Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2585: (242) Please come here! (3)

Ouyang Xiasha can ignore the comments of these melon-eating people, because they are too far away from their own world, and there is nothing unresolvable between them and her, and even between them, they are strangers who have never met before. , Let me ask, how can there be the so-called contradiction between strangers? In addition, they are just trying to make their mouths happy, looking for a spiritual balance by the way, to make up for the so-called gap problem, there is no real malice, or that they simply do not have the ability to cause so-called harm to her, so , If she keeps on arguing with them, even if she wins in the end, it can only be regarded as a loss, and a loss in personality. In other words, if she does it like that, she loses her identity and has no meaning at all. .

But Ouyang Xiasha couldn’t ignore Xiao Rongtian’s words. After all, she walked her way and didn’t provoke them, but they had nothing to do with the choice to provoke her and block her way. So, even if it’s just For the sake of her own face and dignity, she can't choose to be kind. What's more, the Xiao family is still one of her goals in preparing for annihilation. In this way, she can't let go of such a good phone meeting.

Although Ouyang Xiasha didn't want to cause trouble at the beginning, she also adopted an attitude of avoiding trouble, but the final result was backfired. She didn't ask for trouble, but the trouble came automatically. Yun's "is a blessing, not a curse, or a curse that cannot be avoided" is not unreasonable.

Having said that, although Ouyang Xiasha chose to avoid it from the beginning, and wanted to calm down, but this does not mean that she was afraid of things. After all, she was really afraid of Ouyang Xiasha? Even in her previous life, as an ordinary person, she had never been afraid of the elevated Mu family at that time. Once she got better, she wanted to retaliate and go back. Although in the end, she did not achieve the goal because of a sudden incident, but she at least proved her character. ! What's more, what about this world with so many hole cards now?

To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xia Sha was just worried about causing unnecessary trouble or drawing the attention of the authorities, that's all. But once you really encounter any problems, you will do it when it is time to do it. The so-called trouble becomes a trivial matter, just like Xiao Rongtian's insult to them at this time!

Okay, let's go a little further. In other words, after hearing Ouyang Xiasha's answer, the first reaction from the instinct of the people who were eating melons was: This boy's voice is so good! But good-sounding is good-sounding, but what did this boy just say? The few people in the Xiao family team are dogs! If it really hurts enough, he clearly knew that Xiao Rongtian and the others were desperate to save face, and they were still acting like this. Isn't he afraid of revenge from the Xiao family? Or he didn't even know how many people in front of him belonged to the Xiao family? But no matter which possibility it is, the result is now doomed, and this is obviously not what they should pay attention to. Looking at the few people belonging to the Xiao family team, their faces burned with anger, it is conceivable that they should not be lightly angry by Ouyang Xia Sha!

"Boy, what did you just say, dare to scold us, don't you want to live? Do you know who we are? We are one by one" Sure enough, Ouyang Xiasha's words, as expected, irritated Xiao severely. Rongtian and others, and their anger at the moment, ready to oppress with power, is the best proof of this!

‘What is it that cares about him? Can he be more powerful than him? stupid! Hearing Xiao Rongtian's unbelievable words and high-pitched tunes, Ouyang Xia Sha immediately refuted it instinctively in her heart.

Well, Ouyang Xia Sha is not the type who dares to be angry but does not dare to speak, and likes to hold everything down to the bottom of my heart, but in fact it is true. No, before Xiao Rongtian's threat is finished, Ouyang Xia Sha As she thought in the first reaction before, she interrupted him, and yelled at him aggressively: "It's a shit! Just start work, get together, don't be there like a girl It’s like a slow-motion, you don’t bother me!" After that, Ouyang Xia Sha didn’t take leisure, and casually took a look at the strength of the members of the Xiao family, except for Xiao Rongtian’s. The strength has reached a good level. Beyond the elementary stage of one-half of the gods, the others are not enough to see, at least they will definitely not be her opponents, and it is no exaggeration to say that she can control with only one hand. They all solve it at such a level!

This is not bragging, but the fact is, after all, there is a big gap with or without interface restrictions! What's more, Ouyang Xiasha still has such a perverted lineage, level plus lineage, Ouyang Xiasha can't just want to be crushed! However, Xiao Rongtian has reached the stage of demigod at such a young age. Ouyang Xiasha has to admit that his talent is really good, only worse than Xi Hengzuo and the others. It's just a little bit, and therefore, no wonder he was so arrogant, so arrogant, and no wonder the Xiao family knew his character and the bad things he had done, but chose to open one eye indifferently. Watching on the wall!

