Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2617: (274) Enter the training ground for the first time!

Intermediate God Emperor! The promotion came too suddenly this time, Ouyang Xiasha didn't have any mental preparation at all. This was what Ouyang Xiasha didn't expect. After all, it was only five days since the last promotion.

Even if Ouyang Xiasha is promoted by absorbing the spiritual power in the fusion of spiritual power fragments, even if Ouyang Xiasha’s physique is the legendary Chaos Demon, even if Ouyang Xiasha’s blood is the blood of the son of God and Demon, this The speed is really too fast.

You must know that it is extremely difficult to upgrade at each level after entering the gods. The barriers between each level, even the barriers between small levels, require people to do their utmost to break through. The difficulty of leaping over can not be described in one sentence. The more so the later, especially after the gods, the degree of two-level differentiation becomes more serious.

Some people may have cultivated for ten or eight years, but at most one hundred and eighty years, they can be promoted to that level, but some people, even if they have cultivated for tens of thousands of years, even if they have cultivated to the end of their lives, eventually It is impossible to break through that barrier. Even if it is a genius, half a year is already the so-called limit. A person like Ouyang Xia Sha who is promoted once every three to five or seven days can be described as an unprecedented existence and no one in the future.

Although people say that if you step into the gods, you can live the same life as heaven and earth, but that is just a legend. But the fact is that the lifespan above the **** level is more than ten thousand, and every small level one can increase the lifespan by two thousand years. Until it breaks through to the true god, that is the real immortality, but it is not yet possible to talk about it. Living with the heavens and the earth, as to how many years can be lived in this stage of immortality, but no one can answer this question, because once stepped into the existence of the true gods, they have already chosen to live in seclusion, and no one knows them. It's still not there now, so no one can answer this question! However, everyone knows that if one enters the God of Creation, one can truly live the same life with the heavens and the earth. In other words, if the creator **** emperor did not want to enter the world to refine the mind and actively enter the reincarnation, unless the sky is broken, otherwise, she can easily live to the present, which is to live countless more times of this kind. Interval, that is no problem.

Okay, let’s go a little bit further. In other words, although the success of this promotion happened suddenly, Ouyang Xia Sha didn’t show how happy except for a slight stun at the beginning. Who is Ouyang Xia Sha? Was the previous positioning too high?

Knowing that by absorbing all the fragments of spiritual power, he can return to his former peak state, that is, the God Emperor of Creation above the God of Creation. It is completely an expected feeling to see the current level. Now that you know the answer, what's the surprise?

After the promotion, Ouyang Xiasha did not panic to sleep, but began to comprehend the unique self-created exercises in the memory of the God Emperor. Of course, there is a reason for this. After all, no matter what it is, there is a reason for it to exist or continue to develop, isn’t it?

The reason for this is that even if Ouyang Xia Sha has just been promoted, even if Ouyang Xia Sha's heart is calm, it is impossible for her to want to fall asleep for a while because of the blood boiling caused by the promotion. It is not as good as that. Do something else? So as not to waste time in vain, you must know how important time is to her now! Well, Ouyang Xiasha doesn’t have the habit of going to bed early. After all, she has lived in the Mortal Realm for more than 18 years in the nearly 19 years she grew up in this life, and the nightlife of the Mortal Realm, that It is a well-known excitement, even if Ouyang Xia Sha rarely participates in it, there are entertainment methods such as TV and movies, so that she is less than a month to mid-day, and there is no so-called drowsiness. Now that the habit is natural, this is just too late, that is, at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, she wants to sleep, she is sleepy, that's weird.

As for health issues, there is no need to worry about it. With Ouyang Xiasha’s current cultivation base, let alone delaying the time, it’s okay if you don’t sleep for ten and a half months. So, this It's not a big deal at all.

To say that although the ancient night is dull and boring, it also has its own characteristics, and it also has its advantages over the ordinary world, isn't it? It's like the sky full of stars because there is no pollution.

