ji Xiaowu. Therefore, Ji Xiaowu's second intention is not so much to cover up her own behavior as to make a wedding dress for Ouyang Xiasha, and it may be more appropriate.

The third point of is that it is even more impossible. Even if there are no casualties by coincidence today, even if one day in the future, Ouyang Xiasha will really meet Ji Xiaowu again, not to mention Ouyang Xiasha's strength or other, it is just Ouyang Xiasha's temperament. , It is impossible to act according to the rules as Ji Xiaowu thought. Since you don't follow the rules, how can there be so-called first-line vitality? What's more, where Ouyang Xia Sha's strength is placed, how can such a strong him give Ji Xiaowu a chance? Therefore, there will be no such so-called future at all, and that is the real correct answer to this kind of possibility.

I don’t know if I’m really impatient with Ji Xiaowu, and feel that all she keeps talking about is waste of time and ear-polluted nonsense? Still feel that the time has come, everything that should be recorded has been recorded, there is no need to delay any more, after all, his goal is not only Ji Xiaowu, so the time still needs to hurry up? Did Ji Xiaowu have a murderous intent on him and angered Ouyang Xiasha? Ji Xiaowu's hypocrisy made Ouyang Xiasha feel sick, and she didn't want to go down with her as a snake? Or is there any other reason? Who knows! Anyway, Ouyang Xia Sha put away the memory stone of Ji Xiaowu's attacking her hand, and she just recorded the memory stone of Ji Xiaowu attacking herself, while at the same time she asked Ji Xiaowu with a hint of sarcasm: "Hehe, are you finished? After talking about the deity, you have to do it!" That is an indisputable fact.

Don’t look at Ouyang Xiasha’s words as if they were asking, but his affirmative tone made it clear that Ouyang Xiasha was not asking for Ji Xiaowu’s opinion, but was simply telling her. This news of her, that's all. It is conceivable from this that Ji Xiaowu, who has always been arrogant and used to it, at this moment, facing Ouyang Xiasha's attitude, how bad his mood and how angry he is.

Well, in fact it is indeed the case. No, I saw that after listening to Ouyang Xiasha, Ji Xiaowu even thought of it without thinking, like a conditioned reflex, questioning Ouyang Xiasha loudly. Said: "What do you mean?"

Although Ji Xiaowu usually behaves very dull, but it is only the so-called superficial work. Many times, Ji Xiaowu is very sensible and very smart. Otherwise, do you think why she can be full of wolves and tigers? The Ji family, live so wanton, live so comfortably? Not an heir, but can he be sheltered by those in power in the Ji family? Do you think a stupid dude can really do this? But at this moment, Ji Xiaowu was really angry, like a brain-dead, angered irrespective of it, which is enough to prove how upset Ji Xiaowu was when Ouyang Xia Sha was stunned. Well, it might be more appropriate to say that it is anger.

Of course, Ji Xiaowu’s outburst of anger was not caused by Ouyang Xiasha’s sarcasm this time. After all, there are still some clever Ji Xiaowu who are not so narrow-minded. Otherwise, he would not have been Are those people in their family who are jealous of her, envy her, or even hate her, are they angry! In other words, Ji Xiaowu’s outburst of anger was entirely caused by Ouyang Xiasha’s digging pits several times in a row. It was just the hint that Ouyang Xiasha buried in the past, but Ji Xiaowu endured it and did not show it. ,that is it. But this time, it was because of the accumulation of little that, if he was not careful, he reached the limit of Ji Xiaowu's patience.

To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xiasha's irony and squeeze against Ji Xiaowu before is still within Ji Xiaowu's tolerance. Therefore, she can pretend to be stupid without understanding, and can be treated as if she did not understand. Hit back. But under the gradual accumulation, this tolerance will reach the limit, especially for Ji Xiaowu, whose tolerance capacity is not too large, and it is even easier to reach the so-called limit. In addition, it also contains the potential hint of Ouyang Xiasha, so this so-called limit is even easier to reach. This was the case, Ji Xiaowu turned into a scene of anger, disregarding this.

"What do you mean? Haha, of course it means literally! The deity said so clearly, what else do you have doubts about Miss Ji? Is it possible that Miss Ji doesn't even understand such a simple meaning? If that's the case, the deity I really worry about the education of the Ji family!" I don't know if I want to avenge the embarrassment and targeting of Ji Xiaowu in the auction? Or is it just scorning Ji Xiaowu's self-deception and deceiving others? Or is there any other reason? Who knows! Anyway, Ouyang Xia Sha changed his idea of ​​wanting to deal with Ji Xiaowu immediately and stop talking nonsense, and suddenly started answering Ji Xiaowu's question with a stern look. Although the tone was still not very beautiful, it was still full of everywhere. All kinds of contempt, all kinds of contemptuous tones, but Ouyang Xia Sha answered, that is an indisputable fact.

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