Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2561: (218) Hades, chaos is here!

Why don’t you want your relatives and friends to be involved in danger, just want to protect them, and let them lead a peaceful life, it’s all bullshit, after all, you don’t even know you’re in danger, and you don’t even have the slightest precaution. Is it the most dangerous?

Although Ouyang Xiasha's protection measures are in place, she has blocked even the interface, isn't it? But what if? Who can guarantee that there will be no such thing? What if you encounter that in case, they are ignorant and unprepared, what should they do? At that time, people like them who don't know anything are equal to Xiaobai who is on the pole to give food to others?

So in the final analysis, Ouyang Xia Sha’s heart is actually very guarded against anyone. It may be more appropriate to say that her heart is wrapped in a thick shell, which is not like her. As it appeared to the world on the surface, I was really relieved of the past. As for why she behaves so naturally, it is impossible to see that she is acting, and even she is invisible to them, without discovering it. It is entirely because of the so-called'self-hypnosis'. , In other words, Ouyang Xiasha even deceived herself, thinking that she had let go of the past.

The reason for not letting go is actually very simple. As long as you think about it for a while, you can guess that it is nothing more than fear of being hurt again and lack of security. It can be seen that Ouyang Xiasha is just looking at the queen from the outside. , His heart is still very fragile and very sensitive.

"Girl, it’s cold on the ground. Although due to your physique, these external environments have little impact on you, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t. So, let’s get up first!" Okay, let’s not talk about the others. It doesn’t make much sense. After all, as far as the current level is concerned, there is no evidence or technology that can prove its authenticity, right? What's more, even if it is proved, what can be done? It doesn’t say anything, okay? Not only can it not explain anything, but it may also arouse the disgust of the person you like. After all, no one likes to be peeped into privacy, unless that person is mentally abnormal or distorted. And how can he be a fool who can once control the entire vastness of the master? Such a loss-making business would make him cry stupidly before doing it. Therefore, even if Ming Su knew it in his heart, or even understood it, he did not stupidly point it out. Instead, he chose to do it as if he didn’t know anything, he didn’t know anything. Nothing happened. She stretched out her arm towards Ouyang Xiasha lying on the ground. Even to make Ouyang Xiasha relax, she rarely showed a slight smile. Although it is very shallow, this smile is very real. Coupled with Ming Su's face that is against the sky, people can't ignore it at all.

"Thank you!" Although Ouyang Xia Sha saw Ming Su this person, she still had the urge to escape from the beginning, but after all her sanity was still there, she understood that it was not a time to escape, and the other party also saved herself. , Knowing her report, there is no reason to avoid it. Looking at the charming face close at hand, even if she has seen countless beautiful men with amazing looks, even if the face in front of her, she has seen countless times, the familiar can no longer be familiar, even if it makes her at this moment She could recognize it quickly when she closed her eyes, but in the end, Ouyang Xiasha was still deeply attracted by the haunting at this moment, and she involuntarily broke away from its original orbit, and she was deeply trapped in it. After changing the habit of keeping silent when they saw Ming Su, he was extremely frank and expressed his gratitude to each other. Of course, Ouyang Xiasha did not ignore or be polite to the hand that Ming Su stretched over, and directly accepted the other's kindness, took the other's palm, and stood up with the other's strength.

As for the reason why Ouyang Xiasha was in a daze at Ming Su, it is actually very easy to guess. After all, he is a person who has seen countless times. No matter how handsome and charming, if he sees more, he will get used to it. Compared with the previous Hades, the only difference between the present Hades is a cold, sullen face, but a faint smile. Don’t look at this smile, but its lethality is beyond doubt. Yes, in other words, the reason why Ouyang Xia Sha got stuck in it was because of this smile. Peerless face plus a light and rare smile, it is really weird if you don't indulge in it!

And look at Ming Su’s serious and affectionate appearance, and then feel the throbbing feeling of rapid heartbeat that has been produced in her heart at this moment, which has never happened before, Ouyang Xiasha is thinking, should she also put them between them Put the matter on the agenda, no longer escape, come to a world-shaking, crying love gambling? And the bet is her sincerity. If she wins the bet, she can get the love of countless people. Even if she loses the bet, it's just another sadness. It's not a big deal. How can she avoid it? ? ! While thinking about it, Ouyang Xiasha was ashamed of her thoughts about tortoises.