At this moment, shining meteors suddenly appeared among the stars in the sky outside the window, and gradually, they gathered into a massive meteor shower. At the moment when the first meteor passed, Ouyang Xia Sha suddenly opened her eyes, recovered from her practice, and her eyes became clear.

Staring at the dazzling meteors across the sky and the stars all over the sky, Ouyang Xiasha suddenly felt a little homesick, missing her relatives in the mortal world; missing her parents in this life; missing Yi Chen who was forcibly left in the mortal world by her I miss them; I miss Ye Li who was left in the mortal realm by her and deliberately chased them into the realm of cultivation; I miss everything related to her. I wonder if her leaving without saying goodbye makes her parents sad? I don't know if she didn't say a word, and just ran away rashly, did the elders in the family worry about her? I don't know if the Xiahou collective, which was strengthened by itself, has expanded again now? do not know

Don’t look at Ouyang Xia Sha, who is usually calm and self-sufficient, decisive, and looks quite mature and methodical in everything; don’t look at Ouyang Xia Sha’s profound memory that spans thousands of years, but her life will eventually Just a nineteen-year-old child.

At this age, it’s a matter of course to be homesick, especially in the quiet of the night, plus this is the first time Ouyang Xiasha has been so far away from his parents, and the return date is still uncertain. So, this kind of miss The mood became more serious.

However, when I want to return, there will be no exaggeration or unacceptable situation. I just think of the result that the passage of the mortal world was first closed by herself and then by the people such as Ming Su, which led to her even a biography. The sound couldn't be delivered, so she could only watch her relatives continue to worry about herself like this, and Ouyang Xia Sha would feel bad for her whole body. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is extremely depressed. At this time, Ouyang Xia Sha regretted walking so hurriedly, so concealed!

But even if Ouyang Xiasha missed and worried, she couldn't leave everything here and go back recklessly, right? It's one thing to be afraid of injuring them, but another thing is the taboo of the seal.

You know, the seal that seals the connection between the Mortal Realm and the Comprehension Realm, in addition to the restrictions mentioned by Ouyang Xiasha, also has the restriction that it can only break the number of openings three times. In other words, Ouyang Xia The time that Sha sealed it didn't count, Ming Su and the others went to the cultivation world to look for her, they had already used this restriction once, and now, Ouyang Xia Sha still has two opportunities to use. Don’t think that two opportunities are many. Who knows when and when there will be any unexpected circumstances that require her to open the seal? Moreover, Yi Chenyi and the others are still cultivating in the Mortal Realm. Maybe when they reach their abilities, they will come to join them! Moreover, some rare medicinal materials can only grow and survive in the mortal world, and some medicinal medicines are effective when they are prepared. She may not be able to use these medicinal materials now, and there is also a small amount of stock in the'Wrist Bi'. But who knows when she will run out of these stocks? At that time, if this medicinal material is urgently needed, and the real channel has not been opened yet, then this opportunity to open the seal is extremely precious! Of course, there are many other possibilities. After all, the world is changeable. Before things happen, there are thousands of directions and possibilities. From this point of view, the two opportunities are really too few and too few. How can Ouyang Xiasha be willing to waste it easily?

Although I was sad and missed in my heart, before the passage was truly opened, I could not easily waste the opportunity to return to the mortal realm. In this way, Ouyang Xiasha had to comfort herself and warn herself:'Today's separation is for the sake of the future. Gather'. So my mood improved slightly.

Probably this inadvertent self-comfort has had an effect! Or maybe Ouyang Xiasha suddenly thought of something funny? Who knows? Anyway, after Ouyang Xia Sha gradually walked to the window and looked at the meteor shower in the sky like gorgeous fireworks and the starry sky, she suddenly smiled at the starry sky outside the window. That casual smile was so dazzling, so heroic, and so confident. It seems to dim the color of the starry sky!