After all, Xiao Rongtian and others are not harming their Xiao family, nor are they targeting everyone in their Xiao family, and his existence is still very beneficial to their Xiao family. Such a choice of advantages outweighs its disadvantages, Xiao family Not stupid, of course I know how to choose! What's more, the Xiao family is a bit worse than the Four Great Families and the Underworld. Therefore, if there is a good seed that can only lose to Xi Hengzuo, the elders of the Xiao family will of course indulge a lot of them. .

If you indulge your tribe so much, you can't say that he did something wrong. After all, it's not a mistake to protect shortcomings, is it? It's better than Ouyang Xiasha, doesn't it have this habit? The connivable object can't see the situation clearly, and is arrogant and domineering. That is not good. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that a family is beginning to decline!

"Okay, very good, you're really good. Since you don't know what is good or bad, don't blame Ben for being rude. Come on, do you dare to fight with me?" Ouyang Xiasha suddenly swears and insists Xiao Rongtian froze for a moment, and did not react for a long time, until a moment later, an angry roar, which replaced that moment of froze. But if you think about it carefully, it's actually no wonder that Xiao Rongtian would react so hesitantly. After all, like Xiao Rongtian, who has been held in the palm of his hand by his family since childhood, when has he been so ignored by others? As a result, someone felt ashamed of this face and insisted on fighting Ouyang Xia Sha. I have to say that this person is too impulsive. It is really reckless or stupid to fight someone else with such a lack of knowledge of the opponent's strength!

Everyone named Dao surname, plus the intimidation and deterrence, they are going to duel with themselves. If they keep evasive like this, the other party will really think they are afraid of them, so I'm so sorry for this noble blood, isn't it? As for the face of the other party, that is not an issue that Ouyang Xiasha needs to care about.

Of course, although Ouyang Xiasha is now exposed, it can be remembered at a glance, but if she can hide her traces, it is definitely the best. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha has planned for her own battle in her heart. The most reasonable period of time is to solve them before the Cao family finds them. In that case, when she finishes the battle, as previously planned, find a corner to change clothes and wear a mask. Who knows her last name and name? But once I met the Cao family, it was a little unclear, so everyone in the Cao family must not meet with her before she changed clothes.

Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha, who has done all the psychological construction, is ready to respond to the opponent's challenge after figuring out the key points. Of course, with Ouyang Xiasha's strength, she really didn't pay attention to these few shrimps, fight one, and kill two by the way, just treat it as a warm-up exercise and move your muscles and bones! And the so-called two here are not really two, but one generalization, one base, and that's it.

In fact, Ouyang Xia Sha never meant to spare the lives of Xiao Rongtian and others from the beginning. As for the reason, who called them their own enemies, or the kind of endless death, and she would destroy them sooner or later? Rather than waiting until the future to become her so-called enemy's helper, it is better to act first to be effective. After all, the flies are also flesh, and one less trouble is a trouble, isn't it? Of course, this can also somewhat reduce the chance of some slippery fish forming. Well, like this sort of decision, Ouyang Xia Sha is not stupid, why should she oppose it? Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha was prepared to make the decision.

Knowing what Ouyang Xia Sha was thinking at the moment, she was always excited by Ouyang Xia Sha's various wing tigers who ignored her. Kill two? How can such a fun thing be missing him? So geared up and prepared to kill the two for fun. Sure enough, there is some truth to that sentence, abnormal people and beasts raised are also abnormal! Although Ouyang Xia Sha doesn't think she is any abnormal, but everyone thinks so, not too.

"Okay, the deity should meet your challenge! As for the order of hands-on, as the so-called guest is up to you, you should do it first!" Now that the decision has been made, Ouyang Xia Sha is not the kind of person who likes to drag and drop, so Soon Ouyang Xia Sha gave such a positive answer.

Seeing that this imminent battle is about to begin, the people who eat melons all picked up the melon seeds and moved the stools, looking at the two sides who are about to fight. But at this moment, an untimely harsh shout suddenly came from behind the crowd!

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