Well, in addition to the appearance, Ouyang Xiasha's thank you is also from the bottom of the heart, because she understands in her heart that if the two of them hadn't appeared in time today, Ouyang Xiasha might capsize in the gutter and die again. Up. And afterwards, perhaps will lose the memory of reincarnation? Maybe it will be reborn again? Who knows! Of course, at this time, Ouyang Xia Sha also gave up his previous contempt and contempt for these three brothers, and no longer discriminated against or underestimated others because of his easy spike against the four big families before. Any complacency. After all, rabbits can bite when they are in a hurry? And at this moment, Ouyang Xia Sha sincerely thanked Ming Su and Chao Chao for rescue, but at the same time, she did not forget to reflect on herself and find her own mistakes, which is why it caused her. The cause of this result in distress.

After all, Ouyang Xia Sha was originally a smart person, so she soon thought of the key to the matter, that is, strength. Yes, you are not mistaken. The so-called key is strength; if a person's strength is really strong to the point of incomparable strength, then the attacks made by his enemies will not all become vulnerable. The scum, as long as it is tapped by her, it will disperse into powder and disappear without a trace? You know, ‘all conspiracies, in the face of absolute power’, are all clouds. This sentence still makes sense. Like Ouyang Xia Sha before, it was because of lack of strength that she was helpless with the sneak attack. There was no way. If she had strong and unbounded strength, would she need the rescue of others to save her life?

Although the above are just some speculations of Ming Su, in fact, it is true. Ouyang Xia Sha really thinks so. No, everyone only hears that at this moment, Ouyang Xia Sha muttered to herself and said with a laugh: "Sure enough, she is still not strong enough! Because she is not strong enough, she almost died, and she was killed; because she is not strong enough, she needs the help of others to survive; or because she is not strong enough, she has a deep experience. With the feeling of being a mermaid and being slaughtered by others, it seems that her future still has a long, long, long way to go!"

"Girl, do you have to divide it so clearly? Why do you need to say thank you? Isn't that too much to say? You need to know that in the relationship between you and me, no matter the previous life or this life, this is not necessary. You're welcome, isn't it?"

"the host!"

Suddenly, with an explanation with grievance, and a soft call with concern, Ouyang Xia Sha's thoughts that had long since been floating away were forcibly pulled back, and Ouyang Xia Sha, who was forcibly pulled back into his thoughts, When he raised his head and entered the goal, there were two pairs of jewel-like eyes.

The blue eyes are like the sea, deep and magnificent. Purple eyes linger, Fanghua is unparalleled. Not counting the previous life, Ouyang Xiasha in this life had never seen such charming eyes, and suddenly became a little obsessed. No way, these two pairs of eyes are so beautiful, even Ouyang Xia Sha, who has a very high vision, feels amazing.

The two extremely beautiful and stunning faces at this time have changed from the cold and bloodthirsty they used to kill the three brothers. Chaos, still the arrogant look of "Don't mess with me, I'm very cold". However, Ming Su is a change from the pale facial paralysis before, with a faint smile on his face, which makes people feel very gentle. The eyes staring at Ouyang Xia Sha are full of tenderness and tenderness. It's as if you can squeeze out the water. She has always been cheeky, even Ouyang Xiasha, who claims to be a double-skinned face, can't help but blush, looking around uncomfortably, she doesn't dare to look directly into her eyes.

I don’t know if it’s to ease the tense and suffocating atmosphere on the scene, or just to confirm that Ouyang Xiasha didn’t wait for Ming Su and the others to speak again, she first raised a smile at them, and then asked faintly: “That The two are dead?” In contrast, the first situation may be more likely to be true, because although Ouyang Xia Sha is an interrogation, the tone is quite certain, not at all. It means that I want to confirm.

"Girl, those two old immortal bastards, under the palms of me and Chaos, have now been properly reduced to ashes. We guarantee that they don't even have a little scum left! But then again, Ruo Ruo It’s not that the situation was too urgent at the time, we certainly wouldn’t end them so easily, because that way of death is really too cheap for them!" After listening to Ouyang Xiasha’s question, whether it is Lord Chaos or Hades , All changed from the previous, fairly gentle expression, full of sarcasm, incomparably contemptuous, even with a tone of gritted teeth, and replied.

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