Tonight, in the small courtyard at the corner of the Baijia camp in Yunxiao City, Ouyang Xiasha, with a firm heart, is probably because of the sudden silence and loneliness that made her feel a little uncomfortable, and she suddenly felt a lot of feelings. It even swore an oath to the meteors in the sky.

Ouyang Xiasha vowed: She must work hard to solve the troubles that hinder her reunion with her parents as soon as possible, open up the sealed barriers between all walks of life as soon as possible, and return to her parents and relatives as soon as possible. Looking forward to the ideal life of "traveling into vastness, eating vastness".

No one would have thought that the cleansing activities after the "Day of the Underworld, the Hundred Years Contest" in the underworld would be so fast only because of the sentimentality of the person involved, Ouyang Xiasha one night, which caused a sudden shock. It's just a whim.

In the early morning of the second day, when the first ray of sunlight entered Ouyang Xiasha's room, Ouyang Xiasha slowly opened her eyes. At that moment when he opened his eyes, the gleaming brilliance in his eyes was more charming than before, and there was not even a little haziness, and he could not see at all, he had just woke up.

After getting up to wash, Ouyang Xia Sha walked out of the yard. As a member of the new Bai family, since she has the meaning of training them and helping them improve, then she seems to have the need to familiarize themselves with the environment.

According to yesterday's memory, Ouyang Xia Sha easily found the training ground that Baicheng Mansion pointed out specifically when she went back to her room yesterday. Walking into the door of the training ground, Ouyang Xiasha could see the gate of the training ground that was not clearly seen yesterday.

Once again, Ouyang Xiasha had to sigh that the mines of the underworld are really rich, and I also have to admire the depth of the hidden skills of the Bai family. It seems to be a downfall, but in fact, she really deserves to be named a local tyrant. 'The name!

You said you build a yard, you build it, but why do you want to build it so high? Even more exaggerated than the outermost gate! Although it is necessary and necessary to build a gate for this training ground, after all, the training methods of each family are secrets that are tightly concealed by each family, in order to prevent leakage, prevent subordinates from prying eyes and being bought by others, in order to prevent people from coming. People go, people are mixed, let it become a separate space, that is absolute, but is it necessary to make this door as if the materials are free of money?

Let's not talk about the value of the material itself, anyway, it won't be bad anyway, isn't it! Black iron mine, the most scarce ore in the underworld, is used as a gate. Can this thing be bad? The thickness of that facade is even thicker than the outermost one, the dozens of doors that act as facades. Isn't this a waste?

Okay, Ouyang Xiasha admitted that she was jealous! Fortunately, she still thinks of herself as a local tyrant and feels that she has a lot of treasures, but compared with the luxury of this Bai family, Ouyang Xia Sha feels that she is too poor.

If someone hears Ouyang Xiasha's heartfelt thoughts, I'm afraid they will be unbearable and spit at him. After all, how can there be such a wonderful work as Ouyang Xiasha in this world? Can the natural treasures and the minerals compare the weight, so, can she not feel that she is "poor"?

If you continue to calculate this way, Ouyang Xiasha understands that it is her own depressed in the end, so in the end Ouyang Xiasha had to make up her mind and decide that no matter how much it is, it is not her thing anyway. As a result, he pushed the door open without seeing and not worrying, and walked into the training ground blatantly like this.

A crowd of trained or lazy people in the field heard the sound of the huge gate made of black iron ore, whether it was out of curiosity or because of the so-called instinctive reaction. Looked towards the door.

Suddenly everyone only felt their breath tight, and then all their thoughts were sinking into this stunning face and majestic temperament! It is inevitable that the people who saw Ouyang Xia Sha for the first time were all caught in Ouyang Xia Sha's beauty without resistance!

There is no doubt that such a sinking needs time to recover!

Just kidding, the son of gods and demons, it is the perfect crystallization of combining the most perfect advantages and characteristics of gods and demons. Such a special and unique existence, let alone appearance, is aptitude, which is difficult for ordinary people to catch up. Therefore, it will This effect is not difficult to understand.

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